All girls can be best girls.
Monster Musume
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People seem to forget this
>All girls can be best girls.
They are all good in each of their own ways.
Tissue Nuke, or in 40k terms, Deathstrike Missile Launcher.
This snake right here is a prime example of one, her sneeze can generate mini black holes.
Revised figures for you based on jp wiki.
At 200%
Actia 840/248/657(1642.5)/429
Quesu 1283/415/1470/747
Even bean curd MILF?
No. Because she's a grown ass woman.
Jesus christ, mothbutt doesn't fuck around no more. I just had her crit for 2038 damage.
Yeah, they buffed her significantly in this patch. Worst girl is Lyuka now.
I'll do my best to have the summary up later tonight, if not then, than tomorrow.
Here's something for the Centorea fans till then.
Yeah, but I mean I've never even seen a 50lvl/100% Quess skill 1 crit hit for more than 1200. I think I'm going to take her into super hard out of curiosity and see what she hits for skill 3'd up because the 2k crit was on a "Hard Daily" map rare and today's map is cute so it isn't like she's getting an type triangle bonus.
While I have zero problems with her out-damaging a level 80 Quess, her event-tier stats are a problem on Super, that amount of nearly paper-thin defenses would be a problem, tanks must be used to keep her alive. Also, get HR jade earrings on her pronto.
Oh I know that, I just want to see what she is hitting for on super hard girls since they have higher defense.
You would pretty much have to take a Queen/Tanuki with SR jade to keep her alive.
Also I'm suspecting that they fucked up her skill 3 multiplier, because a skill 1 Quess crit should out damage her you would think.
50 Quess 100%: 1090 attack * 3 damage multiplier(skill 1) = 3270 effective attack.
70 Actia 100%: 608 attack * 2.5 stat multiplier(skill 3) = 1520 attack.
I remember we did some calculations a few threads back. Maybe defense is counted before crit/skill multiplier?
>ara ara intensifies
Moth OP pls nerf
Why aren't there Kobold pups in the mango?
Give it a few chapters, I'm sure TTF and Polt are "working" on it : ^ )
Babysitting chapter with Mero's half sibling when?
>Polt taking top because The Worst Girl broke TTF's spine
no, they fucking can't.
please go and stay go
I would imagine it'd be after she nurses him back to health. Unless he's got MC levels of regeneration ability.
>Unless he's got MC levels of regeneration ability
TTF is only medium-sized foreigner.
Only normal-sized japanese get MC abilities.
Solid point.
I do actually wonder if Crab will do anything with him after this though, is this the first time someone from Sup Forums has gotten in a manga? That asshole.
Anyone know a bit how how the filepaths are created for the webgame?
For example if you go in ID order you get
For the most part they all appear to be 29 or 32 characters long but I can't really see a pattern that would help us download assets without owning the girl.
How frequently is her Skill3 proccing? If it's like 3/4 without earrings, it would be worthwhile to up her Skill1, even with the halving damage, since 248 speed means she'll probably be third or fourth fastest overall in most fights, allowing her to delete slower non-glaciers.
That's kind of the point. 32 bit hash, and it also doesn't load them into the cache until SOMEBODY(as in any player) calls for the file.
That's what I was afraid of. Their "security" for webpages was garbage so I was hoping there might be a way to get past this.
On the plus side, once somebody had called for them for this "session", anyone can access the file, even if they don't own the girl. One "session" lasts from the most recent maintenance until the next one.
It's a manga, not a webcomic. He's not going to be a regular character just because he appeared once as part of a fun little fan thing. And while it's impressive that an Sup Forumsnon managed to have a cameo appearance in a manga, let me remind you that Molester Man is a manga based entirely on a 2ch poster and his story. We still have a long way to go before we top that.
Heh, seems like you've already tried then if you have figure that much out. Oh well, guess we will just have to wait and hope someone gets Liza. Seems like someone on twitter got her, few pictures on the wiki.
Oh I didn't mean he'd become a regular. Just that I wonder if this is the last time we'll see him.
I want to be that goldfish.
Only because I'm voice user, collecting all the harder to get sounds from other anons, since it's pretty hard to get every single girl without whaling. Passing the url is easier than saving/reuploading. The latter does have the advantage of allowing non-players to get the sounds.
Could someone please teach the JP players how to rip these files correctly?
Hope so. I'm glad for the guy really but we don't need the joke dragging on.
While I can read Japanese I can't speak nor write properly, and I don't know how to comment on that Wikia even if I can.
Lizard so cute it should be illegal.
I wouldn't mind seeing a "wrap up" in the background somewhere just like "Hey he didn't die" maybe Polt and him walking togetherholding hands in a background scene out of the way or something.
I think you need to make an account on that wiki or something. I've been trying to upload some of the love burst info they don't have that I do, but it keeps blocking me.
For crab to do that would mean he'd have to have somewhat intimate knowledge of the whole TTF deal and his shameless obsession with Polt, which really wouldn't say many good things about either of them to me. It foesn't take a genius to figure out he's a Poltfag, but if Crabman actually did it that'd be selective pandering of the worst kind. I say let the sleeping dog lie and let the rest of any and all Polt related fanservice be delegated entirely to hot canine tiddies and ass.
>Crab lurks these threads to learn TTF's weaknesses so he can bully him
I think you might be underestimating just how much TTF has talked to crab about his Polt obsession.
