Has anyone ever scientifically explained why stupid and poor people breed like rabbits before getting out of highschool...

has anyone ever scientifically explained why stupid and poor people breed like rabbits before getting out of highschool but rich and smart people barely have 1 kid if any by the time they are 35? is america and the rest of the 1st world fucked over by this new phenomena?

back in the old days the wealthier educated aristocracy people had many children in their large families, as well as plenty of bastard children with hot mistresses out of wedlock

what the fuck is going to happen to our society in 40 years? will we become brazilswedexiconistanermony 2.0?

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we educated women, as if they were men, and now they think they are able to put off having children until their 30s and 40s...just like men

people had large families because thats all there was to fucking do. now adays there is so much entertainment and personal fulfillment available. if you have only 2 kids you can focus all of your love on them instead of spreading it out over 5 or 6.

Watch the documentary "idiocracy"

I met Lauren at Berkeley and she smelled like baby power and pee pee. Clearly needed a diaper change.


Beat me hive mind!

Idk but I’d let Lauren southern fuck me amazon position

Because having kids is fucking dumb. Next question.


Bump yes?


all you have to do with these "alt-right" thots is ask them one question
>how many kids do you have?

Britney > Lauren


Smart people have the foresight to use contraception. They want to wait until they are in a position in life where they have the time and wealth to give their kids a nice childhood.

Same reason why poor people think throwing money at something will make it better.

They're both very attractive and probably insufferable.

Women like these are okay but they need to take a page from the stoicism of male leaders.


>new phenomena

> is america and the rest of the 1st world fucked over by this new phenomena?
Stupid white people can breed smart white people. Smart white people breed retards all the time. An IQ phenomena called regression toward the mean. Even if you're smart and white, your whole extended family has probably an average IQ of 100, just like the extended family of the white heroin junkie next door.

Lauren is cute!

>Smart women go to college
>Smart women know that having kids makes going to college hard
>Smart women wait to have kids
>Smart women become lawyers and doctors after college
>Smart women find out that these jobs are even more demanding of their time than college was
>Smart women postpone having kids even further
>Smart women hit 32 and want kids
>Smart women look for fellow high status men to marry and have kids with
>Smart men married women 4-8 years younger than them because they were rich and had their pick
>Smart women don't find a husband
>Smart women hit menopause
>Smart women die alone

>smart men do smart things
>smart men recognize women prevent smart men from doing smart things
>smart men live happy single life

five, why?

r/K selection theory, goyim

I would suggest it is the culture and access to technology.

Do the poor kids have the internet access and the smart phones? As Chris Rock says kids are walking around with a porn machine in their pocket youtu.be/m_9N7KYMe0Y

When I was young the teen pregnancy rate was higher, but if you wanted gratification, you got a girl/girlfriend and had real sex. Looking at the same porn mag you were sneaking from dad would get old. I never heard of anyone doing anal. I really think some sort of molested bisexuals made it the mainstay of the porn industry. That's why they want you to fuck your mother.

I was thinking socialism could equally collapse society if you guaranteed people from all socioeconomic backgrounds internet and a computer. Then we will all collapse together.

you guys missed the part where the entire gene pool suffers from both these sets of "smart" idiots with no common sense. I hope they enjoy dying alone and having no legacy

We are all the offspring of the least capable and most irresponsible. Its unfortunate but true. Look around at people in your community. Who's having kids? The decent mannered folk, or the dumb humpers?

The world is getting dumber

i was concieved by accident and I am sad to admit my mother was a whore. But I cherish my life and am glad I was born. I'm also glad I was born white. This is why whites need to reproduce more. I will do my best to find a wife and have several children.

1. Welfare
2. Niggers are betting that maybe 1 out of 10 kids might make it so that they can leach off them.
3. No concept of building wealth generationally
4. They are niggers

Fucking is cheap, and working takes up free time.

It's basic economics.

It's financially foolish to have 4 kids on a small or non-existent salary.

But if you're already poor and living off the government, or have no hopes of making it to a middle class lifestyle, then why not have as many kids as possible.

Used to be people who would claim it had to do with access to birth control, so we need to fund more "access to birth control". I think everyone now realizes that's an unsupportable argument.

