One month till Vol. 13 is released.
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I'd still fug her
Did anything beyond the prologue and ch1 of Vol 12 ever get translated?
No, but we should be getting another chapter this month.
Who, what?
Who's translating?
people still care about this? oh
Krytyk, maybe. The style of the translation is very similar to his.
Don't read much battle harem LNs, but it's definitely the best I have. Also, all the girls are top-tier, Mari being the best.
Under which name is it getting translated?
No translations means we can't get anything.
it's on ghostbin
I'd be disappointed if it was krytyk, considering how self righteous she was about dropping it.
As long as I get the last two volumes translated, I honestly don't care. Still waiting on Another Mission as well.
Ninja link: hallelujah edition.
Revengeance track list to with:
The Only Thing I Know For Real = Takeru in God Hunter form
A Stranger I Remain = Laugh Maker
Red Sun = Haunted
The Hot Wind Blowing = Onii-sama
It Has To Be This Way = Takeru and Kyouya especially Vol 9
I'm my own master now = Takeru fights Onii-sama for the Truth
The Stains of Time = Orochi
Collective Consciousness= Sougetsu
A Soul Can't Be Cut= Kiseki
Rules of Nature= Mech Dragons
Dark Skies = Orochi and Mother Goose
Locked & Loaded = Kyouya
Great, its chapter 2. Based
You're doing God's work, user. Much appreciated.
Thank the definitely-not-krytyk-guy who drops these on chat and asks to pass around.
Fuck, it's slow but steady.
>tfw translations suddenly disappear right before the climax chapter
>haunted wins again
despair always wins
>Kiseki grew tentacles from beneath her feet and rubbed her cheek against part of the stretched Hyakki Yakou as if it was a cat or a dog.
>Flapping her legs as she sat on top of the altar, Kiseki swayed the tentacles.
I want gloopy tentaclejobs from her, and all sorts of other lewd things.
I love Mari!
The only thing you'll enjoy from her is a vore scene.
PS: Ikaruga's awesome, treated imouto like piece of shit.
Mari is love. Mari is best.
She is a demon and heretic, not your waifu.
She's already vored my heart
I was wondering where you were.
Where is chapter 1?
Mari is hope and love, sadly she will never win.
Posted here:
Cool, I hope someone makes a PDF when it`s finished. I love the series and can't wait to see it finished.
So will the new volume have more people hunting down heretics? Will they kill Haunted?
If they kill best boy we riot.
He died five times just this chapter.
Dunno, user. Assuming nothing goes wrong, a harem end is practically confirmed with how the author has progressed things. I mean, Takeru did already promise to stay with Lapis forever, both as sword and human. He even said he'd shoulder everything with Ouka (battle with Laugh Maker). But the thing is, for all we know he might end up sacrificing himself. Fuck, I hope that isn't the case.
Haunted wouldn't die even if you killed him.
That's not Onii-sama.
No, he will die. There is no way he will become the new god of the world, right?
Takeru is dying user, or becoming God, no two ways about it.
Onii-sama will kill him, so start making a grave for him.
Ikaruga-mama and Kana-chan spin-off against the Alchemist's Yakitori-baba when?
They're the only girls with still half resolved issues unless the story ends with some kind of world rewrite killing Suzaku off-screen.
>There is no way the bad guy will become the new god of the world, right?
Tell that to ShamanKing.
>Ikaruga-mama and Kana-chan spin-off against the Alchemist's Yakitori-baba when?
After a Kyouya spin-off.
>After a Kyouya spin-off.
Author promised Magical Girl Kiseki-chan first.
YES. I can get behind this.
Oh, speaking of which. Last volume comes exactly in a month, and is titled "The Promise of Dawn".
Hey, Hao is way nicer than Haunted, at least Hao won't guide little girls through a battle zone to reunite them with their families only to kill them together for the maximum despair.
That would be something out of a horror film, at least Kyouya´s spin off would be good enough to air at late night.
So I decided not to read any translations till the last volume are done. Mainly because I don't want to take the chance of the translator bailing and being left with a cliffhanger forever (freaking campione). Yet, I keep coming to these threads and reading every spoiler I can. I'm probably ruining the end of the series for myself this way.
It would be very comfy and cute. Just like Kiseki.
Saya no Utah is not something to emulate user.
That´s the spirit, if you have no hope you won't despair! Beat Haunted, user!
>the promise of dawn
>no guarantee, just a promise
Especially with those undying faggots like haunted and pro golfer. Kill them and they fucking come back.
