What does Sup Forums think of Classical Liberals?

What does Sup Forums think of Classical Liberals?

They're kinda on our side, but they kinda aren't. They seem to know how to argue better with the far left.

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They get the bullet too.

I don't think we can win without them.


Im a classical liberal. Always have been. Sargon is okay but a little too extreme for my tastes.

They can be useful at times. Even a cuck like Sargon makes good points from time to time.



Extreme in what ways?

I like how they think they arent a gateway to the right and the far right.

Is that real? How come I've never seen this? This was last summer? WTF! I don't care about kekistan, but he listens to Sargon!! Fucking world is upside down

They destroyed the country with mass immigration in the 19th century.

>They seem to know how to argue better with the far left.
a brain dead chimp could argue with the left and you fucking moron sarcuck simply takes low hanging fruit and makes what in essence is a reaction video whenever he actually debates anyone on the right he doesnt like he gets BTFO

Sargon is not a clasical liberal. He's an idiot making lots of money at expense of dumb edgy teens mad ad SJW's

*and win

Classical Liberals hate communism. Are they purple-pilled?

The world we live in today is the outcome of yesterday's Classical Liberalism. Unless they can show us how feminism can be prevented from driving the Overton window hard to the left, it's pointless to even engage in serious discussion with them.

>1920 + 97
>still believes democracy is a logical and functional system of human beings thinking rationally
>still believes in individualism
>but at least you make fun of low-hanging fruit
Locke, Franklin and Mill were killed by (((Freud, Bernays, and Maslow))). The more democratic something is, the more dysfunctional it will be due to human irrationality

Someone like ShoeOnHead can take down Feminists with more efficiency than we can.

they were only on "our side" back in the days when we had to unite against the monster of a political force that feminism had become.

just a few short years ago (like 2013ish, 2014ish) it seemed that feminism would never be stopped. everyone thought progresivism was 100% the wave of the future, conservatism was dead forever, and we'd all be living under leftist authoritarian rule.

obviously the classical liberals didn't want that either, so we had a sort of tenuous, "fellow traveller" bond with them. and honestly, i would like to continue that trend today, but the reality is that someone like sargon is just not ideologically aligned with us. he has openly come out and said he doesnt give a fuck about the white genocide, and that if white people die off that's just "too damn bad". sorry, but i don't consider that "on my side".

there are people who i think are really, deep down, far right libertarian types, who i consider to be on "my side", even though they're classical liberals openly and outwardly (because it's more politically correct and acceptable to say that. you can be a "classical liberal" and still work in MSM, and have a huge platform, and get an audience to spread your message). i would include in that group Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlsen and a few others. but people like sargon, and genuine "lefty classical liberals"? no. they aren't "on our side" in any way.

and also if they're internet based, like sargon is, they're likely saying stuff that's pretty close to what they actually believe and stand for, as they don't have sponsors, or bosses, or huge media companies hovering over them and telling then what to do.

sargon just doesn't care about the white race, and that means he's not with me at the end of the day. because the white race is my #1 concern. survival first, everything else second.


And I won't stop them.

Good points, user.

why did he do this

>taking down feminists
>an accomplishment
Literal low-hanging fruit.
Anything they can do, we can do better. Im going to assume you are new and likely from Reddit, in which case you should probably stay there unless you want to fall into the despair that is modern politics

I like them but if I watch their videos too much my web algorithms start suggesting videos from right wing loonies as well.

I want to get things done. Trying to figure out the best way to do that.

It's the crack of civic nationalism user.

Classical Lib here. Just wanna clear it up, claasical liberal =/= centrist. Primarily we're probably a mix between llibertarians and conservatives, but any smart classical lib will realise that liberalism is nothing without (civic) nationalism. Sure it's good to respect others but fuck off you think you can come into my country believing it's okay to beat your wife, and kill those who don't subscribe to your retarded ideology. One last thing, we do hate the left as well, but just because we don't punch right, doesn't mean we have to kiss right. The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend

They're the actual enemy, retard. Commies are a red herring.