To be fair the Yukio guy and the Liz and Kinu guys got more info about their love interests. Yukio guy especially.
Quick, post more of that Draco cucking TTF meme that's been going around lately to give him funny ideas.
>12 inch reptile clitoris that she uses as a fake penis to ram Polt's ass doggystyle
And exactly how much would that be? If it's any more than "hey by the way Polt's my favorite character" then that goes past reasonable and winds up straight into creeper territory. And to be fair, I highly doubt Yukio's fiance or Liz & Kinu's boyfriends are based on actual fans of the series, unless I missed something there. Not to mention they were actually dating, TTF was just a member of the gym admiring her from afar with the other /fit/fags, which is probably how he'd handle the situation irl at least until he tried awkwardly to introduce himself and somehow break his spine again in the process.
All human males featured in 31-34, as well as Manako's chapter and the most recent one, were based on fan-submitted self-portraits.
So you're telling me there's a huge black guy with a blonde mohawk and a guy who looks exactly like Ritsu reading this manga?
Threadly reminder
Horsepussy rhymes with heresy
Dont be a faggot son
>Reminder Ms. Smith is Best Girl.
She is a downgrade even to Miia.
Miia a shit
Can't disagree with that. Cerea is, however, even more shit.
I guess I should pipe up before people start thinking I harass the crab or something.
I'll just post about this once then if anyone cares (which no one really should) you can reference this post.
I've been a fan of this series since waaaay back when we just had the original "My life with ___ comics" When the manga first came out I didn't really post much but I translated some stuff occasionally.
When the anime was announced and started airing I started posting more and made a twitter since I figured people would like to talk to the Crab about the series.
I got my tanktop and thats where the name came from.
As for how much I "bully" the crab the answer is honestly not that much. I've mentioned Polt a few times to him directly asking side questions like "could she eat chocolate" or "what would she call her home-stay" but beyond that I don't message Crab directly that often.
I helped translate some of the birthday package we sent to the Crab aswell and that is probably the strongest point of contact I've had with him.
He is genuinely a nice guy and I enjoy talking with him over twitter.
Since I moved to Japan Crab has messaged me a few times regarding the OAD and up-coming chapters with Polt. As well as some questions other people have had like about Draco.
As for my appearance in the manga I'm obviously extremely happy and if this was the last I ever showed up I'd be totally fine with that. I am NOT bothering crab directly about showing up again. I HAVE posted on my own twitter some "what if" scenarios I would like to see. I realize some people are sick of Polt and that's fair she's not everyone's favorite.
I keep my translation work for you guys and my twitter Polt posting separate. I really do care about putting out a good translation for everyone to enjoy. If I didn't like translating I wouldn't do it. Hope that clears the air a little.
TLDR you're a poltfag. Thank you for all the translate you did. I love reading it thank you senpai keep up the good work proud of you
Nice trips tripfag
>I got my tanktop and thats where the name came from.
Redbubblefag here.
You're nothing without me.
I'm joking, of course. Thank you for all your hard work.
I hope ttp bullies crab so much that the series ends with Polt asserting dominance over Kurusu by mauling the other girls to death.
You're a good egg, TTF. I don't think anyone here seriously thinks ill of you and if they do fuck em. Thanks for everything you do for us.
I can't thank you enough honestly.
It's a great design. You really nailed making it look straight out of the manga.
> I got my tanktop and thats where the name came from.
If a guy from Sup Forums and wears a tanktof he is called tantoffag
What happens to a guy who wears a pantsu on Sup Forums?
Knowing that you're happy with it is thanks enough for me.
Thank you for your business.
They're called Anonymous.
nth for Lilith, Queen of the Andals and the First Men
Quick question, how will I know I got Shiana as a drop in the event run?
Its a gamble son
Or at least, that's what they want to believe they look like. For all we know giganigga is actually a half-nipponese with an African mother, but he looks more like his father, so he wishes he was a strapping African Zangief.
You wont know 'till you get that silver HR icon after a battle. Anything random is likely not seeded until the moment you get it and is likely done server-side, like online gambling. ie: there is no way for you to predetermine or fux wit it.
Just keep doin you TTF. You may have differing tastes, but you are an upstanding man and a man of the community.Thank you for the translations.
If it's your first drop, she'll give the whole introduction spiel. Otherwise, check Smith's page during the debriefing after the quest. If you spot a silver card(only from boss node, correct me if I'm wrong), it can only be her since she's the only HR dropping on her maps. Also during Smith's debrief. And goddamnit, now I want to see Smith de-briefed.
Doppel is the Superior Girl
messenger of fear in sight
Well there's a guy who wears thighhighs all the time and they call him melonpan, so no idea.
Little girls are scary...
Doppel doth be the primest wench, for she can transpose herself into any other wench!
>Cthulhu fhtagn
>Is she nary an Elder God?
Please do.
Could it be?
>All girls can be best girls
Except the cheating slut cow
Scarily cute
Papi fans in an eggshell.
Oh look he's back. how wonderful, I cant wait for tons of idiots to feed him (you)s.
I can't wait to get my boypussy destroyed by Cott and/or Ton
Yes she is.
Oh god.
Replying to stale pasta
the return?
Silkie chicken master race reporting
I've got a fever, anyone got more cowbell?
What the hell.....
>He posted it again
Ignore and report
Well, looks like the Chic-Fil-A adverts were a rousing success.