No weekly Sailor Moon Crystal thread?

No weekly Sailor Moon Crystal thread?
I'm surprised no one's talking about Saturn's partial transformation.
Let's get this weekly SMC thread started.

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The end of the world as we know it have never been this beautiful


I cried,and I don't usually cry watching anime.It's was beautiful,and sad.

She is the girl with the shadow faced dad right?

Saturn was gorgeous in this episode.
I'm a bit disappointed that we got another partial transformation, AGAIN, but i'm hoping the dream arc will fix that.
All in all, good episode today.

Hoping they are also going to do a remake of the unicorn episodes later.

I want the rest of the arcs animated this way.I feel like this is the Sailor Moon we deserved.

Professor Tomoe you mean?
Yeah, she's his daughter.

>No full transformation sequence
At least what we got was really gorgeous but damn..

And the teasing continues for another generation

That ending,though...
Way to tease Toei!

With stills and flashbacks?
No thanks.

another partial again? another week waiting more?

With this much disappointment around me I can't help but feel disappointed myself.

But aside form that animation was top tier this ep

>Tuxedo la smoking bomber

This is the most he's done this season.
I'm shocked they didn't forget about that move of his.

The dialogue in this episode was awful. Like goddamn.

The manga is shit when it comes to dialogue and pacing, so it was bound to be.

another reason to just watch the 90s anime.
This shit is miles above the first two seasons of crystal, but there's a reason the original anime is more well loved than the manga. Kindof like CCS

Jesus fucking christ, anons. I don't think I'll be able to live until next week and then it's bye Sailor Moon Crystal.

Watch the musicals.
There's thousands of different sailor moon media to absorb while we wait for the dream arc.

They might go right into the next season. It happened with Black Moon.

I don't think this is the case, they should have announced it already.

There's a Helios/Chibiusa figure coming out that had the words Sailor Moon Crystal on it.
And it's sailor moon, not some random anime, they're obviously going to finish all 5 story arcs.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean it's going to be right away.

That EP was fuckin boss.

No, it's not going to be right away.
I'm guessing we'll either get it during the winter, or next year.

I'm going to fap to Saturn, while looking at her Moons


There better be a fucking Saturn henshin

;__; It was just her job..Death is the only reason she exists.
She literally did nothing wrong

Hotaru was already dead, how was she going to have a full transformation sequence? I'm pretty sure we didn't hear her transformation phrase until the Dream Arc to begin with

How did they awaken Saturn when she died in previous episode. Is she a separate existance from Hotaru?

Hard to find this thread in the catalog, OP. Shame on you.

I'm giving up on SMC S3. It ain't for me.

>Is she a separate existance from Hotaru?

Yes. They are literally a split personality.


>never talk to me or my daughter again

>Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again

Thanks for telling us user, subscribed

What the hell?
Since when is Tuxedo Kamen useful?

Since the manga came out 25 years ago.
He did this in Crystal before

I think I remember him doing something useful before in this new anime, but was it also an energy beam thingy like this?

Yeah it's his signature move
Tuxedo la smoking bomber
It shows up in the musicals a lot, but they cut that out in the original anime for some reason. It's probably because the old writers really hated the guy.
Or didn't need him being too OP.

The writers of the 1st show didn't like him, so they cut out this power. Yeah, the name is retarded, but it's just as strong, if not more so, then the rest of the senshi sans Moon.

So Saturn is more powerful than the entire sailor squad + DOUBLE grail power?

This might be the only time in anime where Chibiusa call Usagi (from present time) as "mom", I didn't recall she ever call Usagi that in classic anime.

Thank you based Toei

Since he's basically the sailor senshi of Earth and no one else really fits that niche you'd expect him to have some kind of an earth-based skill set.



She did so a few times when she tried to get her own way with Usagi in S and SS. She also called Mamrou "Dad" once or twice.

Don't worry, between cocking up the rest of their library and region locking their stuff, they're still screwing up plenty.

Well at least I'm glad that we managed to get the best Sailor Moon arc remade in a proper way.

>earth-based skill set
Hulk smash?


Dirt, rocks, causing avalanches, maybe healing/plant powers, that sort of stuff.

I still enjoyed it though.

That's Jupiter.


>you will NEVER get impaled by the guardian of silence as she glances elsewhere dismissingly while your planetary amorphous blob-body twitches with the resonating power of death itself
This life was a mistake. It literally hurts to breathe.


>You and Sailor Saturn will never be in a universe destroying suicide pact
It hurts to live, mate

Top tenso music tho, bit wasted by the BUMP ending cliffhanger.

She was always the best.

I love Hotaruchannn!!!!

TOEI hate nice things. It's been confirmed for a while.



Hotaru-chan is cute!!!!! cute!!!!!!!!



I've loved her for over 20 years now.

Wait, really?
I thought I remembered her having some earth-like abilities, but she only used lightning in this new anime and it's been decades since I've seen the old one and I couldn't find any earth-like abilities of hers while duckduckgoing her.






I was afraid about this but some things can't be ruined, i'm glad she didn't get the treatment of the first seasons

Hotaru/Saturn is best senshi!!

Jupiter has plant and lightning powers, but I don't remember her having any actual earth-based powers like things involving rocks and sand.

Meanwhile we have two senshi with water powers. It's not fair.

She really is.

Why is Saturn death and Pluto time? Is the author retarded?

More of this please.


It also bothers me that her color theme was purple instead of black, when she's all black as a civilian. And instead, Pluto gets black.

>healing/plant powers
No any powers but he does have healing abilities. If I remember correctly, he can also see what's happening on any place of the world due to his connection to the Earth

She first came up with Sailor Pluto because she wanted her to be the guardian of the farthest planet and have time powers and be lonely and stuff and only later decided to create the other outer senshi?

>planet of water
Who gives a shit.

*no plant powers

But Mercury in japanese is literally called "Water Star/Planet"

Why is Mercury water and Mars fire? The mythology of Sailor Moon is pretty grab-bag.

She switched it up for some reason. She never exactly based everything on greek/roman mythology.
Astrology sees the planet Saturn with destruction and threat, and Naoko was real big on astrology back in the day so it's natural why she did this.
In the manga Pluto was the daughter of Chronos. Or is said to be. So that has to do why she's able to manipulate time.
This site goes into better depth about this

That actually happened?

The only senshi whose powers aren't the best fit for them are Saturn and Pluto.

The inner senshi, Uranus and Neptune all have powers based on the japanese/chinese/korean names for the planets (water, gold/metal, fire, plants, sky and sea). Jupiter also gets lightining because Jupiter=Zeus.

Going by the planets' names, Saturn should have earth powers and Pluto darkness powers. Going by mythology, they should have time/fertility and death/darkness, respectively, but Takeuchi clearly didn't care about any of that.



>no one else really fits that niche
Hotaru Tomoe (土萠) literally has earth in her name.

Poor Saturn ;_;

I love her smug face

Literally me