I think commies are real.

ClasLibs is still a fundamental manifestation of materlist capitalism. That merchants used to unshakel themselves from the monarchies and social conventions of the past. At its base, the values of freedom was propagated to degrade social conventions as much as possible to allow the concept of materialist extraction into every aspect of human interaction. As stated above, the concept of equality was really just a way for the merchants to overthrow the monarchs with themselves by agitating the original victim narrative of the everyman.

Its foundation is thus extremely susceptible to the more social degeneration of further left ideology, communism, anarchism, nihilism etc etc. Its soulless and ultimately doomed to fail. Either it corrupt to the point of psuedo communism or we awake spiritually.

Can we please stop loliposting

Yeah, they sure are. And their existence is a consequence of liberalism.
>f-first wave feminism was a-okay!
You don't believe shit. You've identified a problem but fail to see its roots.

>Sargon is not a clasical liberal. He's an idiot making lots of money at expense of dumb edgy teens mad ad SJW's

Sargon is obviously a ranting drunk making things up to fill the amnesic gaps sometimes

Misinformation spotting (he probably doesn't know he's doing it so it's not deliberate disinformation) is one of the things that makes him so entertaining.

He's been using ancap talking points lately so idek.

>They seem to know how to argue better with the far left.
That's because you're a mouth breathing moron. A child could argue better than the average poltard.

You 'get things done' through activism. Genuine, real life activism.
Of course, what the 'classical liberal' and the 'centrist' can activate for is the most milquetoast shit imaginable with easily defeatable arguments from either side, so good luck on that
I refuse

Used to be classical lib then I just really buckled down and examined my ideas now I'm , guess I always was desu

A US conservative IS a "classic liberal". That is how far left the Rats have dragged our country.


Not sure why that didn't show up

They are the other side of the same coin of (((economics))). The duality of jewry. Marxism and Kikepitalism. Both must be obliterated.

I care about what works. The best people at defeating communism are the centrists.

You can shoot swastikas out your all day long, but it doesn't do anything. Face that reality.

Where the fuck did I mention feminism you downie

>A child could argue better than the average poltard.


Even children know they won't earn any tendies by exploding into paranoid accusations in obscure hate group jargon.

Heh, fresh off the boat huh kid? Gotta lurk first before you're accepted here. Gotta earn your stripes and get the lay of the land before even thinking about posting. Maybe hone your craft in Sup Forums for a while. That's what I did

>They seem to know how to argue better with the far left.
*pauses video*

Honest question: Say there were no such thing as minorities, what would the left even have to talk about? Seems like all the left does is use minorities as a shield against criticism while they hammer away at increased government influence, increased socialist programs, rendering citizens defenseless with gun banning, maximizing abortions, destroying family and christianity and generally destroying any institution or idea that leads to freedom or a cohesive society. I don't get why a rational thinking person would support this? Is a classical liberal just someone who would like to go back to the glory days of liberalism in order to bring all the same bullshit they fought so hard for back AGAIN, so they can complain AGAIN about fucked things are?

You need a combination really. Swastikas need to be normalized until they are just as acceptable as hammer and sickles, the symbol of an objectively much more deadly and destructive ideology

The problem you have with that is that Hitler and Fascism was effectively turned into our modern day secular manifestation of satan and hell respectively. It is the arch evil of our modern post-ww2 western foundation myth. To overturn that mythological-esque indoctrination if a monumental task.

sarcuck is an alt-right buttboi

"Taking down" extreme aposematic feminists isn't taking down feminism anymore than arresting a few Islamic extremists is taking down Islam.

These people are all feminists despite their objections.

>i would include in that group Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlsen
The absolute state of yanks.

>(civic) nationalism
I think you mean (((civic))).

Feminism will drive the Overton window, period.

