Canada, the new Sweden

I know it's all fun and games to laugh at leafs for not being a real country (I agree) but surely the USA wouldn't let ts long time neighbor, trading partner and friend devolve into a steamping shitheap of pot funded welfare monkeys?

What is a Canadian even to do at this point except go on welfare themselves so half their paycheck isn't going directly to border jumpers?

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What are we supposed to do? You faggots want them, or at least Trudeau does. Maybe if the "nicest" country starts hating shitskins the rest of us can do it openly.


Thank god we don't have Haitians.
We only have Somalians and dear god thank you god they cannot just walk into the place.

Canada has the absolute worst immigrants (Hatians) just fucking walking in!

Our PM wants them for social media points, his entire shtick is "Look how much I'm not Donald Trump" so he just needs to do the opposite of anything Trump does, including enforcing borders.

Yeah the Hatians from that Earthquake that happened nearly a decade ago are clearly fleeing for their lives from the roving lynch mobs that make up most f the US population. Good thing there's such a sprawling network of taxis busing peoples as far down as Florida to us!

>comments disabled

every time

I mean look at these poor, abused, tired and desperate refugees, they probably haven't eaten in weeks or even know what a bed is. A free $2500 a month in tax payer dosh should teach her a lesson about breaking laws though.

>tfw you can't hide behind passive agressivness f

I feel for you buddy, we rail on leafs a lot but at the end of the day we're all kin in my eyes

Looks just like Oslo

Wait, didnt they genocide all the whites on their island? Like all of them?

The somalis are the fucking worst. None of them work, they have 10+ kids and if they're not doing anything criminal, they just chew khat all day like useless retards.
I wish we could just use these fuckers as fertilizer.

Heard another black guy call somalis "gypsies of africa"

Looks like any other day in South Africa

Pretty accurate.

Where's a truck of peace when you need one.

>whole point of immigration from shotholes so their slave labor would pay for the boomers pensions and healthcare
>turns out the 3rd worlders lack an education for jobs and now use the already crippling welfare system
Why do politicians think doubling down is gonna work?

Chimpocalypse when?

Who would win?

This. Back when Britain was a country worth fighting for 100,000 LEAFs joined up to fight the day after WW2 was declared out of loyalty to the Mother Country.

Its all fun and games until they have to provide for themselves, then hell breaks loose. I hope for your sake people have balls and speak up before its too late like us.......

Not today, CIA.

Because generations on democrat welfare will guarantee democrat votes. Laziness begets laziness.


Pretty accurate, they are hated by other black, the kebabs, and the whites, we are all united in hate against Somalians

Yup. The only blacks to ever successful overthrow and genocide whites. And Canada wants them.

They also breed like rabbits and eat dirt cookies.

Yeah they did. That's why it's a fucking shithole.

Why don't you get the RCMP snazzy bellhop uniforms?
The you can get you cuck PM to make them wear them.

This is fucking bullshit. My parents immigrated from China and Italy LEGALLY. My dad didn't beg for gibs because he was raised in a Chinese peasant family, and demand Canada give him entry. He came here, got his engineering degree and started a business.

All these cocksuckers hopping the border need to be deported or else were going to become a shit country like France getting Merc'd by ISIS every week.

It isn't. Buy guns and ammo.
Lots of both.



It used to be that welfare was supposed to be a hand up in tough times. Now its a lifestyle.

But I can't fully blame them, with the gutted, foreigner based labor economy (where the majority of citizens work, not at Google choosing fonts for a living), and a government that taxes the citizens with no expectation of earnest representation.

>Everyone in the world has the right to displace whites as long as it's legally.

>not "We have no culture"

Gotta admit the niggers here have a pretty sweet gig. Pay sucks but you only have to show up for work a few minutes every four years.

We have entire communities where there hasn't been a paycheck in 5 generations.

There will NEVER be enough jobs for all these fucking people.
Our countries can't even employ the people we have.

Eh. Fuck your chink dad too.

The chinks want to by Sydney from us...
How did selling Vancouver work out for you guys? Did you get a lot of shekels?

This is what this scum does.

come to our countries, and live off our welfare system (which is funded by our tax money)

they are scabs, bottom feeders, gibs, looking for a free hand out every fucking time.

they don't contribute anything to our countries, but crime and filth, and more burden on our welfare systems.

fucking scum!

come to our countries, build and run by us

and stand in a fucking line

"give me free shit, you racist"

The west is fucked. These fucks breed too whilst white girls barely even have 1 or 2 kids.
Plus they divorce and fuck up their families.

