>tfw fansubs start censoring shows
Tfw fansubs start censoring shows
>Coffeine World
Are you streaming?
Where do I get this trash sub?
>Arabic subs censoring skin
>using aegis to censor
What's the point in subbing a show if you find its content objectionable enough to censor it?
That can't be real.
link to this shitsub?
>Arabic subs
wtf, seriously what are they expect in anime???
That shit still exists?
>what are they expect
I remember watching an idol PV that had some Middle East scribble subs, and then when there was a bikini scene there would suddenly be a huge black box over most of the screen with only their heads showing.
why even bother watching chinese cartoons then
Why even bother censoring it when it's softsubs anyway?
Yes, I checked.
the hell is even being censored? can someone post a normal sceenshot to see the difference? whats so scary about the bottom 1/3rd of the screen?
Absolutely haram.
They don't want us to know about the strongbox.
Something is hidden in there.
What's hidden here then?
I'm going to guess that bare legs plus swimsuit are haram as fuck.
I though this was a troll but shit checks out.
This shot is uncensored for some reason.
Wait a second,these fan subbers are still seeing all the stuff they are censoring. Do they just want to stop other people seeing legs, what makes them think they are some moral authority.
Maybe it's far enough away that it does not stir the loins of men.
Hell if I know now.
They probably think they're doing good by stopping other people from seeing those legs.
Best thing is the subs are soft.
Anyone can just disable them.
This is so fucking obscure.
>when has a religious individual ever claimed authority that they had no real claim to
>So as they have mostly Haram things, they should be avoided. But in case you can Always SKIP every haram part, then you can watch.
>But how to skip every part haram?
I'm dying here, comedy gold.
I could never take Islam seriously because Halal sounds funny.
When our mudslime overlords rule the world all anime girls will look like this.
>eyes showing
Gotta give some fanservice so it sells.
If everyone became a fan subber then they could all have the religious authority to see anime tiddies, they would just be looking out for their fellow people after all.
>glance over at other questions
>music is considered haram by most scholars
What the fuck?
>thats why its better not to watch them, or you can ask someone to first watch all of anime, before you watch them, and cut ALL haram scenes, with music and anything haram in it, and then show it to you
Islam: religion of fun
This is what you wanted
This is the future you chose
Aloha snackbar
>quran is supposed to be god's final revelation to mankind
>doesn't tell you whether its safe or not to watch anime
Damn, what a fuck up.
The thing is that Muhammad wanted us to watch loli anime only, not disgusting shit with old hags over 12.
>Illya: islam approved version
This moment I'd imagine
Spoiler that shit, now.
Definitely not.
The blued out image shows two legs.
Pay attention.
This was too lewd even for a western audience to be honest.
Make me faggot
>music instruments
Now you fucked up
>this thread
>that navel
that's almost even more lewd
Why aren't harems haram?
Trump 2016
Cut the heads off ISIS and take their lolis
Look up the origin of harem
Get the "imporved" one.
I can't tell if this is real. And I thought German Nardo was bad.
>make joke
>hur dur look it up dude whatarya ignant read a book lamayo
Kill yourself you self fellating autistic little Sup Forums faggot
Haram aside.
That's one of the most accurate bra drawings.
When buxom women wears bra, the bra strap don't stick to the body.
>what makes them think they are some moral authority
Faith, duh. Do you even religion?
Honestly they know their shit considering the majority of anime is created for the benefit of sexually frustrated Japanese otaku.
Not that it makes me enjoy anime any less, but they're not wrong either.
Gotta censor those impure bodies from your lustful eyes, in the name of Allah of course.
So, if you watch uncensored Haifuri there will they behead you?
They might confiscate your computer for further investigation
>religions are a positive thing
Only nasheeds (religious music praising Allah) is not considered haram and that's only if no instruments are used. Only the human voice.
Some of them sound pretty nice youtube.com
it isn't always religion.
Needs a catchy trance beat.
No. Deserts usually have little in the way of law enforcement.
It's hilarious how the feminist movement that started out with how women shouldn't be ashamed of their bodies is rapidly devolving down to protestant levels of prudeness.
Muhammed was a lolicon, so Prisma is definitely halal as fuck.
Who would expect this shit?
I pray no muslim will do english subs or demanding censorship to all subbed stuff.
I normally ignores the subs because is way more easy find the sub than the raw.
The worst scenario is pressuring anime studio to make anime under Islam rules.
Learn English, man.
I've been to Dubai and a lot of arabic women wear skimpy clothes underneath and it shows because of the wind so that's kind of hot.
It could be that they are simply trying to comply with the stricter laws. Dirty arabs probably don't care about you pirating the infidel's stuff, but they take a much dimmer view of objectionable content. One will get ignored or earn a small fine, the other will earn you 100 lashes.
>non-english subs
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums has good self-moderation they said.
Are you saying that you're afraid of anime being censored according to Islamic laws in the future? If that's the case, then that's pretty stupid.
Why do you think I ignore the subs?