Black people who are on the right

>Black people who are on the right
Can you be any more pathetic? You do realize even that the people here lust after a race war and wants to kill us, right?

>it's another larp post
oh joy.

Is it related to Stockholm syndrome you think?

wait am i black? someone check please

I guess, they think if they pretend to be white for long enough on Sup Forums they'll be accepted when Cletus starts gunning for them.

No one except larpers on Sup Forums wants to genocide you. The nazis didnt even gas the jews. You have been fed propaganda your whole life

Why can't black people be right-wing?

I'm perfectly okay with them not using The State to rob and cheat others.

Just stay away from white wombs.

>they pretend to be white
I don't think that's a fair characterization.
Plenty of nice middle class black kids that you could call white acting manage not to fall for the GOP meme.

Wtf is everyone's obsession with genocide? Nobody wants to exterminate anyone else.

>check flag
There's a 58% chance you're not white

Light skinned blacks talk endless crap against darkies, and vice versa to us whites at the water fountain. Sometimes even to each other directly. Calling a successful black person a 'whitey' was common in my large high school too, even if dark. Quick pulling down well adjusted successful black people in jobs other than Hollywood, where they make loads of $'s making a caricature of you so well, that if you dare to step of the plantation, you're suddenly 'not black'. It's obvious societal control to keep pushing communism as the only cure to division.....division ((they)) caused intentionally. I just don't think basic tribalism explains pop culture and it's aftereffects. Unplug from them and think for yourself.

Racists aren't from the right. Black people only vote democrat because that is where the welfare is at. Democrats made a system that insures a stable voting base, called welfare and they don't want black to succeed because then they would vote republics. Blacks are still slaves to the democrats. Just like all those years ago.
And you still fucking think blacks are inferior that is why you hold on to title ix, because you think blacks can't make it on thier own without the white mans help.

that's not how statistics work friend, the sample of people who browse Sup Forums is not necessarily representative of that country's demographics.

Otherwise you'd be a Muslim.

Goh blimey chap, You're a fucking retard! 42%*. No wonder this country's fucked.

Rullleeeee britannia!

>Sheriff David Clarke
>Hates niggers as much as we do
>Based man....period.

I hope he realizes that he'll never really be accepted by white people and will never be accepted by blacks.

The modern irony of a leftist writing this

I'll be a prejudiced bigot... for the left!

One of the only decent things to come out of Milwaukee.

I just always considered him super tan desu senpai

wow it's this thread, copy&pasted, again

Hildawgs couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Drumpf supporters in a week TOP KEK FASCIST PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Hildawgs are ITCHING for a war with the Nazi frogs. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty movement. There wouldn't be a square meter of rural and suburban soil that has running water, electricity, or gas that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless trailers. Then, our army boys (we'd send the PoCs and other superior races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY fascist pig shit they see. When the Hildawgs are done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

Wrong. I accept him because I know he won't mug me on the street.
I accept him because if I see a nigger acting up on the street he would beat me to said nigger and set him straight.
I accept him because he hates niggers, did I say that already?
I accept him because he will be damned if he ever goes on welfare.
I accept him because he thinks abortion is murder.
I accept him because he believes in law and order.
I accept him because he hates niggers.

>all right people want to genocide Negros

85 IQ detected

The majority just want them to behave like Euros or Asians and stop committing so much crime, and if they do, face punishment.

Nobody wants to exterminate black people or yellow people or whatever. Everybody however ,wants and should want to exterminate niggers and jews. There is a difference between black people and niggers. The same way there is a difference between jews and white people. Niggers are those that despite being a minority , commit the majority of violent crimes in the U.S. , if this serves as an example to you LARPing faggot. Jews are the ones aiming at the NWO by following 1984 as a textbook guide. Those need to go, so we can have a better world for black AND white people, or while we at that , all races.

Rape our women???? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

You low testosterone cucks aren't capable of it. You might have to get tyrone to give you a hand with that.

doesn't matter much considering 90% of blacks are killed by other blacks

>implies white males are more threatening to the lives of black males than other black males
Toppest kek.

I kek'ed, that's entertaining bait, 8.5/10

Why are all of you leftist shills so bad at memes?

You guys suck so bad at this it is working at our favor. Go tell David Brock it isn't working.

Nigger here. Fuck off nigger.

They can't meme, they can't do logic, they can't do jokes. One might think leftism is a mental disorder.

The irony is that for all the talk of how non-inclusive the Republican party is, it's actually very welcoming.

I'm a black guy who voted for Trump, and despite the personal consequences for "coming out" as a republican (my mom still won't speak to me), I couldn't have felt more welcome by the party itself. Even during the couple of rallies I went to, everyone was so friendly and accommodating. It was a refreshing surprise at first, but then when I started thinking about it, I realized how brainwashed the media had made me about these people in the first place.

Gay people say it is harder to come out as Republican than gay. That aught to tell you how bigoted the left is.

Shit, I believe it. I never realized how fucked up the left was until I started moving away from it. Literally the second you start questioning - not disagreeing, just questioning - their maxims, you're immediately tagged as "other" and ostracized/shamed into submission.

Glad to be out of that quagmire.

>fraction of Sup Forums is the entire republican voter base
Come home based black man


don't really want to kill you just want you all to separate from us. a race war is one way to make this happen if all else fails


It's like Muslims, sure only 1 in a thousand will become a jihad but none of them will condemn him when he does.

Much like the Germans and the Nazis. It doesn't matter what the sheeple think, it is the actions of the minority that define you.

it may be nice to think about, but unless you're talking on an extremely small scale (scattered local municipality here or there, which would have to be under the radar to avoid media attention) it'll never happen.

Welcome home ,black man. But unfortunately this is not the way black people think so now you are white.

Get your shit together and become a degenerate law breaking savage.

everything you choose to be is a mistake, please stop breathing


So true same with every ethni. Alt righters just some low self esteen cuck uncle tom listenin to spergy autistz.

We can agree on feminism an thats it.
Whites cant complain as much. Only broke neets whose family still found a way to fail dezpite the head start.

maybe in 50%istan it's unrealistic