Name those enemies that are legitimately scary/strong/real threat and died because of a simple mistake
>he could wrecked not only Iggy, but as many of the JoJo crew if he could waited
Name those enemies that are legitimately scary/strong/real threat and died because of a simple mistake
Jotaro's autism would've led him to victory. The only character who challenges him is an incredibly fast moving gay priest who sweats easy.
Name a Jojo villain NOT in that category.
What the FUCK was his problem
>forgot to mention this is not exactly a JoJo thread
DIO, I mean, he was broken, but his arrogance was pretty much what maded him lose, and technically, he was weaker than Jotaro, he just spammed "TOKI WO TOMARE ZA WARUDO" many fucking times.
If Dio kicked with anything but his bad leg he wouldn't have lost when he did
Notorious BIG
Except that DIO was a threat and strong. For me Petshop was even more scarier
Kars could have torn his own fucking head off and thrown it at the Earth. He'd have regenerated. That simple.
Santana. That motherfucker was terrifying. One minute he shoves a dude inside of him, then he talks, then he shoves himself into an air vent.
He just forgot where the sword was.
Sanakan and the First Class exterminator.
Both had Killy and could've easily killed him. Both fucked up, one by thinking he would have turned into a safeguard. The other by not getting rid of Sanakan first.
forgot pic
>mfw he's still alive, even if he's constantly bombarded by UV lights to keep him in his stone form
Shit's scary, yo.
I was really hoping he'd make a return.
Y'know, if the user wasn't literally the worst, Surface would've been a legitimate threat
Really most shonen antagonists would fall into this category. Ginyu just lacked planning and stealth. Raditz comes to mind for failing to fly and nappa for failing to dodge a frisbee. Honorable mention to goku for falling on his head, though he was too young to do anything about it so it wasn't really his fault. Finally, any enemy that waited for our heroes to revive/powerup/show up I.E. buu/vegeta/cell.
>the Stand itself was smarter than the User
Fucking this
How do you even be this retarded?
>his arrogance was pretty much what maded him lose
His arrogance is the exact opposite. It was his lack of arrogance, or more specifically, his overwhelming caution and wariness that made him lose.
If he had just gone all in from the start or even just not completely backed off due to a minute wiggle in his movements, Jotaro would have died in the second time stop.
He was out of the Earth's gravity well. His head would've been small enough to burn up during re-entry, his regeneration is good but his durability isn't great.
Universal acceleration freed him.
He also has an IQ of, what was it, 600? More than that?
>throw it at a sharp enough angle to lessen the heat from re-entry
>cover his head in the same armor he used to protect himself from the lava
Would have easily taken the checkpoint by a huge margin if he just took it seriously and pedaled hard from the start. Little red bitchboy and fatfuck would have been dusted.
Or turn his ears into wings for a gentle glide
Make his head evolve gliding wings and slowly circle the planet downward at a controlled rate. He has time.
It was implied that Jotaro could have beaten him by himself too... but when you have to protect someone it/prioritize someone's safety it makes you lose
Vanilla Ice was another deadly one who lost due to one mistake
>>throw it at a sharp enough angle to lessen the heat from re-entry
This would require a significant amount of force. Cars was strong but he was physically weaker than fucking robo-Stroheim even in his perfect form. His gripping power was like half of Stroheim's.
A controlled descent requires external thrust. Gliding wouldn't work because there would be no atmosphere to glide on until he's already a crispy critter. That's why parachutes are for the last stage of re-entry after the actual re-entry part.
As far as JoJo goes, The Sun's user very nearly killed everyone from a position of absolute safety except for his goof. If he had any actual knowledge of camouflage it would've been a flawless victory.
I don'g get this. If the stand is a projection of the consciousness of the user why do some have minds of their own? Sometimes they use stands like microphones in the case of Red Hot Chili Peppers and Angelo's stand, but Surface and Echoes Act 3 talked by themselves.
Why did almost all stand users challenged the jojo crew alone?I mean they almost always barely won against dio's guys
It's not just implied. Jotaro outright could've killed Pucci two times because he caught him in time stop but chose to save Jolyne instead. Once when Jotaro first saw White Snake and once during the final battle in the ocean.
In fact, he could've killed Pucci the first time Jotaro returned at Cape Canaveral with Hermes but instead of crushing Pucci's head like an egg or tearing it apart Jotaro just punched him away.
The same reason why King Crimson as Diavolo, while Doppio was inside Bruno's dying body was able to move separately after Chariot Requiem fucked around with everybody's souls.
It's implied with Diavolo that mentally unstable Users have Stands that reflect a different personality, which is why Echoes Act 3 acts like a hardcore gangster (Koichi is pretty hardcore if you push him pass a certain point) and Spice Girl does her own thing separate from Trish (being related to Diavolo). Hazamada is fucking insane, so there's that too.
They were all greedy guys only in it for the money DIO offered, nobody except Hol Horse, J.Geil and the Oingo Boingo brothers were willing to split their cash reward.
Well to be fair he did throw something at him which should have been lethal yet Puci was able to move his head in time stop
obviously it's because some characters have stand's that reflect their deep subconsciousness, or perhaps the stand acts out what the user wishes they were (like with Koichi having a bad ass stand when he's tame)
People get dumber in groups?
There were those assassin bros in part 5. The fishing rod guy was a fucking retard but as soon as his partner died he turned into a hardcore motherfucker who almost killed Bruno several times and almost killed the Jojo crew who were still in the turtle.
Also, Polnareff. When he's an evil Dio minion acting on his own he's hyper competent and Silver Chariot was FTL.
>most precise attacks we've seen in all of part 3
>armor purge
>strong enough to effortlessly throw Polnareff around and carry him so it looked like Polnareff was doing sick backflips in the air
>move so fast it turned invisible while holding Polnareff in one place
>create 6 speed clones that could all land their attacks
As soon as he joins the party he turns into an outrageous moron and doesn't even purge his armor much less show any of the feats he showed while fighting the party on his own.
N'Doul and Vanilla Ice were in it out of ~respect for Dio-sama~ though.
>it takes a possessed sword to remind the audience that Silver Chariot can still purge its armor
That was another occasion. Should've aimed for the chest. He still had 3 more occasions to score a solid kill on Pucci tho. Smh senpai
That was anime filler unfortunately. He permanently turned dumb in the manga.
To be fair they pulled a thing outra his brain. Jotaro was still learning shit about his stand
Stand users like to work alone. They're all a bunch of backstabbing assholes, so for obvious reasons they don't want to get too close to one another. Remember Devo versus Pol where he says 'You FUCKING retard. You guys go around showing your powers in public, so we already know all your strengths and weaknesses.'