> “So with that said, go on a date with me, Araragi-kun.”
> “If you won’t go on a date with me, I’m going to bite off my own tongue right here.”
> “You’ll never be able to French kiss me again.”
Is she best gf ever?
> “So with that said, go on a date with me, Araragi-kun.”
> “If you won’t go on a date with me, I’m going to bite off my own tongue right here.”
> “You’ll never be able to French kiss me again.”
Is she best gf ever?
Haha, no. I'd let her bite her own tongue off.
>not setting both her and hanekawa up with kanbaru and taking the fiyah sistahs for yourself
step it up, ararararagi-kun
Should we leave tongue biting to an expert? She'd make a fine girlfriend as well.
All of those wrinkles are a little worrisome. Shouldn't you post her at her best?
I'd die for her even if she never knew my name.
No. You have to post her at the lowest point in her life. It's the rules.
Even if she did something horrible like step on you and insult you?
BDs are out?
>step on you and insult you
Well can we at least give that poor thing some donuts and head pats then? Seeing her like that isn't good for the heart.
Of course she is. Araragi and her are the best OTP ever.
>step on you
I would devote my entire being to her just to be beneath her shoes.
This doujin has made me a lolicon
What man could look at Shinobu's fine loli form and not become a lolicon?
She's a cheap slut.
Honestly, the series would have been better had the main characters follow the footsteps of the vagabonds and had each of the main characters paired with an exorcist.
this. Please do kill yourself you dumb whore
Shinobu has gotten me into far too many things I had little to no interest in.
>I wonder which one has it better: a side character with plenty of screen time, or a main character with hardly any screen time?
It sounds like she has helped you then. Continue down the loli way with Shinobu as your guide.
I would like to be verbal abused by her. It turns me on. Not a masochist though.
She made me actually blowjobs in porn. It's ridiculous. They're normally so boring, but watching this smug little semen demon pull off a shit-eating grin with her mouth full of cock does things to me.
Me too. But also physically abused.
>threesome with monkey
>threesome with cat
head pat whore
Man this scene was fucked up
Bad sense of humour I think though, not an actual proposition.
She was actually serious. She was actually going to whore herself out to get enough cash to pay Kaiki.
Though I suppose on some level she may have understood Kaiki wouldn't have gone for that shit being the eternal softcock that he is.
Snail is best grill, Cat should win the Ararararagi bowl. I don't like how everyone in the show says Crab is the best without her actually doing anything.
>She was actually going to whore herself out to get enough cash to pay Kaiki.
Where are the doujins of this?
Nowhere. That would be a terrible concept for a doujin.
Now Valhallagatari, that is the epitome of high concept doujin.
She cut her beautiful long hair or literally no reason.
Would have immediately dumped.
No one cares about who's best you cancerous faggot. End of the day crab won and it's obviously gonna stay that way.
I don't get why he puts up with her stupid shit
He is immortal tell her to fuck off
He doesn't actually know if he's immortal. Shinobu only suggested it was a possibility and he himself entertains that train of thought when talking to Seishiro once he's gone full tang.
Also he likes Senjougahara and she grounds him as a person. It's just one of those things ya know. Not a perfect relationship but then none of Araragi's relationships are particularly good for him as a person.
I detest this anime. The women are hateful or annoying the MC is a spineless sack of shit and there is no budget at all
Its insulting
>I don't get why he puts up with her stupid shit
It's just bants mate. Why you have to be mad?
Name me one girl in this show who is hateful.
Protip: you can't
>He doesn't want to see Crab prostituting herself to faceless old men for cash
Shit taste.
If I wanted to see young girls pleasing old men for money, I'd read a Rin Doujin,
>Not a perfect relationship but then none of Araragi's relationships are particularly good for him as a person.
Well that isn't entirely the way to look it. Araragi isn't exactly of a healthy mindset himself, nor are any of the characters at some points, but relationships aren't static or without chances for healthy change during them.
It's like that one guy who posted Yotsugi and Shinobu dogging Araragi possibly getting with Hanekawa and calling it an authorial mouthpiece when the commentaries are in character, meaning it's showing the flaws of the characters as well as giving you bits of insight. Just because Araragi and Hanekawa were in a bad state prior to them getting together doesn't mean they couldn't get over their hang ups.