The important thing is encouraging honest feminists to teach eager men what they want before sleaze buckets like PUA make something narcissistic up and spread it with hypnosis.

really alex jones. The conspiracy nutcase at infowars who says whatever the fuck comes to his head. Like sometimes hes right but from what I remember the guy is kinda left out there cause hes a nutcase.

He absolutely reeks. Whether intentionally or not he's doing great work for the establishment he claims to rail against.

>They seem to know how to argue better with the far left.
They attack the lowest hanging fruit of leftism (radical feminism/trannys). They are liberals by nature so agree with them on the important issues such as: race, community, tradition, etc (they want to destroy it).

I still have never watched a Sargon video after all these years. Don't care to, based on everything I've read here he is a bong flake who speaks in half truths.

>They attack the lowest hanging fruit of leftism

They do, but they should also attack the worst threats to equal rights.

The far right are making fools of themselves in the long run when they try to hijack classical liberal causes.

Classical liberals are an old guard who won't bend on equal rights and some of the new right wing are brats who will get caught resorting to shitty tricks over it.

They, just as the ones into dialectical materialism, are usually limited by economics, in the sense that they believe that capitalistic freedom is the cure for all the evils (this is not believed by the scholars of dialectical materialism tho), disregarding the fact that society is more than a mere market

>I draw my conclusions about everything from random faceless faggots on an anime imageboard

According to Ludwig von Mises, free migration was a core principle of classical liberalism. If you hate immigration, you're not a true classical liberal.

Classical liberalism was the US before Teddy Roosevelt. It is the non-autistic branch of libertarianism.

>I still have never watched a Sargon video after all these years. Don't care to, based on everything I've read here he is a bong flake who speaks in half truths.

He's a good source of interesting topics and if you want European culture you'll have to get used to alcoholics.

>sargon of akkad
>classical liberal
>"i'm a 'bake the cake' kind of guy"
>"the government should force people to 'get over' racism"

sargon is what happens when a low iq subhuman reads socrates and thinks criticizing everything and never accepting a solid position is a smart thing to do

Yeah I've read too many threads about this Sargon guy cucking out for that kind of stuff to ever give him any views or attention. Sup Forums as messed up as it can be at times, is rarely ever wrong about some of these e-celebs.

the only e-celeb that Sup Forums is wrong about is lauren southern

Worthless, spineless, cowardly faggots.


I agree. They're just social conservatives who don't want to admit to being conservative or liberal out of fear of losing their liberal friends (see Dave Rubin).

Sup Forums seems to have fallen in the trap of always thinking women are completely evil
to me it just seems lauren is a genuinely curious person like anyone else on Sup Forums and not whoring out for money
that said, i barely even watch her videos anymore, you can only see a person talk about things you already know so many times before it gets boring

Agreed, blame the majority of kek "alt-rite" larpers who pull that kind of shit because they find it amusing and makes them feel special when they get a reaction

There's nothing wrong with classical liberals in the original Jeffersonian sense. Jared Taylor is for all intents and purposes a "classical liberal" and he's very much on our side. The problem with Sargon isn't that he's a "classical liberal" (although I'd hesitate to even call him that), it's that he's a pseudo-intellectual who dances around important topics because of his feelings.

i unironically think chicks like sinead are behind it because nobody cares about her anymore and now these are girls are stealing the spotlight
you know how jealous women can get, if she was posting shit about lauren supposedly being a jew or whatever it wouldn't surprise me one bit

Also, Sup Forums doesn't have a "side".

I sympathise with them, but like all beautiful ideas, the devil is in the details.

We cannot discuss any kind of Liberalism because Ameritards raped the meaning of Liberalism into the exact opposite of what it means...

Nobody here actually hates Lauren Southern, most are neutral on her at worst. /leftypol/ shills are trying to smear her because she's dropping some important redpills on her admittedly large audience.

I don't think putting the label "social conservative" is accurate either (at least in the context of US politics).They're generally pro-marijuana legalization and pro gay-marriage. They're more nuanced and willing to discuss racial and economic issues than the Tumblr-bots, though their positions vary.

