Communism works in nature

You literally can not prove me wrong

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There wouldn't be a food chain in nature if that was true, it's survival of the fittest faggot.

Communism works for trees because trees don't have to deal with SJWs yelling at them about every god damn thing under the sun.

>Be a bundle of plants
>All same
>Share common purpose

Yeah that'll work great with humans. Because surely I want the same things that the nigger down the street wants.

>the only thing needed is to turn humans in to vegetables via mass issues state funded lobotomies

we can do it reddit !

>parasite plant appears
>host gets weakened and every other species which relies on it wanders of or goes extinct
>parasite keeps moving on to other healthy ecosystems

now what does that reming me of.......

maybe if you're of the kingdom Plantae, the lowest form of life we know of (bacteria are more complex), which we are not.

Isn't the common link between roots of said species just a parasite fungus?

Reddit IS a state funded lobotomy, isn't it? Am I missing something?

But evolution refutes communism because it requires competition.

>be insect colony
>be centered around an absolute monarchy which your entire life's worth is to keep its dynasty alive
>entire colony dies of as its rapid expansion can only be sustained if the the head of state is the sole survivor

now what does that remind me of.....


>communism works for less-evolved organisms

Yea that's about right

Also, how is plants working together to maximize their chances of survival "communism"?
Seems more like fascism or nationalism to me.

>be prey species
>your entire contribution to the communist animal kingdom is to die and serve as food
>give according to your abilities and die as a consequence

now what does that remind me of.....

To be fair I like fried chicken, too.

trees kill other trees all the time tho

>Individuals from the same area Working together

>be germ
>don't have any conciousness besides reproduction therefore not afflicted by any of the human flaws which are in the way of utopia
>kill everything in my wake or die in the process


...a monarchy?

*for which

those are the same individual you dunce
the same way your limbs are you fucking retard

They literally share resources through that common root.

>How to identify knotweed
Well, that's not weed alright.


Ya communism works in nature where animals kill each other in order to eat and some starve to death or better yet over populate. Hell I also want to be hunted by predators to.

But not in human society. kek

It only works for like species. Have you ever been to a forest?

Pine trees drop needles to block germination of other species. Parasitic vines strangle trees to death.

Do some more research OP.
Plants can tell the genetics of other plants. When growing around plants with shared parentage they will cooperate as pic related.
When growing along side with unrelated plants, even of the same species, they will fight for resources and attempt to kill each other.
Nature is a natural separatist.

It's literally not an argument


Because they are literally a single organism. Thats like saying communism works because your entire body is made up of cells that cooperate.

I know in your faggot belief system, you think it goes "I make a thesis, you make an antithesis, and we agree on a synthesis." but in the real world, you have to back up your claim with evidence. Plants growing via rhizomes and stolon isn't evidence of communism working.

Family first, even in the plant world.

I agree, communists should go out and bury themselves alive

That's right. For brainless creatures, it's perfect.

How rude, implying that I identify myself as a hairsack. You should gas yourself ASAP.

Oy vey

>uses bizarre appeal to nature fallacy.
I win you lose.

sure, that's why other animals rule the world

which chinese cartoon is this and is it any good?

communism is for niggers and kikes

Nearly all individuals can't survive outside society, just like cells.
The analogy works.
Communism is basically a RIGID resource sharing system, which has certain advantages in particular contexts.

That's not shared genetics, that's literally a single organism. Knotweed is like bamboo and will grow horizontal rhizomes throughout the soil, then a "new" plant will sprout out of the ground at a new node. His example is more like the plant kingdom's version of imperialism instead of communism.

Find a socially intelligent species that demonstrates similar characteristics, and doesn't constrain this to the family alone, and I'll consider the argument.

Also appeal to nature fallacy.

I think he means within one species.

What are the advantages and in what contexts?

The main point i wanted to say is that communism can only work if all the members that make up it are made from exactly same stock, or clones of eachother. The only way sacrificing self-preservation as an individual is worth it, is if your shared dna is passed on by other members of your society. If that DNA is not even remotely shared by you, the first subject to "betray" the self-sacrificing behaviour gets to spread their genes the most.

For communism to work, people have to be made into drones and clones. Its horrendous to any species with even minimal variety among its members.


Give shekels to any species and they will kill each other for it in a blink

which Chinese cartoon is it though?

Why are you god damn faggots so obsessed with sucking corporate dick all day? An updated version of Communism is the only thing which will bring humans to space and beyond.

Communism is one way to unify willpower nations.
Your brain coordinates activiity of your cells, which are not identical.
Obviously there is no way to unify the identical in reality because that is a mental construct.
Communist Russia defeated German in WW2 in the greatest military victory in history.
Communist China went from colony to #1 economy in 100 years.
How much discipline can you take? that is the whole question.

That is a clonal colony.
basically one organism.

If that is the case he is making a case for ethnostates. OP just made a great fucking case for National Socialism.

Meant for

Your idea worked wonderfully in the USSR. Inject ideological dogma into agriculture, result famine.

No. For communism to work everybody HAS to do their part, including the communist Goverment in control of property and resources.

