HIV positive people should go to (prison)

they are serial killers roaming free, even getting pampered by NGOs/GONGOs, treatment more expensive than cancer

Other urls found in this thread:

They should have an identifier tattooed on their foreheads


first i thought chemical castration would be an option (at least for men)
but realized it's maybe better to let them fuck (and slowly kill) each other since negorid male faggots are 12 times, hetero negros are 4 times over-represented in population.
and for the safety of white man, HIV+ females could be 'forcefully euthanased'

No HIV is based af. Long live the virus.

the latest leftwing filth is trying to normalize having STDs including AIDs and saying that fearing people with aids is "evil" because multiculturalism = more STDs and they know it

TL;DR death to the left

people like you should unironically be firebombed

Stay mad loser

maybe hes 11 and played a bit too much plague inc.

Nah, oven is the best solution desu

Who are the most people affected by HIV? I don't have any data to back this up, but I assume they are
They mostly infect each other, so I don't see how it's going to do much good if we lock them up.

Well said Satan.

Somehow gays have found HIV sexy. I conpletely agree with your post because bugchasing should stop.

Satan speaks

at least send them all (back) to africa. better yet madagascar, a natural quarantine.
it will be crowded there with all they joos and gypsies though
after all that is where it all begun with bestiality

They literally just invented a pill to keep you from getting it.

fuck no, after years of lurking still can learn something new, extreme way of faggotry

>be a medicine intern
>work at a hospital
>taking blood from a hiv positive patient
>accidently cut my finger during withdrawing the needle
>take a test
>mfw hiv positive

I heard about this story from a friend where the nurse employee has passed the hiv positive patient onto an intern without mentioning the patient was hiv positive because she was afraid of accidently catching hiv.Because intern didnt know about it while taking blood culture from the dude she accidently caught hiv and my friend told me she was a very conservative girl.

Bro, most of use don't have guns but a shitload of HIV Rapefugges. How defend yourself or fight the coming racewar if you off them with a 30 bucks amazon bought machete but get splattered with their AIDS in return!?

>Sup Forums still believes HIV causes AIDS

Here's another red pill for you:

the funny thing is, she would try to explain this, most people will never believe her, just pretend they do
yesterday i went through a bump limit rage thread, this one could have been a very strong contender there

>off them with a 30 bucks amazon bought machete
>splattered with their AIDS
10/10 next level scientific approach, i laughed hard, but then frightened, because realised if i have the slightest bruise or they bite me in the flash it will happen

dont have enough shekels to order the DVD

> it will happen
I tell you something else. While I can't grow my own food (city), I stopped buying food that can't be heated and such because there is also a shitload of degenerates and "New Germans" working in the food industry. I have absolutly no trust in work place hygiene anymore. Would you trust a Goverment that welcomes millions of enemy soldiers to enforce health standards for common people food?

I mean, when fukushima happend did they stop radioactive food from being sold? No, the rised the allowed level of radiaton. That alone is enough but there is also rotten meat scandals, BSE and various other things.

>new germans
my blood starts to boil every time i hear that phrase

about the hygiene of food industry, it's very bad in hungary, almost every week there are raids of bakerys, butcherys by the public health office suprevisors. i try to buy my stuff from big companies and farmers in the market, and leave out the middle-small business, they are the most filth ridden most of the time, especially albanian and turkroach ventures. i also microwave everything i can for at least 2 minutes. granny still wont buy beef because of the BSE epidemic years ago. the radiation cap in japan i didnt heard about, poor nippons.
i hope we fight alongside again in the coming wars, nice germany!

They already commit suicide at record numbers

>blood starts to boil
thanks for caring!

>fight alongside
I'd like to say yes but right now I feel more like saying "save us!". Well, if more germans wake up maybe there is still a chance? If that happens, it'll be a honor to with alongside hungary.

prison costs money, throw them into a 20 foot pit.

Shut the fuck up, untermensch.

Jonas Salk and Robert Gallo are the reason HIV exists. He (Salk) was working to create a Polio vaccine. He was in Africa, working to get a cure from Simian DNA. Now many racists say Africans are monkeys, however, science speaks differently. The virus mutated from the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus to HIV, in Africans with weak-ass immune systems. To top it all off, he still gave the vaccine, outside of Africa.

And it all gets blamed on the green monkey or beastiality, kek.