So it's basic economics.

Do you know nearly half of medicaid goes to incentivize these same people to reproduce at the expense of those who choose to be more financially responsible about procreation.

When you're poor/stupid and in school, there's very little to do to pass the time, and getting laid is the best of those options. Combine this with the fact that Sex Ed ispotty in America, and you have a population of people who knock eachother up at 16-17, have kids, welfare says they don't need to work anymore, so they stay bored and have some more kids b/c sex and childcare are the only decent ways to pass the time.

Meanwhile, the rich and/or smart have easier access to things that can give them more money than welfare, so they spend time learning and training so that they can make money instead of having sex so that they can have welfare. Thus, they have two kids and a couple mil at age sixty, as opposed to eight kids, sixty-four grandkids, and whatever the last welfare check was worth.

Women going into education and the workforce is 90% of the reason for our low birth-rate.
The saddest part about it is that it's actually more economically viable for most women to be stay-at-home moms than to work.
After accounting for all the costs of daycare and a second car, the wife's job is most likely not even paying for itself especially considering the Wife can do other tasks to save money at home like making meals all the time or having a hobby like sewing/knitting/etc.
These days most children spend more time at a daycare than they ever do with their real parents. Even if the mother does make enough to pay for daycare and a car and still earn a profit, it's not worth it to emotionally stunt your children,


I also would not bring souls into this annunaki slave camp known as "life".

Its a easy answer, if you have a child before you build up a career and investment, you are gonna be way behind those who waited till they where financially ready. The first year is buying diapers and baby food which is hard to do if you still paying car payments and haven't climb the corporate ladder for a better pay

if you hate it so much why dont you kill yourself to make room for me and my progeny

Cuz it hurts! (A lil too much) And I dont where Im going to end up could be a worse place than this, no, user; the way out is thru.

Between house prices, the cost of living and the cost of bringing up a child in a non-shitty environment, and job insecurity, it's a massive risk for a lot of people.

Poor people have low expectations and so they simply don't consider these thing.


This explains most of it.

Brittany Pettibone charges you money to be her friend. How much did you pay?

The only Movie that started as a Comedy but ended up being a Documentary ...

if i was about to kms and saw that i would probably reconsider it

>tfw gf and I plan to have three kids before she’s too old
>tfw apparently we’re stupid

yeah so does this mean we are selectively breeding out smart people with idiots?

well this is the best explanation so far and the one i definitely overlooked. literally the social welfare state is the problem here, all these poor ass people and illegals breed like crazy because they get more benefits from welfare

>yes goyim you need university
>yes goyim you need to live your life
>you need to travel too goyim
>also how can you party 3-4days/week when you have a child goyim
This is the non stop media, and scholar bullshit we get.

Fertility and education are inversely correlated. Give women education and the promise of career prospects and a possible role in society and they will put kids as a second priority.

Among poor people with no life prospects becoming a mom becomes the outlet for social status. Also, because they don't see kids as a barrier to professional development (because there is none in the first place) they are not too careful about contraception.

>rich = smart

I want off this stupid meme

You "whites" don't know your own history kek

White birth rates were lowered on purpose. There are books out there that explain this but basically the wasps werent having children and were afraid of being taken over by italians, irish and other of what they considered non white euros immigrants since these non white euros would have huge families sometimes 12+ kids and were also catholics and many were succesful business owners, basically these non white euros were creeping up on them FAST.

So what they did was create the burbs, stick all these new whites in there and then i forget the rest. Look into it though, its real.

But it doesn't explain the high birth rate among poor in countries with no welfare programmes or even among US poor with no access to welfare. Welfare is not the driver for more fertility, it's lack of education and career prospects.

>being this retarded

The world does not actually fit into the tiny gnarled little molds you've been manipulated into adopting

Why is America so plagued with idiots?




Man you sound so fucking enlightened.

I'm surprised it took this long for someone to point out.


K-selection v r-selection breeding.