>The best people at defeating communism are the centrists.
Yeah, making EPIC marxist cringe compilations and shouting "you're the real fascists!" is sure to make every bloodthirsty commie hellbent on destroying the west rethink their ways. Clearly the best way to fight radical communist terrorists is to punch right 24/7 and make sure no evil right wing FASCISTS start protecting themselves, their property or their community.


I think Joe Rogan revealed Sargon's mental health issue or pseudo academic issue when he interviewed him.

Socrates was called the wisest man for always expressing his ignorance.
Sargon simply can't admit it if he doesn't know things.

>Hence the term "Classical Liberal" in American politics toothpaste

Very true.

Trump's coalition includes moderate Democrats from the Rust Belt dumbass

Excuse my fellow Dutchman for have a moment.

They're not on our side, we were just conveniently aligned against a common enemy for a while. But that's already sorta becoming undone. Preserving Western civilization requires fascism, and fascism is not compatible with democracy or liberalism.

I'm pretty sure classical liberals do not exist in the US according to their own ideas of liberalism.
In practice though? Almost every single fucking American is a classical liberal... only a handfull of SJWs and LARPing nazis are not classical liberals

He does have a point in the sense that the reason we now put "classical" in front of it (to symbolize an older meaning, "raped" as he puts it) is quite specifically because it needs to differentiated from the current, stand alone, "liberal".

Pretty much this. Most of the Youtube "anti-feminist" types are just progressives who hate SJWs. Basically 90s liberals. Milo's a bit of a curious case though; he echoes some far right libertarian points and argues in favor of traditionalism, but then he goes and engages in the same far-left degeneracy he rails against.

Classical Liberalism is only sustainable under mono-ethnic cultures. That's the only way it ever did work.

>We cannot discuss any kind of Liberalism because Ameritards raped the meaning of Liberalism into the exact opposite of what it means...

Like 'National Socialism'?

I think there's a social cancer around advertising and persuasion that turns words into buzzwords until they're corrupted.

Classical liberals do exist here, its pretty much Conservatives that are LGBT friendly, respect free speech even when its Anti-American and support rational, non-bible thumping drug policies (not to be confused with degenerate drug proliferation/culture supported by SJWs).

wtf are you talking about? he said he didn't know lots of stuff during that interview. he even admitted he was wrong about 9/11.

Is Jordan B Peterson a classical liberal?

I think he's a good role model or 'father figure' and that's something which they otherwise tend to fail on when it comes to the social responsibility of becoming celebrities.

Yeah, National Socialism has become a euphemism for 'I believe genocide of every other racial/ethnic group is the best solution to or problems'. I disagree with it, but I do think its unfair to cartoon it as such.

Explains why the US is so degenerate...
They are Classical Liberals within a huge hetero-ethnic state.


They're HIV that haven't become AIDS yet. Liberalism is what lead to the fucking cancerous political ideologies we're dealing with now. The problem with liberalism is that its essence is subtle; it's not that it values individual liberty, it's that it implicitly prioritizes individual liberty above everything else. It naively assumes that individuals can be morally isolated from the collectives they compose, and under this assumption no conduct of duty or self-sacrifice can be imposed upon them, and its also very hard to convince someone to behave this way willingly when they are raised in a society that doesn't cherish these virtues. So we get a bunch of people who don't see themselves as part of a greater whole, which makes them depressed and impotent, which opens an emotional channel for them to seek some sense of identity and purpose anywhere but where they should find it, which is in their family/folk. When they look outside of that they can only find superficial identity or purpose, which makes them fundamentally utilitarian, treating every religion or ideology they come upon as a commodity to be inspected for its usefulness. Thus, liberalism destroys the bonds of family, the roots of tradition, and the authenticity of faith. It's the virus at the heart of ever unnatural political ideology we have seen since the 18th century. Fuck liberalism.