Summer 2016

What are you looking forward to?

Other urls found in this thread:

No idea. I wait until the first episodes have aired, then browse the Sup Forums threads to see which ones spark my interest.

A lot.

It doesn't look that good, tbqh. Maybe 91 days and Handa-kun, but aside from that, I am not really planning to watch anything.

Is that it OP? What the fuck.


It looks much better than the current season. If there's one good show, it's better than the wave of average shows we got this season.

Amaama to Inazuma
Kono Bijutsu-bu
New Game

Why does summer always suck?

At least we have Mob Psycho.

My heart tells me to look forward to 3rei


Kimi no wa

Anything that's original, don't know about my adaptation exception for this season yet.

And, of course.


Qualidea Code
I don't understand the concept at all, but look at this fucking staff list:

>no ecchi
Fucking dropped


Please don't tell me that the mafia show turns into a battle shounen with magic bullshit involved.

Looks like shity battle harem to me

Mob Psycho seems to be the only good series coming now.

Were is the ecchi?

Every shounen these days is ecchi.

IMS has a show for you this summer user.

I'll give 91Days a chance, and Mob Psycho. Honestly looks a pretty dull season so I might take a bit of a break. I probably watch too much anyway, it's been burning me out.

Sinkai's new movie and Ando's new movie Under the Dog. Both look really promising desu.

orange looks pretty good

DAYS, Amanchu, Amama to Inazuma and Shinkai to top it off.

I hope Mappa doesn't fuck DAYS up because the manga is amazing.

PVs can be misleading.
I'm not saying it will be good, but I bet it will be interesting.

Mob Psycho is getting an anime? Neat.

Reigen better be voiced by Dio.

The shows which will probaby make it past 3 episodes based on the synopsis and clips I've seen:
91 days
Mob psycho

Not a strong summer

>New Game

And the AOTS


are you retarded?

Will anything top Rakugo this year? Doesn't seem like it.

Only interested in kono biju.

Nothing else. Backlog time i guess.

Everything looks like garbage.

It looks like I'll be picking up around twentyish shows this season, but that usually ends up thinning out after a couple of weeks.

Fall looks pretty good.

My backlog.

I'm so bad at picking from these descriptions. Mostly likely I'll pick a whole new set of shows once the first episodes air.

>Plan to watch
Shokugeki no Souma

>Will try
New Game
91 Days

Will watch:

>Mob psycho

Didn't saw but has good tier because of the plebs:

>Nanatsu no Taizai

Unknown tier:
>Amaama to inazuma
>Fukigen na Monokean
>Kono Bijutse-bu ni wa mondai ga aru!

Unknown but looks like shit tier:

>91 days
>Ange Vierge
>Nejmaki seirei senki.

Tfw only hype for beruserukku despite the CGI

Disturbing taste.

Does anyone else decide what they're going to watch just by looking at the promotional image?

Summer looks weak as fuck.

Fuck yes

Mob Psycho, but Orange looks interesting.

>stray dogs and other fujobait
I'm not seeing it.

No, not everyone is new like you.

>Japanese highschool boy is named Justice, nickname is Seigi
>American spy is named Ijii
>Looks like it wants to be Index
Fuck, J.C.Staff


Quesadilla Code is either going to be AOTY or the next Comet Lucifer. I see no middle ground for it.


isn't that just fujoshit?

So what's going to be yuri? That's what I'll watch.

>the next Comet Lucifer.
Don't remind me.

>onara gorou

They really don't give a fuck anymore.


Amanchu looks like yuribait. Author is a hetfag though and already ruined Aria with her shit

Surely Rewrite will be Jun Maeda-sama's return to the glory days of Key, right? It'll be just like Clannad and Angel Beats, right?

I forgot to add, my fault

Are you ready for Sunshine to BTFO of fujoshit and manime at the same time?

>Phantom World
>"Kyoani is good, I swear"


They said the first episode will be long. maybe they won't screw up?

Puzzle Dragons Cross for its OP song.

Maeda isn't involved in Rewrite aside from OST.

Danganronpa 3

aren't you just a faggot?

[heavy breathing]

We already know Hibike S1 is a masterpiece, and it's safe to assume S2 will be more of the same. No reason to compare it to Phantom World

>Definitely watch
Shokugeki no Souma
91 Days
Arslan Senki

Mob Psycho 100
That Madhouse one that looks like haremshit
Kono Bijutsubu
New Game
Fukigen na Mononokean

Does anyone know if Amanchu is even half as good as Aria? If so I'll watch it and probably love it.


I don't care about any of that, but I am hoping it will be good.

What does that have to do with my post?

I don't think so, Rakugo was god-tier. Can't wait for the second season. That being said, we can all hope.

I made that mistake once and it resulted in me watching Yosuga no Sora. Moral of the story: Never again.

Door Punch.

Mob Psycho 100
Amaama to Inazuma (because I followed the manga

I'll also watch Berserk because why not

Other than that nothing else catches my eye

>We already know Hibike S1 is a masterpiece
I know you do, Kyotard, I know.

post discarded

Literally normalfag, One's delusional apologists, and Sup Forums.

Fuck off already, all of you.

The only thing that's arguably bad is that in 50 chapters there hasn't really been any plot development beyond "Hey we're a scuba club having fun". But the characters and visuals are amazing so it's just as relaxing as Aria.

Anime about farts

>Japanese highschool boy is named Justice, nickname is Seigi
It's apparently popular in Japan since there was kid with same name in Assclass

Mystery of Kanda arc being animated

>battle harem
That looks like a battle harem to you. Here we go again.

>downloading first episode
Souma S2
Love Live
New Game
Cheer Danshi
Prima Illya 3rei
Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru
91 Days

>waiting for opinions before bothering to download
Fukigen na Mononokean
Amaama to Inazuma

I am looking forward to some things and I'm not looking forward to others.

I'll watch the first episode of green ones, I might check yellow ones after a few episodes are out but I'll end up ignoring most.

I remember watch a PV about a amgical girl with a WWI setting or something in those lines... why i don't see it in those charts? sorry I don't remember the name

Was it this one? If so then its because it doesnt have a confirmed air date yet
Otherwise i guess it could be Brave Witches? It airs this fall

Nothing, summer is a garbage season filled with LN otakubait trash and fujogarbage.

could use more buzzwords

I don't have a single show I know that I'm 100% watching all the way through that's not a holdover from the current season.

Summer this year is shit, man.

On principle, nothing. I'll wait until Ep3 for most things is out and watch whatever has threads here.
Meanwhile I'll work on backlog.

Judging by how this season went, half the shows I want to watch will just turn out shit anyway. Might just wait and do a binge watch of a few select series.

qualidea code. Anime original light novel.