Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #9

Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #9

Remember to relax and take it easy.


Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting something related to Fathers Day please.

Specifically my SI carrying a younger/toddler Morgan and having a younger(but older than Morgan) Noire hugging him as well. Or something cute with my daughterus instead like them presenting a gift to the viewer.


Or something like this with my SI(and Noire hugging her dad too)

Requesting Chelsea, please!

I'd love to see her sleeping cutely on a bed or a couch, preferably wearing only a shirt or t-shirt and underwear, but cute pajamas are just as fine.

Or alternatively, her wearing either a sundress, or a t-shirt with shorts or her skirt, or just anything cute and casual, preferably without her headphones.

Anything else cute or cutelewd is also fine!

Please and thanks!

I would like to request a drawing of my beloved Mizunashi Akari, please.
To be more precise, I would like to request her wearing a beautiful evening gown, maybe with a a glass of wine in her hand.

Please and thank you if you pick up my request!

Have some nice music to listen to if you decide or not to draw it!

Hello! Requesting my lovely waifu Hanako sharing a candlelit dinner with her beloved. But as always, anything is also fine.

Thanks so much to all the artists who spend time an effort making anons here happy for so little in return!

Requesting my waifu Mahiru Koizumi demanding user to kiss her. Another idea would be her focusing while painting a picture.
Thank you all in advanced for a good weekend

I'm requesting my waifu Meredy from Fairy Tail either: enjoying the sun on a cute bikini, or something cute (lewd is also fine).

Please, and thank you for your efforts.

I'm linking the reference because it's too big to upload.


Requesting my wonderful waifu, Mimi.

Possibly cooking for user and being worried about whether or not he'll like it, but anything cute would be greatly appreciated.

She'll share her vodka with you if you draw her!

As always, take it easy, and I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Requesting Kukaku Shiba dressed as Naoto Shirogane.
Or anything is fine as long as she's smiling
Have a nice weekend!

Requesting Natsume fanning herself as she is sweating from the summer heat, cutelewd ok

Kindly requesting Colette wearing a wedding dress.
Alternatively, her being super cute similarly to these images: imgur.com/a/u8jrQ
Or smiling with an interrogation symbol by her head.

Requesting Gazer wearing a microbikini over her goo.

I have several other outfit ideas, like her in a wedding dress, a sweater, most any kind of bikini, or a maid outfit, or as a scientist.
Her holding a yes/no pillow, her as a catgirl.
An interaction with Miia would be cute, something like dungeon crawling. If any other user has a cute idea don't hesitate to let me know!
I'm fine with mild/cutelewd and chibis are adorable too.
That said, anything is fine.

SI stuff is cool. I updated my SI with a bit of hair color tweaking.
For ideas; handholding, princess carrying, matching outfits, anything would be cute. Also her sitting on my face, that would be nice too.

Or her comforting me.

requesting bully

Good evening WWD!

Requesting any of the following of my Mamimi:

- A POV shot of her in bed with me, with one arm reaching out while she rests on the other.

- My SI and her playing video games together

- Mamimi as an idol

- Mamimi in a bikini enjoying a popsicle

- Mamimi as a witch

- Mamimi in Robin's (FE) outfit

SI Reference: imgur.com/7U0FVpT

Robin Reference: imgur.com/ngenn8b

Thank you and have a wonderful week!

Is the drawbro that tried to draw her last weekend around? I didn't forget about your efforts.

Requesting my dear Anna dressed as the Pokemon Sun and Moon trainer.


Requesting Birdy and my SI interacting like so,(SI carrying Birdy, or other way around)
Birdy Ref. imgur.com/a/cmY90#0
SI Ref. imgur.com/a/OYu35

Or Birdy and a waifu/s in a braid train.
List of waifu would like to see with( no particular order/preference)

Or Birdy in anyone or more of these outfits.
Good luck.

Hello people of WWD. I'm requesting Momo Hanakai from Highschool DxD dressed as a supergirl, or anything cute/lewd.

Thank you if you're planning to do it.

I have only these references. The wikia doesn't have enough to put more. Tell me if should I add it.

Requesting Haruhi dressed as either Kurisu or Albedo. Although almost anything would be fine.

Requesting Ryuko!

As an angel, with wings. Can be the traditional feathered type, techno-mechanical, or life-fiber themed.

Alternatively, Ryuko in fashionable clothes. Which fashion and which season is up to you!

