Fuckin commies

>be in uk
>first day at uni
>studying film
>my first lecturer walks in
>shaved head
>thick rim glasses
>dressed like homeless guy
> turns on projector
>her pc wallpaper is of Jeremy Corbyn

fucking hell lads this years gonna be tough.
i didn't fully believe these people existed outside of the US.

check if she has bluetooth and it's active. change your username to nigger, and try to connect.

You can always go back cletus.

Someone posted to just play your radical profs
-that's what I'd do
-seek truth elsewhere

this is a great idea, thank you

At what point you did realize that you're fucked?

the minute i saw her

>>studying film
This is your mistake. Touching anything even remotely connected with culture.

Ask xir why xie has the wallpaper of a white man.
Emphasize your feeling of offense, and emphasize that there are minorities feeling oppressed at seeing the cyberglorification of the type of person who enslaved and murdered their ancestors.
Call xir a racist and a bigot, and tell xir to check xir privilege.

what did you expect? Michelangelo? It ain't the 40's anymore.

Just play victim, like you're the most oppressed in the whole fucking uni. If someone calls you out, start screeching.

mistakes were made, can't back out though unfortunately

what are you studying user?

>studying film
What did you expect? It probably could be worse actually.

who the fuck uses bluetooth nowadays?

i didn't go to films i went to film school

In Bournemouth by any chance?

Why is there this belief on Sup Forums that far leftists only exist in america? I mean Europe is where shit like Marxism and communism was created so I would expect it to flourish there of all places.

People like this should be shot.

We flushed Communism and Marxism down the toilet. Still trying to recuperate from the destruction it caused. Will take a century.

>Lives in one of the biggest shit holes in the universe, where literally all the shit go.
>i didn't fully believe these people existed outside of the US.

You sure need to go out from your moms basement more often.


>be in economics class
>expect to see charts and talk about supply and demand and shit
>it's all just fucking anecdotes about how Trump is bad and America is heading towards socialism and how that's a good thing

>majoring in film


Naive fool. You're studying film at a western university, how could you not see this coming? you have years of "evil white men" and wacky feminist BS ahead of you as a reward for your naiveté. Don't be surprised if one or two of the white males on your course become tranny's.

kek, i'm gonna try my best to avoid it and let them know in essays/work etc that i think they're full of shit.
looking forward to marxist film theory though, oof.

Bournemouth is a nice vacation spot faggot

some lads in my course got lambasted as ''white males'' by a female lecturer for a joke they did.

i partially reveal my power level ll the time and get
away with it. You can get away with it if you are
careful about it and good at the subject.

Send a complaint to the head of your college/university that your lecturer displays signs of severe mental health problems.
Say it would be detrimental to her health that she works while in her current state. Sell yourself as a concerned individual and tell them you had a family member who was in a similar state which led to a suicide.

If they were called 'White males' in a manner which implied they should be ashamed of being white, they can bring her to court and win.
The law treats all discrimination equal.

Anything connected to culture or arts will be infested with the worst degenerates imaginable.


Why are your universities so plagued with this political plague? I studied economics and everything is absolutely neutral. Even when we did "history of economics and entrepreneurship " we just studied how things worked, they even had the guts to talk about holodomor genocide since it was a key event during the industrialization process of the Soviet Union.

You can mate. Swap to a better subject. Nearly anything is better.

You decided to study film instead of something useful. You have only yourself to blame.