Tfw Montrealer
Tfw chronic illness, can't into uni, can't into job
Tfw tried everything, after struggling for years, finally resorted to ask for welfare
Tfw been denied
Tfw can't even pay for my medication anymore
Tfw these niggers are getting what I'm being denied, because they are niggers

We will let it happen, because you've been a bunch of smug leftist cunts since the 60s. It's time you paid the cost for your foolishness. Reap the reward your actions have sown.

More Haitians are on the way, leafs..
They used to have extended stay stamps on their visas since the earthquake, they expire in January, and Trump won't extend them again.
Haitian churches are busing them to you as we speak! Look for about 50,000 or more.
All from Miami! A bunch from the Zika zones, too!
t. MiamiFag

Would have been funnier if he called them "the niggers of Africa"

Is it wrong that I'm black and seeing shit like this makes me not want to visit ....

But yeah, Canada went stupid w/ the immigration.
I struggled to understand wtf was going on when I visited Toronto. It felt like they crammed every warm body they could find into a crucible concrete jungle w/ no reasoned jobs. A bunch of conglomerates and monopolies presiding over a city of service sector slave labor.

Interestingly enough, the youth seem to love it and feel right at home.
I guess its because they don't know any better.
Maybe 3 generations from now things will change.
The human spirit seems to long for the 'struggle'.

Do illegal shit, just fuck the niggers by being a drug dealer. poison their communities and their kids slowly. Also get a gun and start practicing. you will need it, with nigs around.

The low-cost labor is sort of true in the US and used to be true in Germany and Britain, and right now in Korea as well, but in the West it's just a canard. In reality, the new generation of low-skill migrants "benefits" the host countries in several ways, none of which require them actually being gainfully employed.

Their presence ""requires"" that the government gibs dem dat. Housing, schooling, social work, direct cash payments, food, basically everything. The difference is, this astronomical cash trough can be skimmed by people and organizations with the right connections, in addition to providing job security to government bureaucrats. This is by far the biggest immediate driver, I think.

Oh yeah, every dollar of cash and goods given to migrants increases muh GDP.

>Debt Peonage
Everyone is leveraged up to their eyeballs and interest rates are at an all-time low. Solution? Import more people and get them borrowing, stat!

>Vote Banks
The people won't elect the right politicians? Then elect a new people. Bonus points that the newcomers are easily herded into lockstep-voting blocs controlled by a view reliable ward heelers.

>Policy Justification
We'd love to spend less on "security", but golly there are just so many bombings nowadays dontcha know. Better keep fighting them over there so that Isr...we destroy the "root causes" of the problem. I don't put a ton of stock in this one, myself, but there you go.

>Fuck You
There are legitimately a lot of people, including of course The Jews, who just want to collectively fuck over people they hate. I think this is more of a "fringe benefit" but others disagree.


There are some based Canadians especially the Trailer Park Boys and people from Alberta, but for the most part every Canadian I've ever come across has been smug, talks down to the US like they're from Europe or something, and always thinks we're more savage and uncivilized than them. And all the Canadian politicians feel the same way.

Every time I wanna feel bad about Canada's situation I am reminded by all the leafs who say 56% or the French leafs who think they are some super cultured country and who condescend us Americans. So I don't care anymore. Burn Canada.

Fuck you chinknigger. You come from peasant stock.
Learn the difference between "immigrate" and "emigrate."
Fucking non-Whites

Get fucked, canucks

Isn't Montreal like 90% white ?

I had to go to the houston social security office about two months ago to request a new card to register for school. it was the first time I had ever been down there and it looked just like this.

A sea of niggers

Please enjoy our niggers canada

and additionally 260,000+ central americans lose status early next year too.

it's only just begun.

the estimates are that the refugee backlog will take at least 11 years to clear by 2021. current initial times for an initial hearing (can be appealed) is 5-6 months. so basically once they get into canada (if they didn't already) families can have anchor babies. then, between the time spent in canada and the baby (canadian citizen by birth on canadian soil) they strengthen their appeal on ties to canada and then are allowed to stay.

How stupid do you have to be to let Haitians into your country? Answer: Canadian.

Just remember when it all implodes this oblivious cunt is going to escape on taxpayer dime and not only never regret it but probably write a book about how "brave" he was for doing it.

Really, it's shit like this that makes me look at coup d'etats across history and think "were they sometimes stopping shitheads like this?".

He really is like the kings of old that were just preening fools who only cared what their royal court thought of them and people eventually just got sick of them.

