most tap water is contaminated by estrogenic contraceptives and other harmful pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals

you are what you eat and drink!

contaminated water = contaminated mind

clean food = healthy body

organic is good, wild is generally best.

factory farmed meat is especially unhealthy (genetically modified, full of hormones and antibiotics, etc.) and inhumane

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking peasants with dirty tap water

I drink spring water from the grocery store.

what do you shower with? what do you cook with?

Don't worry good goy, the water is fine

Is a a bio-filter (stones, sand, earth ect.) capable of filtering out hormones?

it depends on the materials. eg;

>The goal of the Bielefeld iGEM team is to develop a biological filter in which certain enzymes (so-called laccases) break down the estrogen. Laccases are to be found in many organisms, and one of their properties is an ability to break down aromatic compounds – to which the estrogens belong. One source of particularly efficient laccases for this process is the turkey tail, a type of fungus that likes to grow on trees.

I get most of my water from ethanol, is this still safe? Minus the alcohol-based damage to my organs.


Written by a chink! Inorganic salts = calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc. Article states: cyanoacterial toxins (correct spelling is cyanobacterial toxins), which is toxins produced by blue-green algae.

Goog: cyanoacterial toxins. Why is this article on top of the list? Because noone else spells it like that.

Yep, when you take a shower, you inhale microscopic water drops. I love the way it cleares up my sinuses.

Your "bio-filter (stones, sand, earth ect) is what most municipial water treatment plants use to produce tap water. No, they do not remove hormones, which are likely not in your water to begin with.

Q) how do you make a hormone?
A) don't pay her.

Our water comes straight from deep underground, it probably even has molecules of dead dinosaurs and neanderthals in it.

Don't they use chemicals?

Yes. Water itself is a chemical. Di-hydrogen monoxide is some dangerous stuff, it kills thousands of people per year.

The water treatment plant I am working at this very minute uses groundwater, which only needs disinfection with chlorine.

>Article states: cyanoacterial toxins (correct spelling is cyanobacterial toxins)

not a spelling error, just a typo

and cyanobacterial toxins were just one type of contamination listed;

>Showering produces respirable droplets that may serve to deposit pollutants such as trihalomethane decontamination products, heavy metals, inorganic salts, microbes, or cyanoacterial toxins within the respiratory tract.

>No, they do not remove hormones, which are likely not in your water to begin with.

if you're downstream of a city there are hormones in your tap water

You are assuming surface water. I am downstream from Chicago. However, we do not use stream water, lol.

A literature review published in Environmental Science and Technology by researchers at the UCSF PRHE debunks the myth that birth control pills (and other estrogen-based hormonal contraceptives) are a major contributor to the presence of estrogenic compounds in waterways. The reviewers conclude that birth control pills contribute a negligible amount of synthetic estrogen to waterways, and EE2 is minimal or nonexistent in drinking water.8 The notion of unsuspecting Americans drinking water filled with birth control hormones may get headlines—but it does not accurately describe the state of the science.

vast majority of tap water comes from surface water

great lakes are an exceptional source, but they're polluted too. where do you think chicago wastewater goes?

It goes into Lake Michigan. My city does not get it's water from Lake Michigan.

Do you even know where your water comes from? Goog: (your city) " drinking water source ccr report"

This is the Ganga River in India. Yep, this is what they drink and bathe in.

They should be more worried about the dead bodies floating by, and the fact that millions of people shit directly into the river, than any hormones in the water.

I forgot the pic

you said Chicago. Chicago gets its drinking water from Lake Michigan

2 wrongs don't make a right

I've been drinking nothing but tap water for many years now and I never felt better.
Here in Germany tap water is pretty much safe and good. It's all about the pipes you have in your house.

cool, but you have other problems. eg. hundreds of thousands of muslim invaders

That's nothing more than a load of leaves in the driveway. When they start rustling too much, you swing the broom and swipe them all away.
You should look forward to the family reunion, when all the niggers get to bring their 5 wives, 40 kids and 20 other relatives.
It's going to be exquisitely FUBAR over here.

they're going to attack all at once, with wmds

what will there be left to sweep?

Tiny nigger bits, after they failed to understand and follow the instructions of their "wmds".

How do you remve hormones from water?

i got a well, it's natural it comes from the earth.

Almost there. Just a little further. Estrogen = feminization

Estrogen = increased rate of divorce

Estrogen = increased rate of autism

And therefore,

Planned Parenthood = Genocide

Scientific American Articles (c.f.)
"Birth Control Affects Women's Taste in Men," Melinda Webber, Dec 1, 2008
"Are Human Pheromones Real," Daisy Tunas, May 1, 2014

it's incredibly difficult and even if you could, you'd be removing all the healthy stuff too (minerals, etc.)

better to just move somewhere with clean water

plenty of ground-water is contaminated too, especially if you live around farming (pesticide runoff), mining, etc.

its really easy you distill it

It's not any better.
Berkey filtered water and shower heads, user.

better than nothing, but see

>Implying that bottled water does not have estrogen from plastics.

The only way i know to escape this shit is living in the countryside and drinking tap water that does not comes from a river.

Can you go step by step how can i remove that crap , i literally travel each year a month outside my city and when in countryside drinking tap water from wells , i literally gain more energy , its obvious this shit takes someone energy.

How to remove it is the real question.

a typo is a spelling error you stupid piece of shit

>not restructuring and re-purposing anything that comes in just because you can
Ah, yass, we were expecting a messenger from the Great Realm of Plebs.
Enjoy your stay.