

WTF is this shit?


>Draw a girl
>call it a boy

Never change, Japan.


I don't care but I'm going to point out that you said "normies" so everyone knows I'm a pre-chanology badass. You brought this on yourself

Out of all the things you could have posted, you chose *that.* Why user, w-why?

picked up

Delete this.
Lolis should be happy like pic related

At this point I would be surprised if extremely flat-chested character who acts all girly and cute turned to be not a guy.

>WTF is this shit?
A boy.

So what?

muh dick

No matter what kind of hell will await me after death....geiger was worth the fap.



Obviously a Toy Story OVA.

>user's first exposure to traps
I suggest getting out of here as fast as possible, since your "WTF" proved how new you are. Stay in here and it will be too late for you as well.

So what type of thread is this

well it defiantly had woody in it

Very cute

> boy

Okay, it is official. My penis exploded.



Kill yourself.