Best part
"Will Canada let you stay?
"They have to let me stay, I won't leave"

There have been times that I have wanted to move to u
US or Europe for life experiences but unfortunately I don't have the skills required for a visa, do I just walk across and blame the president when I can't find a job or feed my family? No I blame myself for not trying harder in school. Victim mentality Is killing the planet

I got my government job because of the refugee crisis and now I shitpost so much while I sit in office my battery is dead before 4pm. Politicians are retarded and I hope the system crashes but I'm enjoying the ride

It's all that shit going back to (sigh, again) Soros and some "metropolis project".

Really, when you look at it's goal as "fuck up Canada" it all makes total sense and yes, the youngest generation are just raised to love this shit and hate what came before to make it harder to think "maybe they had a point".

Democracy is a fucking joke. Fuck this bullshit.

There was a slave revolt and the slave populatioon who were overhelmingly black killed the white slavers, they then established a series of governments which fell, often due to political corruption, their economy was also hamstrung, as to recognize and trade with Haiti (formerly a french colony, and something an export oriented economy would really want) would've been pissing off France, a big player on the world stage.

or Niggarz lawl


Western Canada needs to separate

at least in a fascist dictatorship you know who to hang when the time comes

snazzy belhop uniforms kekek

>sell all your gold
>give the money to rapefugees
Trudeau is the hero Canada needs.


As an Upstate New Yorker I am so very happy they will have a new chance in Canada

>italian flag on post
>upstate New Yorker

in some of the recent news articles about these "refugees" many of them concede that the tweet that "Canada will welcome you" directly lead to them going to Canada illegally

i wish we could switch the maritime bros with ontario/quebec

I know they are niggers etc.. but when i saw the kids in the video in the OP i got a flashback.. i was in the same situation as them. Me and my mom fled to Germany when i was like 3-4 i remember how fucked up it was and scary.
We were alone and scared and if Germany didnt take us in we would have been fucked.

ughhhh such CULTURAL ENRICHMENT it's soooooooo BEAUTIFUL

Your mistake is in thinking there is a reason for immigration to 1st world nations that isn't white genocide.

There is none. Time and time again, experience, social studies, common sense have proved that even a small amount of mixture between whites and non whites lowers social cohesion, fractures communities, and lowers GDP per head.

But still they come, now more than ever, in their millions. They are here to kill white people, nothing more nothing less.

YOU are being wiped out. YOU are hated by the kikes and their elite puppets, and so YOU and YOUR friends and family must live among savages who cannot read and can barely communicate more than the words 'gibs me dat'

You're an immigrant too fuck face. I'll send half my ass to China if you send your ass back to your eurocuck shithole

Any amateur historians here?

What were the relative sizes of the muslim populations in Spain/France/Vienna/etc when wars were won there against Islam?

I'm trying to see if this major population influx (relatively) is a thing that's happened before.

The world can't sustain itself with this many humans

Bleeding heart fags never think two steps ahead

>Haitians are the worst (granted they're still pretty bad)
>not Somalis
>not Pajeets
>not Swedes

Why did you return? Coward?

>I'll send half my ass to China

So what about the other half?
Does Trudeau get it?

Boohooo, what a Heartwarming little sob story. I still dont want to have nigger and arab scum here. Also, why isnt your flag german?

time to break bad.

I returned when the war ended..

>tfw dufferin
>tfw 2/3 hrs away from diversity shithole Brampton/Toronto

>what is travel

Crime: Bringing an 'illegal' rare Pepe to an artist for resizing

Sorry leaf friend.

What was wrong with selective immigration, or have they mined all of the brain they could.

the absolute state of Leafland

Democracy is just shifting the blame on the majority, and since the majority is anonymous, I think you can see the problem.
Just like unchartered financial capitalism. This shit is fucking cancer, because nobody's ever to blame for shit.

Leaf my only advice is to get out. Lived in the GTA for most of my life, got out as soon as I could. It was getting bad five years ago, I can't imagine how it must be now.

Wow so true. Many such cases. CHOP

If you're traveling, why are you shitposting on Sup Forums in the middle of the afternoon instead of enjoying the beautiful museums, sights, and excellent food in Italy user?

Of course they are, the next bus from New York to Plattsburgh (near the border of Lacolle) doesn't arrive until 4PM, so they have plenty of time to read our shitposts.

I miss Harper

>Displace whites
>Running a business that employs mostly white Canadians, giving them a salary and a comfortable lifestyle

Please tell me, oh Savior of the white race, what the fuck have you done, besides shitposting.

Unironically this.


Good point. Ciao

I've deleted my post solely to sow confusion. They'll be wondering what it said.

>it'll give them something to do

Actuallyy quite sad and remembers me of that fat pig Merkel who sold my country out to third world trash...

>Wanting them

You're prohibited by law to NOT want them.