Koito is olev
Koito is olev
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Only to edgy fuccbois
Maaya Uchida needs more roles with that voice
Koito a shit.
All I wanted was a Koito to call me an idiot
Dropped this show at the bunny episode, how well-shaped was Koito? Was her supposedly firm hips ever revealed?
I miss her.
I used to hate Koito, with time she kinda grew on me and now I love her.
She's pure shit.
I loved her before people jumped onto her wagon.
Just keep watching it, it's good
I only hate Koito ironically
the koito is for koitus meme will never die.
I want to be inside outside Koito.
Koito a cute.
She is
To think many retards were trying to turn Koito a shit into a meme when it was airing
She's the only girl who gets threads now that it's over, I saw one of Mai I think but that's all.
Koito best girl.
Mai has always been the most popular. Her fans just don't feel the need to make multiple threads.
Koito a shit. A SHIT.
Condom shoop?
Back off shes mine
That's a small pack
>Her face when she hears my confession
She's not real, user, and never will be.
>Koito is olev
Coito means sexual intercourse in Spanish, so in way, she's literally love.
Koito is very cat-like.
Don't stare at my Koito. Get your own.
She's taken. By me.
But that's Christopher Poole
Reina es mi reina
If Koito turned into a boy, would you be her gay bro?
veo lo que hiciste.
There's nothing gay about two guys being close together
What's PD1 about, I've never heard of it
Reina eats another UFO and grows to the size of a building.
Oversized Reina.
Guess I'm the retard then, saw the threads were people posted screenshots from both at about the same time and I thought they were from just one production
when's the next special?
where is this from?
Whenever the next BD is released.
anybody got a link for the pds in torrent, I need them for research.
The translation can be a bit strange in places since it looks like it was translated from Japanese into Russian and then into English.
But it's the best I've found.
Thanks friend
Jesus.. are you people incapable of using the search functionality?
my god
I want to look EXACTLY like Koito!
I'm sure everyone here already looks like her, give or take a couple centimetres of hair.
She really needs the D
But she's not fat and neckbearded.
You forgot the skinny ramen eating proportion of Sup Forums
*opens wide*