Ougi berating Hanekawa isn't indicative of what would happen in a relationship with Araragi. Hanekawa actually takes Ougi's abuse pretty well and comes back swinging. Also to note, Ougi has shown very interesting signs of actually wanting Hanekawa's attention if you see the commentaries and Ougi Travel, unironically calling her cute. Araragi saying "Hanekawa can't lose" over and over in his head during the confrontation between her and Ougi also means he would be at odds with himself.
It'll be pretty interesting for the current Hanekawa to find out that Ougi was born from him. If considering how far she goes to help the situation in Owari 3 doesn't mean she already knows.
>Setting up her with kanbaru
>Not setting yourself up with kanbaru
You are the one who needs to step it up user-kun
>She was actually serious.
Ah fuck no goddammit that's messed up
>Though I suppose on some level she may have understood Kaiki wouldn't have gone for that shit being the eternal softcock that he is.
I'm hoping that's what it was, jap's write shit like that. Whole nother world over there man, still their way of thinking is messed up.
seek help
While we're in agreement for the most part. Ara's relationship with Hanekawa or the other girls is never going to go to the next level for us to see whether or not it would come out better for all parties involved.
For Araragi's personality, the best person we actually have to have Araragi get better as a person is Kanbaru.
As long as they're so similar and Araragi tries to become a person that can be a role model for Kanbaru, Araragi might just actually grow up alright if he stays on that track.
Hanekawa might, but it seems like she is living a double life. She is gonna travel endlessly, but also got a job for a disaster relief organization.
It seems more like the universe won't let her live a normal life anyway than her trying to be a normie.
But the thing is, she'll never become Gaen. If she makes a network, it'll be because people gravitated toward her for completely positive reasons.
>If she makes a network, it'll be because people gravitated toward her for completely positive reasons.
That still makes her a Hanekawa Network though and she doesn't have the misfortune of having to control the uncontrollable Yozuru Kagenui if she started her own network.
I'd argue Hanekawa's network would actually be much less effective than Gaen's BECAUSE it's a bunch of friends just hanging out instead of a variety of independent exorcists each with different skills and talents representing the best humanity has to offer to combat oddities
how pissed do you think Kagashima is knowing that the a he's been completely dethroned as the harem king and his life work now looks childish in comparison to the Monotagari series?
Snake spends 4 months brutally murdering ararararagi every night
Araragi is already enough of a wildcard with Shinobu that it counts as her having troublesome elements.
Hell, she got Drama-kun on accident traveling through Germany. Episode also seems to actually get along well enough with her despite the fact the last time they met, he bisected her.
Heck, I think about the only person who doesn't sync up with her is Oshino, and that may change if he sees like Kaiki did that she isn't like Gaen.
To be honest Broseph, Hanekawa is the miracle of the universe. I'm not ashamed to admit I only watched Hanekawa centered episode and skimmed the ones where she wasn't stared.
>Hanekawa has a network of oddities to Gaen's network of Humans.
I would pay to see Hanekawa, Araragi, Episode, Shinobu and Drama face off against the Gaen Network.
I've liked her since hearing her segments in Hyakumonogatari. Had only seen Bakemono and Nisemono, and she gets quite a bit more focus and dialogue here.
from trailer retard. Look at the filename.
We still have Hanekawa threads that live long and prosper. She is purrfect.
Fuck off vanillafag.
I'm holding out for post college araragixkanbaru.
It's pretty much canon
I imagine your mother getting raped by a wild pack of niggers and seeing her ahegao face makes my dick diamonds.
You disappoint me, I expected better from catfags
> I want to be your GF
> But I ain't suckin
July 27th.
>quotation marks and greentext
Fuck off.
Nice digits, you gay faggot.
Prostituting herself in order to save her lover from a vengeful goddess doesn't honestly sound like too big a price.
Is there any porn of Araragi using limbless Kiss Shot as an onahole? It was the hottest part of Kizu in my opinion. I'm so fucked up.
>"Fuck off."
Platinum triggered.
You mean propositioning older men under the excuse of being harassed by a middle school student with a bad temper?
Sounds like a pretty flimsy excuse if you ask me.
Who is that?