Anything else cute is also perfect.

Requesting Fujibayashi Ryou, please, preferably in one of the following scenes:
•as a delicious milf cooking delicious Father's Day steak and potato dinner. Think Akiko Minase from Kanon. I'm inclined to say please include the braid.
•"dressed" like Aigis while singing youtube.com/watch?v=mNU3aIJs88g or youtube.com/watch?v=79fzeNUqQbQ
•dressed like Rally Vincent from Gunsmith Cats imgur.com/a/At4BT while wielding the .44 AutoMag from the movie Sudden Impact
•sending user a lewd selfie
Lewd would be perfectly fine with any outfit request or if you wanted to abandon outfits completely, a 7 on the newly made lewd scale would be welcomed.

Have a great week!

Since today is fathers day I would like to request me and my daughteru Tomoko playing video games together with us both slouching on the couch. Also if its not to much but maybe have Seras playing as well but struggling to play and having a confused but focused expression while me and Tomoko are unfazed by the game.

Of course anything of my waifu and daughteru is appreciated. Just no lewds of my daughteru please.

Also I hope you all have a good fathers day.

Requesting long hair Hitagi working out with appropriate clothes.

Open to artist ideas as usual.

Hello again everyone!

Next weekend (the 26th) is Yume Nikki's (and Madotsuki's) 12th anniversary/birthday so I'd like to request something anniversary/birthday themed, preferably something POV like her being given a cake by the viewer or something, but anything like that would be awesome!

Alternatively, something a little more cutelewd for the anniversary, I'd like to request Madotsuki doing the usual YES pillow pose but while sitting in the edge of the bed waiting for user to show up, she's fallen asleep and she's sprawled out on the bed with the pillow resting on her chest. (Cat effect is optional, but would be a cute touch)

i.imgur.com/RbmOkrN.png Cat effect example (Catgirl ears+tail are pink)

Requesting my husbando Kuranosuke Koibuchi reacting to a horror movie. Anything cute or handsome would be fantastic, though.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Requesting Eureka as a medieval knight.

more refs: imgur.com/a/jK9yw


Requesting yoko as a sexy short skirted nun

I'd like to humbly request Rikka being smug, lewd, or smuglewd.
Anything else with her, of course, would be just as wonderful.
If you like, you could have a listen to her theme in my.mixtape.moe/mlfwwj.ogg in case it might offer some inspiration.

For something more specific, I'd like to request her
-stretching after waking up, wearing a camisole
-sitting in a larger man's lap, smiling happily
-covering half of her face with a kitsune mask
-enjoying a cocktail and smiling naughtily
-writing something with her quill

Many thanks in advance, to anyone who takes this into consideration.

Requesting Chronoire, thanks~

Hello again, everyone.

I would like to request Toyone drawn in a soft gochiusa style. I know it can be done!

>still requesting


Requesting Taiga lazily napping around or just relaxing in general, please.
Anything would be appreciated.



>three times
>won't be delivered

I've been requesting something for years, though.


Sounds like a good mantra to live by

Requesting Yuuko.

Other costume and pose requests: imgur.com/a/lnHuF

Requesting Tsukihi

whew folks, looks like there's still some time to draw waifus FOR DA LAND

Please draw my waifu, BB.

I'm hyped as fuck!



Requesting my dear husbando Kakyoin Noriaki. This week I'd like to see something wedding-related like these pictures while it's still June i.imgur.com/QMFZnxM.jpg or anything cute with daughteru (and SI if you feel like it, but just them is more than enough) for Father's Day i.imgur.com/774G0mI.jpg But anything else as long as he's happy is also perfectly fine. Thank you if you consider drawing him and have a good weekend everyone.

why dont you just do them instead of coming in like an attention whore

Fuck yea Rori you're a goddamn machine! This is absolutely one of the cutest ways to cool off and beat this damn heat. Never get tired of seeing your cute drawings Rori take it easy buddy and enjoy your week!

Finished colouring this.

You're missing BB and Roris entire point of existence in these threads which is to be hailed as saviors on the night of Sunday. They hardly ever deliver before this time


Is this a gray area of lewd? Nice job otherwise, just work on making the breasts more full

I want to quit.

¡Ay, chihuahua!

Requesting Mai doing pull ups in a horizontal bar. Preferably while wearing her gym clothes on the right.

