What happen?

What happen?


This was a joke in Carnival Phantasm! Who is this guy?

His name is not important

is akagi autistic?

Did you ever think he wasn't?


who would win in a game of mahjong? akagi or sakamoto?


Sakamoto will find out how to lose in a cool way.

Where's Akagi vs Meruem?

Akagi, without the slightest doubt


Sakamoto will respect Akagi's ability but the way he draws and puts the pieces down will make Akagi try his best

99% of the time he's looking down. When he looks at his opponent, you know some real shit is happening.

Last activity from FKMTkrazy was 10 days ago.

Because it's mostly psycologic. You have to get a wicked mind for it. No wonder why those crazy dykes in saki can. Also, cheating is the key and akagi is the master key.

>cheating is the key
Having played mahjong in "dodgy" setting I can confirm. Be prepared to get your shit kicked in if you get caught doing it though.tfw 2pussy to ever even attempt cheating

Autism makes you good at playing games.
That's why Sup Forums is so movimented.

>shit kicked in
Don't you mean dick shot off?

I wasn't into it quite that deep, I wasn't playing in against the Yakuza in their dens. More the back alley mahjong parlors that weren't exactly open to public, i.e. you had to know someone to get in.