Its all facts hol up im looking up the book now, i read it a while ago


>conservatives believe going to university should get you into debt that you probably won't pay off until you're in your 50s
>complain about white women not having enough kids and knowing why they won't be able to afford it at the same time

Stop making the means to earning a suitable income to have and support kids financial suicide.


r/K selection, bing it

I need to find a way to get famous among right wing circles so I can smell these two

>that genetic abomination on the left

Smart people always had something to keep them busy, usually furthering their education or career
Stupid people didn't have a lot things to do, so you had kids
Now there's a lot of things to do so they have less kids, but immigrants don't know about that stuff usually



Only 10% of people who go to university actually need to go at all.


I hate Bakers Delight. The food sucks and they're a terrible franchise to own. Used to work with a guy who'd been like an area baking manager and he was telling me about how they constantly rape the owners in ever increasing fees, hold them to ransom with buying everything from their suppliers, and are constantly lowering the quality of everything.

Cant think of the book for the life of me

Sorry bro, I know my post is weird as fuck havent slept yet.


The welfare state. Poor people cannot sustain such a large number of offspring through normal means. The welfare state diverts money from smarter, wealthier people to subsidize the breeding of dumber, poorer people. Over several generations, you see a genetic shift in the population, as a larger portion of the population becomes less intelligent, independent, and increasingly reliant on the state that created them.

Whether intentional or a side effect of well-meaning socialist idiocy, this society-wide dysgenic program has been poisoning our genetic stock for nearly a century, and it's only showing signs of acceleration.

JewTube asking if the likes are accurate.


So then why make becoming a doctor or lawyer financial suicide? That's not an excuse

I never shop, i choose boycott over many #EvilCorps....

This is actually the only time socialism wouldn't be so bad. Hermit Africa where niggers starve en masse like nork and aren't aloud to leave?
That's literally less niggers and no nigger migration, it couldn't possibly go wrong.


good one

>be me
>hyper conservative - bordernline fascist - full blown monarchist politically
>have 5 kids
>raise them to rely on each other because everyone else in the world wants to destroy our family

>be best man at my wedding
>became ulra-libtard - starving artist type - total degenerate
>scared of sex
>hates children

Explain those through r/k selection theory.

>yfw Brittany posted her tits here last night

The clear answer is for "High Status" "Smart Women" to lower themselves to supporting a NEET or Other lower choice man with good genetics in exchange for kids who actually have a father. If they're so wealthy and high status from all that workforce success why do they need someone with money to marry?

This is fucking retarded. Africans didn't suddenly start being tribalistic xenophobes once the white man showed up. They were killing each other for centuries over the most stupid shit. If you look at a photo of a major African city street, you probably just see a bunch of niggers. The African negro sees people belonging to three or four different tribes, all who did something unpleasant to his ancestors and should therefore be hacked to death with his machete.

Uniting the African continent is as stupid as putting all the animals in a zoo into one cage and hoping they get along in peace and harmony.




was she born with fetal alcohol syndrome


Intelligent people have a whole range of options when they leave school to distract them from the basic life function of reproduction, whereas dumb people do not. Ironically, the stupidity of low IQ people grants them immunity to feminism, LGBT-isms, white guilt, or other anti-white propaganda designed to lower white birth rates. Women will gladly stay at home when their career options are limited to dirty jobs. You can't fall for what you don't understand, especially when your instincts are unclouded by ideological sophistry. And it's pretty hard to feel bad about other white people's ancestors oppressing other non-white people's ancestors when your ancestors were and you yourself are also oppressed.




A Balkanized Africa would be a nightmare. There would be hundreds of countries. Almost every country has major ethnic divides


Yes and we don't want it to happen to us

You realize the Native Americans are a perfect example of when mass immigration goes wrong

What the fucks going on in Maine?

The poor always have had more kids. The reason is because until the modern welfare state children were your long term investment, your retirement plan. Children for agrarian families meant essentially free (slave) labor until they were 18 or unless they scorned the family and went on their own way. Among other reasons.

The rich even before modern times started to have less children with issues of inheritance, though 'less' might mean 4 kids instead of 9.

hahaha it's so fukkken troooooo

Here's a rough sense of what Africa looks like when broken down by ethnic group.

The only thing worse then giving them each a state is forcing them into incoherent borders like there are now.