No amount of updates will fix how shitty Dragon Age Inquisiton was.

Dagashi Kashi

I'm not sucking corporate dick. I'm eating Purdue tendies from the supermarket heated up my toaster oven paid for dumb commies like you.

Ah, the neet life.

Communism only works for homogeneous species, once you get gimmidats coming in it falls apart.

>intraspecific competition
intraspecific competition
>intraspecific competition
intraspecific competition
>intraspecific competition
intraspecific competition
>intraspecific competition
intraspecific competition


t. biologist

It's interesting to me that communists primarily depend on argument and theory to prove their religious belief as opposed to historical narrative and natural result. It's as if they're Christians but without a God, perhaps? They've just replaced a theoretical God with theoretical economics -- (what's the difference anyway?)

thanks my guy

What about it?

So without sjw it works?

That is literally how it works. You dumb Nigger. Within the species.

>Hell I also want to be hunted by predators to.

What exactly do you think communists are?

>From each according to his abilities (commies are already dead inside) to each according to his needs (we the living need a world without commies).

It's the perfect application of their ideology. A real win/win.

They are not equal. They compete for the sunlight.

The plant that gathers the most sunlight will grow taller and stronger than the others and shade them.
That's one of the ways nature evolve its plants.

Reminds me of Lysenkoism

An interesting read, if anyone are interested.

Not communism because it is one organism. This is like saying communism works to get food in your belly because you only have one mouth.

American dog, Venezuelan dog, North Korean dog hanging out....

American Dog: "When I bark they give me meat"
Venezuelan Dog: "What's meat?"
North Korean Dog: "What's bark?"

Commissar visiting collective farm...

Commissar: "How is this Farm running?"
Farmer: "Oh dear commissar, wonderful!"

Commissar: "Oh? How are the potatoes?"
Farmer: "Oh! If we put them in one pile they would reach the foot of God!"

Commissar: "THIS is a COMMINIST state there is NO God!"
Farmer: "That's ok, there are no potatoes"

Who invented communism a politician or a scientist?

- A politician. A scientist would have tested it on mice first.

Equality is a hoax.

>be plant
>be tall and big
>gather sun energy to produce glucose
>Plant Marx announces plant communism
>short plants now demand to share my sun energy
>they produce no glucose of their own, they only spend mine
>still their numbers grows
>my sun energy isnt enough for anymore
>we all die
>mfw i dont have face

I, literally, can.
Also who would win:theory of markets so ubiquitous it's found everywhere or socialists?

>if it works for plants...

It worked for Jesus.

>reality-hacking story character who can heal the sick and turn water into wine

more realistic than communism by itself, tho


I think he means within one body.

After two thousand years we can heal the sick and turn water into wine, so why shouldn't we be like Jesus Christ?

communism assumes that scarcity is due to misallocation of resources
in reality, scarcity applies to all economic systems and is intrinsic to reality. There is no way to get around scarcity no matter how much you centrally plan your economy

Nature is the dictator of morals and ethics? Well come here so I can rape and murder you. Nothing wrong with that in nature. Rape and murder are human constructs

And then you complain when hungry black people steals it.

It works within insects because of the hive mind, ants and bees have no free will. That's why collectivism works for them. Humans have free will and the inherent want to better themselves and their families. This is why communism fails in humans.

>take only what you need from it

What if I didn't contribute? Or cared to shared my resources? Like I am right now. What's your solution? The gulags? Wow great system, sign me up.

>Nearly all individuals can't survive outside society, just like cells.

you're obviously a city boy.

jarritos are fucking nasty
enjoy your diabetes


I just find out about costco, it's decadent yet fascinating.

So your saying if we lobotomized everybody communism might work?

you would have to change humanity as a whole. If you did this we would no longer be human. We'd be more like Unity from Rick & Morty. This would entail AI merging with human consciousness and destruction of free will and all emotions that counter collectivist thought. Collectivism cannopt work because humanity is diverse and spread out. You would need a homogenous group. Perhaps that is what the higher ups are attempting, but it would take many many many generations to even come close.

yah it works great brainless hive mind automatons like ants and libtards, what is your point?

libtards are already lobotomized

>common link between roots of said species just a parasite fungus

>Root nodules occur on the roots of plants (primarily Fabaceae) that associate with symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Under nitrogen-limiting conditions, capable plants form a symbiotic relationship with a host-specific strain of bacteria known as rhizobia. This process has evolved multiple times within the Fabaceae, as well as in other species found within the Rosid clade.[1] The Fabaceae include legume crops such as beans and peas.

>Well-known Fabaceae include alfalfa, clover, peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils, lupin bean, mesquite, carob, soybeans, peanuts and tamarind.

>The rosids are members of a large clade (monophyletic group) of flowering plants, containing about 70,000 species,[2] more than a quarter of all angiosperms.

>communism was done by humans when they were uncivilized savages

>this is why we should too

leftists insult conservatives for traditionalism being "archaic" and old and bad, as if that isnt even a fallacy

then they turn around and make the appeal that we should resort to an even older and more savage way of life

you're so fucking retarded