Why do you still back Trump when everyone in the Country hates his fucking guts

Why do you still back Trump when everyone in the Country hates his fucking guts.

Because everyone fucking hates his guts, and that means he's doing something right

I hate his tweeting, but he has yet to say anything wrong or do anything unconstitutional.


I don't

>, but he has yet to say anything wrong or do anything unconstitutional.

This is laughably bullshit. He killed a US citizen without trial or due process. That alone should lead to his arrest.

Localizations were a mistake

Did you even know he fucking won?

"My favorite Tv show says he's dumb and I'm smart for hating him" Thanks bugman

Why do they always say everyone? Quite the broad generalizations.

>He killed a US citizen without trial or due process.
You're thinking of Obama.

>He killed a US citizen
She didn't die, it just appears that way

This. You only take flak when you're over the target

fucking lol

hollywood, corporate media, and millennial snowflakes are not everyone

I didn't vote based on other countries opinions.

What the fuck is this? Am I going to have to refund my copy of Danganronpa?

>MSM represents everyone
Kek, I thought the election already proved that theory wrong, bby

>You're thinking of Obama.

Google Trump yemen raid you fucking tard.

I don't hate him. He's a good man. A great man, with a good heart

Get a load of this degenerate bugman watching his animoos

A botched raid most likely caused by Democrats leaking info during a raid where a Navy seal died, vs droning a terrorist kid who was a us citizen.... Hmmmmmmmm

sorry Kikes and Shills, but (((/yourguy/))) (((Zuckerberg))) will EPICLY FAIL in 2020!

(((Zuckerberg))) will be the (((Democrat))) choice in 2020.

TRUMP will BTFO (((Zuck))) the Cuck in 2020, and Paint all America Red.

(((Zuckerberg))) will be a (((Bernie)))/Jeb!-tier Failure, and because of his catastrophic Failure, a (((Democrat))) will never be in the White House ever again. the (((Democrats))) will throw him because he is the closest thing to a (((Bernie))) 2.0, (.(((Bernie))) will Die before 2020, so they need a younger Candidate.) meaning another Kike smart and good looking enough to Trick People into believing in his Lies.

(((Facebook))) will go BANKRUPT because (((Zuckerberg))) will spend ALL his Fortune on the Titanic-tier Shipwreck of a Campaign he will have.

also, since Trump has a Twitter Account, and (((Zuckerberg))) owns (((Facebook))), the 2020 Election will Literally be Twitter vs (((Facebook))).

after (((Zuck))) the Cuck loses, (((Facebook))) will go BANKRUPT, because he will spend ALL his Fortune on the Campaign.

TRUMP 2020, Make America Great Again, Again!