Antifa eating their own now, kicking white people out of their rallies

antifa completely falling apart, eating their own, first BLM kicked antifa out of Austin, now antifa is kicking white people out of their rallies. This shit is comedy gold.

grab the popcorn lads

Holy shit.
I thought this nazi stuff had already gone too far a while ago but look at what it does to them.

its as if they're redpilling themselves

i used to post this /leftypol/ outreach thing here once in a while, to try to explain to these confused white kids that this is what would eventually happen to them

>we are not your enemy. we are your advocates. we are advocating for policies and prescriptions that will only serve to secure YOUR future in this volatile and dangerous world, AND the future of your families and any potential offspring you might have

>beginning in 2013 the majority of children born in the US were NOT WHITE. as whites demographically shrink and become less and less of a political force, the anti-white rhetoric on the left keeps getting stronger and stronger.

>when you become demographically, and thus politically, irrelevant, these minority groups that you advocate for will eventually turn on YOU and YOUR FAMILIES. they don't care what you did for them in the past. they don't share your vision of a raceless and identityless future. they only exploiting you at the moment because you're temporarily useful to them.

>at the end of the day, it is the unfortunate reality of our world that nobody really cares about you other than your family. some of you can disagree with this, but this is your youth talking. eventually you will learn that this truly is the harsh reality that we are all dealing with. for those of you with bad family situations, this is unfortunate. however, there is a silver lining, which is that in a much broader sense, and admittedly in a significantly less powerful way, your race is sort of like an extended family. we should all be looking out for eachother and advocating for our collective interests.

>come home white /leftypol/. come home white antifa

they always spat in my face. eventually the truth will be forced upon them though :(

Fuck all white people.

You crackers are on your way out.

precisely this. It's like they don't believe us when we try to tell them we want to help them and this is for their own good. We want to support their future and they support ours. We even guide them with actual facts and 0 propaganda, with actual history and some still refuse to listen. Then they get the redpill we've been trying to show them shoved right up their ass by their own enemies in real-time. Misguided as fuck, the whole lot of them. White people wake up.

all that rage in mizzou and all of those protests, all of it was over some autist who drew a poop swastika in one of the bathrooms.

you have to go back

dude you posted the same bullshit on my thread, and you had the same faggot flag. why don't you actually contribute something useful to the conversation and the board rather than taking up bandwidth and sliding more important, insightful and relevant comments

Is Antifa really a new phenomenon in the USA?
I never much gave it a thought, but they have been around in Germany for atleast 3 decades.
Were they never part of the opposition against Facist and National-Socialistic groups in the U.S.?

Without white people youd still be living in mud huts

because this is old fucking news and this is SLIDE THREAD YOU HAVE TO GO BACK

You can only lead the horse to water.

You're 100 percent correct. The groups they advocate for don't want their race-less and classless world, they just want their position to be elevated so they make the rules, which WILL be racist.

They just had other names before like "Black Bloc" and "BAM."

Antifa's 95% white though

Why aren't they being arrested for inciting a riot/inciting violence/terroristic threats

>protesting poop
my sides
that's almost as good as
>i got hit in the head with a megaphone


just because you've seen it doesn't mean other people have faggot go suck a dick it's 2 days old, you just don't want your faggy little fan club exposed for the clowns they are

It's full of Mexicans, and the odd commie Asian (the latter are probably Chinese agents).

The Mexicans are very ironic, as they complain about the white supremacist US when there's fucking Mexico just South where there's few white people.

I agree we should cut off all welfare see how you do without us



Lmfao textbook useful idiot.

/leftypol/ hates antifa and all identity politics.

I am not a communist, but the are right on most economic issues and Sup Forums should focus more on national values than race to counter antifa autism and leftism. As soon as you go into anti-leftism but advocate for another brad of identity politics like 'white rights the left will always go on defensive mode.

nah they love antifa, especially when they attack Sup Forums strawmen, stop propagating your bullshit here

>/leftypol/ hates antifa and all identity politics.
yeah this is just a lie

>racism is inherent in your dna
Then there's nothing you can do. Racist pride.

I don't know I don't visit often, but from what I gather they hate identity politics and prefer class based socialist "universalism" . The point still stands that even f you have antifa nutjobs calling whites inherently racist, the left will always counter right-wing race based particularism such as white nationalism, with their universalism. But you can only fight one form of universalism with another, i.e. moral values, philosophy, ideas like nationalism etc.

Whatcha doin rabbi

for anyone that doesn't believe me or doesn't know what leftypol is like with regards to race, basically it's not "being against identity politics" when you militantly enforce the idea that "race isn't real" or that it's "just a social construct", and your ultimate plan is to basically have everybody racemix until they're the same shade of brown, thus creating a raceless society.

that's not "being against identity politics" or "disregarding race", that's basing your entire political ideology on race and spreading lies and propaganda to justify your racially motivated ends.

So antifa is turning back into BLM. Oh what a surprise...

Nigger leftypol literally thinks skinheads/neo-nazis have infiltrated and run every police department in the US. It's not a joke, it's not satire, they actually believe that. Don't tell me they don't like identity politics, they fucking wallow in it you lying piece of shit. They are fucking idiots which is why they couldn't even have their own containment board here, they were so retarded they had to get the fuck off of Sup Forums.

So no one's gonna comment on the fact this degenerate whore kept spewing shit from her mouth without getting slapped? Cuckboy just walked away..doesn't that make you angry? The state of you cucks..

dont you have a gang rape to be at, jamal?

Hurry up and kill all niggers

We need to get minority Sup Forumsacks to go to Antifa events and abuse the white Antifa.

>antifa "men" literally take orders from little brown women

Would be more effective to have them abuse mouthy cunts like the brown girl in the video who just wanted to run her mouth and tell everyone else to go punch someone instead of doing any dirty work herself. If she believes it so much she needs to put her money where her mouth is or shut the fuck up instead of expecting whitey to handle everything for her. She'd get a crash-course in how the real world works.

White people supporting this madness always make me think of that janitor in the Halloween remake who keeps yelling 'But I was good to you!' as he's mercilessly killed by the escaped psychopath. They're much like a man in a lion den who finds entertainment in feeding them chunks of meat, never realizing what will happen once he runs out of food to distract the beasts from himself.
It's sad to see people walking down this path of self-destruction out of some sort of bewildering sense of guilt.

Brown girls like the one in the video are a gift to us. They damage their side, we need to kick white males out of the left.

Should've played the "but I'm a mestizo and not even white, you racist fuck" card. I know I have.

user, I just watched this the other day and couldn't help but think of that scene in exactly the same way. All those poor saps.

lol nice to see that even among commie traitors, white males do all the work while minorities just bitch and moan.
"FUCK OFF" that's split second he stopped being a cuck, then he ran off before the white guilt could get to him and make him cry.

yeah dude that's great and i agree with all of it except that i think you either replied to the wrong dude or misread my original comment.
i dunno, nice points though.

Now the college is fucked with decreased enrollment and dorms shut down.

>now antifa is kicking white people out of their rallies.
How does that work when antifa is mostly white?

Please do. Push them to fight back with violence.

Bring it on nigger.

I think he's the only ANTIFAg, she and others are from other groups.

Some people never learn

Yeah you wish