Requesting Cave,
>Dressed as Red Riding Hood
>dancing in any style (optional wearing matching clothing)
>Cosplaying as anyone from DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou a.pomf.cat/pqbmjs.jpg or DeathSmiles a.pomf.cat/dcqwet.jpg
>Dressed like Inori i.imgur.com/cyKriIS.jpg

As an alternative, her donning armor much like that of any fighter from a Cave shoot 'em up game (examples: DoDonPachi, Ketsui)

This is actually really cute.


stream that movie if your so great

Requesting pov of playing hwatu with *Hyun-ae (Korean card game). Of course anything else cute is fine too

Still haven't finished watching KLK.

Cause I'm legitimately happy that Cleveland finally won a fucking championship.

That's because I'm procrastinating.
>Should I do some drawings?
>Naw, gotta masturbate again

Rozalin wearing Claire Harvey's Hundred battle dress from Hundred (which can be altered to her dress' design) please.

Draw BB-tan you bastard.

I cant quit I'm so close to hitting the jackpot
I just need one more loan


Requesting Kneesocks hugging or kissing the screen, or pressing against it.

Also requesting anything of her wearing the outfits in the bottom right of the reference.

Requesting Inaba please

Should've been pressing against the cheek.

>You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this


Requesting Lavinia to be drawn in her general outfit or in a maid costume please.

She'll be pressing it against his cheeks later if you know what I mean

The ones on his face?

I'd like Scharlachrot dressed like a maid, dressed like Hazama from BlazBlue, Velvet from Odin Sphere, or wearing a cute school uniform.

Wow, you asked me about this so long ago that I assumed it was some kind of trick, I'm really happy to see it. It's really, really cute, and the roses in her hair are pretty. Thanks for drawing her.

Up his arse, mate.

Requesting something of the lovely, cute Merry Nightmare. Anything is fine, it's up to you! Even lewd is fine if you want if it's cute lewd.


That reminds me. When are you opening commissions.


OR, here. Hahaha very cute.

Thank you for taking the time to do this. This is kind of motherly right? Right? Thanks again, friend. Very amusing.

requesting liru giving the viewer a birthday present

>Not boypussy


Requesting Pacifica as a car model for the 2017 Pacifica in an appropriate race-girl outfit much like i.imgur.com/0qwIQMJ.png , or eating ramen (mayhap for the first time?) please.


Don't mind me, just posting for the kind user who was going to finish coloring this wonderful delivery from yesterday.

Waifu idol groups when?

With team names? Like what? The Big 3? The Demons? The Swords?

Isn't there a waifu here that is a real singer in their universe?


Thanks so much BB-senpai, you've made a great day even better! I dont even give two shits if its not my original request. Im sleeping like a baby tonight.

You always draw her super adorably as always, rori! Her expression melts my heart, and the implications do too. Really cute yukata design too! Thank you so much for drawing her, have a nice week!


It's not a delivery, but someone drew it a long while ago and maybe you don't have it

small groups of waifus, with a group name.

Like the sub-u's member groups.

Oh lawdy Rori. You know exactly what buttons to press sometimes, don't you. Especially since it's something I can see happening a few times.
Well you've certainly cheered my week up (especially since I've woken up at 5:30am, what the hell) and for that you have my profound thanks! Wish I had even half of your cutelewd mastery.

Hi, WWD.
This week, I'll be requesting Jolyne wearing any of the following outfits:
An outfit swap with Cosmos from Fairy Tail. Bigger reference: i.imgur.com/D0jej1l.jpg
As for solo requests, Jolyne wearing the dress of this Beedrill gijinka, preferably with a Beedrill in the image, too, because Beedrill is the best Gen 1 Pokémon. i.imgur.com/rzdjyiJ.png
I would also very much like to see Jolyne wearing the outfit of Mathilda from Anarchy Reigns, spiked bat optional i.imgur.com/6pIQFaE.jpg
And last but not least, Jolyne would look great wearing Kanbaru's basketball jersey, bandage optional but very much welcome. i.imgur.com/bs6j5Bj.jpg
Just in case, references for other Kanbaru's outfits I'm fond of i.imgur.com/tWjgRIL.jpg

Anything at all would be fine, of course.
Thanks in advance for considering drawing any of my requests and have a nice day!

Which husbandos would fulfil the required archetypes of a boyband?

Just wanted to practice a bit, didn't feel like doing the line work though.

>I'm somebody's mommy!