How does Mashima get away with this?
How does Mashima get away with this?
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Sacred dragon's cock
Idk? This stuff happens is Carnival Phantasm all the time.
Fairy tale would be readable if Natsu powered up with boners
That's a lot of cum
>metsuryuu ougi: monsutākokku
It's a fun show.
>this motherfucker still on my waifu
When will this dark wizard motherfucker get his own waifu and stop stealing ours!
>Female tribe goes back to base and spends all night shlicking to thoughts of Natsu's dragon dick
>Lucy condemned to a night of gangrape
>We will NEVER have doujins
> tfw Natsu kept Lucy as a personal cumdumpster.
Every thread i have been in today has been infected with your carnival phantasm faggotry.
absolute madman
But how could they all have been born and raised to adulthood without knowing even their parents or anything?
muh sacred rod
Natsu is clearly very territorial. He alone will fuck her and the 2 of the will fall in love as master and sex slave
>But how could they all have been born and raised to adulthood without knowing even their parents or anything?
The answer is Dragons and their Shenanigans.
... the hell is Ezra doing
How does he does it?
Like seriously, every one of his girls are literally perfect.
Riding her tiger
How the fuck does Mashima not get overworked?
He churns out tons of content
Fairy Tail should just end with one big orgy between every body. That's right. If they can't beat them in friendship and battle they'll beat them with the power of orgasm and friendship. Seriously why hasn't anybody wrote a battle shonen using the power of sex as a hentai? I'd read that.
He must have a pretty solid system going with his assistants.
Just who is "Lucy"?
>I'd fap that.
I stopped reading this ages ago. When did it take the TLR route?
why did it feel like I just read some softcore porn?
Holy fucking shit. This chapter was one step away from being hentai.
This is foreshadowing for what is to come.
Now that Mavis is free, she will use her pussy to soothe Zeref.
>Mashima doujins never ever
So... OAV when?
>the utter triggering over this chapter
My sides they actually think the author gives a shit about the comments of people that steal his work.
From the looks of it, seems this was in a monthly magazine instead of the usual.
>tfw we only got a tease of Mashima fully unleashed
tumblr got triggered for t&a?
hold the fucking presses.
I'm glad I decided to just skim through that nonsense. The idea of stone age Natsu sexually violating Lucy and keeping her as his rape victim pet isn't all that entertaining to me personally.
I guess Hiro needed an outlet for this since he's been doing pretty okay at keeping the fanservice away from the main story for about 3 or so weeks. The walls of his office must look like it's covered in slimy spider webs...
My poor sacred rod.
why is actual fairy tail so lewd but has almost no porn made of it
Supposedly it's already lewd enough from what I've read.
What are some better sex manga sites besides like nhentai fakku and hentaibox
>Grays the only one not knocked out
Hes used to Juvia I guess
>sex manga sites
My sides
I haven't read since the grand magic games, what 's been going on? Should I pick it back up?
>TFW you will never see a full-on Mashima doujin in your life time
Mashima is really awesome with this.
He's one of the few mangaka out there that knows how to do ass, if anything.
That was hilarious. Mashima's side stories are always fun.
This was so much better than the regular manga.
Picked it back up around 460 without reading the previous 100 episodes or so and honestly it's pretty good lately, do skip the grand magic games and get to this if you feel like coming back.
Erza's mom just showed up as an enemy and she's a semen demon
>Awakening for this bitch
>Not awakening for Erza
Damn you Mashima.
He saves time, because he doesn't need to think about a coherent story.
that's an understatement
crikey dick
I'm not about to start reading this shit again, but I would go for a full volume of just Mashima omakes.
My sacred rod wasn't ready for this.
This is an American image board user, head-patting is illegal here.
I dropped it ages ago but is it true metal dragon guy died?
It's a shounen user.
It's a question of how many chapters untill he's back, not if he's actually dead.
That said, Mashima should draw porn already. He draws some of the sexiest females I've ever seen in a manga.
According to spoilers from Yonkou productions he'll be back this chapter
>ara ara
>not oh my
By doing things the murican way, like too many mangakas those days: lewder and lewder, but never a single female nipple
This fucking series man
Chapter is out Gajeel came back
>Gajeel's body wa reduced to magic particles and wraped to another dimension
>Eileen's magic rearranged all the things in Fiore
>somehow managed to snag Gajeel from hell and reconstrust its body
Oh Mashima
Actual chapter here (Korean scans) :
hey at least he was dead for an entire chapter. Pretty sure last time someone from FT "died" they instantly got revived next chapter
He just ended in a different place than his particles before his soul was consumed, or he is some kind of guardian of Mavis with the other ghost.
It's on niggerstream