ITT: Things you will never see in anime

ITT: Things you will never see in anime.

black protagonist

(actual african, not just okinawan)

who is this and what is she from

No one even wants to see a black protag except maybe black people and SJWs.

you cant be real

She's from Boku no Pico.

I do and I'm neither.

I'm just so tired of spineless Jap MCs.

So a spineless black MC is better?


Then your problem is with archetypes and shitty writing, not race, which means you're just stupid.

Try watching anime that isn't targeted at spineless Jap preteens.


Dragon Ball Burma.

>implying there's no black archetype
I want a big ol' dindu protagonist in my harem show and I want to watch him stumble through a love octahedron like every other harem protag, but in a nigger way instead of a jap way.



salsa music

afro samurai

botan from yuyu hakusho,

OP with no running.

The OP to Betterman.
It's shit tho, but don't let that give you an impression of the entire series, it's really good, and has a great ED, it just has a shit ED with lazy visuals and a shit song that's painful to listen to.

****it just has a shit OP with lazy
is what I meant to say, sorry.

Lawrence of Moerabia.

She's from Yu Gi Oh.

>Watch a Japanese medium
>Tired of Japanese heroes

married salaryman protagonist

The ED did have running though.

An actual ending.

Legend of the Black Heaven

Hey I don't make it my duty to watch jap shit. I just get hooked by some premises, start watching a show, and quickly drop them because most of the time the protag is a boring little shit, who's boring insofar as he's pathetically Japanese.

The MC archetype overrides the black archetype.


So why are you on Sup Forums?

Free (You)s

But user said an OP without running and Betterman DOES qualify.

Ninja Slayer, are you even trying?




MILF protagonist

aqua from konosuba


Bobobo nigga

>a Catholic Church that actually shows Christ


Peepo Choo.
Manga but still.

I can confirmed

We need to go deeper.


People acting intelligently.

Well, one of the reasons why 2D is superior is because of no blacks after all.

Kill yourself

>wanting MORE shoehorned niggers in media

>Implying niggers haven't been shoehorned for the last 20 years

That's his point, chucklefuck

I thought Piccolo was black.

Man, the girl in your pic, cute as a Botan.

Isn't Ichigo from Bleach half black too?


I don't think I want that.
And I'm black.

Who the fuck are you and why and how did you find out about the best term ever?

You are my favorite, chucklefuck.

ill allow it

I'm a third party to your discourse here but I've recently started using chucklefuck. I think it re-entered my lexicon because I was playing overwatch and it was the only accurate way to describe my quick play rando team mates.