>"The Promise of Dawn"
Nice choice of title.
Just gotta hope, user.
>Saya no Utah is not something to emulate user.
What a coincidence, I also thought Saya was very cute.
You expect a happy ending, be content if we get a reset or something.
Takeru is pretty fucking cool
>another month before Onii-sama
Damn it.
At least I'll get to read it soon
Is there anywhere else to look up translation updates?
>swordsexual and legs/thighssexual
We need more of these types of MCs
The Japanese chant was poor, give latin.
Nope. Translator only released as user so far, you need to spread the links around so that they don't die.
>The Promise of Dawn
>Dawn is the opposite of Twilight
Lapis confirmed for ded?
Don't even start on it.
That's my boy! Personally I loved Wagner chant.
I want to molest elfu.
No confirmed for God.
>Dawn represents Gungnir
>The promise represents Sougetsu's downfall
>Epilogue of vol. 12 is Gungnir appearing in front of Lapis and handing her something
Takeru confirmed for new God?
>tfw Kadokawa and Yen Press will announce a licence right as Volume 13 releases leaving us without translations yet again
Who head pat here?
Well that would explain why he won't end with a harem.
>HnA is of MF Bunko's best seller still no S2.
>Index/HataMaou/Horizon will never get their respective new seasons despite selling an fans wanting more.
Aniplex gambled with Asterisk as a second IS and it was mediocre at best. Chances are really low now that YP now printing Konosuba and Re;Zero.
With how DxD, ShiMai went, and Hundred's decent quality. I'm putting my bet on any LN adaptations from IMS on getting new seasons.
Yen Press is being made to print goddamned Death March and Psycome, Kadokawa better actually deliver on those series they ordered C&Ds for
What if everybody sacrifices themselves for stupid reasons because the series isn't selling well anyway so might as well torch it and run?
This thread is still alive? I will post more Kiseki
Hidan no Aria will never get a second season, get over it. Be thankful we still get translations.
It will end next volume so it's pointless to just kill everyone when we had chances for that before.
>It will end next volume so it's pointless to just kill everyone when we had chances for that before.
That's what I thought, then Muv Luv decided the last hour of the last chapter was an excellent time to do a clean sweep of the whole harem.
>Be thankful we still get translations
Speaking of which, does anybody even buy the official English releases? Are they worth money?
Muv Luv was going for that sort of theme, but since we probably won't get a reset ending here, I doubt we will sacrifice all the harem here. At best Mari, Kiseki and Takeru will die since they have the most flags here. Still expecting Onii-sama or Haunted to become God.
For Aria, they stopped making them which is why the translation started again.
I like this series, but it needs a better villain. Sougetsu just seems too random
Whatever people may think of Yen Press, at least they commit to finishing what they start.
I like Yen Press, my only problems with them is that they are too slow and that their translation quality is all over the place, some novels are really good and others not so much, I wish they were more standardized.
>they are too slow
Bunkum, they are solidly middle of the road in speed, delivering one volume every four months across over twenty series, which is far more than can be said for, say, Nanodesu.
Translation quality could definitely use more consistency, but I guess that's what you get when dealing in a niche industry
I just feel that since they take so long for each work, you end up losing a lot of interest on stuff since it takes so long to catch up.
The speed at which they release is about as fast as or even slightly faster than the novels are written and released in Japan originally, it's just that they take time to catch up to wherever the anime left off (such as Strike the Blood) or wherever the fan translations left off that makes them seem slow.
The bright side is that they don't seem to give much of a shit about fan translations most of the time if they're sufficiently far ahead of where they are, hence why SAO, AW, S&W, Maou-sama, Haruhi V10 translations have all been left alone.
Yeah, catching up is a problem but if they tried to go any faster then sales would suffer.
>it's just that they take time to catch up to wherever the anime left off (such as Strike the Blood) or wherever the fan translations left off that makes them seem slow.
That's the big problem, the interest in something only lasts as long as you remember the anime. By the time the Strike the Blood novels catch to the anime, then no one will be that interested in reading the rest of the story. It would be better if they started releasing books before an anime airs, to have some in stock when it starts airing and people are interested in stuff.
Don't the sale suffers anyway because of how long it takes to catch up.
>It would be better if they started releasing books before an anime airs
But then nobody would buy it because of lack of name recognition. How many people bought Book Girl, or will be buying Psycome?
Remember that killing Kiseki ia the best ending for a heretic like her.
But that's what she wants, user.
Kiseki is a cute girl, not a heretic!