ITT arabs and israelis discuss their problems with each other and speak to each other honestly and freely, only israelis and arabs welcome.
Israeli-arab discussion thread
Look, it's just your noses. I just can't.
Nuke both
whats with our noses frenchie ?
What do you think of the Kurdish referendum. Do you think they'll get independence and will be annexed the day after or will they not even be able to declare it in the first place?
>Israeli-arab discussion thread
Iranians and Turks are not Arabs.
we dislike kurds very much, israelis love them from what i heard though.
Some based kurds : Salahudin
thats just about it
Since when were Afghanistan people not Arabs?
Why aren't they included in the map?
They are still sandniggers
yeah but those are welcome too because they are in the middle east, and iranians have the same relation with israelis as arabs.
Well lads, better mention the elephant in the room: Kurdistan
you will go to war and kill each other so we can establish the world government , thanks for being useful tools
nothing personal kid
The true Arab master race comes from Saudia and the Hejaz.
You imposter rape babies will be subjugated to the purest form of human governance one way or another.
Wait and see.
fuck off nigger, im pure arab from south jordan, i come from shoubak and i have more than 13k family members and i witnessed a honor killing.
Afghans are crypto-Turcic peoples, they are not Arabs and would be very offended for watering down their culture to being "Arab."
It's disrespectful to disregard the existence of another people and their culture.
Simply because they are Muslim does not mean they are Arabs despite Arab culture having a significant influence on their own.
Is there any difference in public opinion between Syrian and Iraqi Kurds? I know that the Syrian YPG and their territory are marxist (or democratic confederalist if any /leftypol/lack lurks here and wants to complain about the term "marxist") while the Iraqi Kurd territory and the Peshmerga are more or less conservative nationalists.
i don't know and i don't want to know, all i know is that they are commie k*rds that want to steal arab land, and must be saddam'd
>Afghans are crypto-Turcic
Aren't they (Pashtuns) Indo-Aryan as well?
Turkroaches have arab uighur and tatar roots.
Why are we the only ones in this area researching cures for cancer and developing self driving cars while the rest of you are chopping people's heads off for not being Muslim enough?
Your king is a pussy my king is STRONK. You'll be made a province sooner or later. You're probably a falasteezi in Amman
Yeah thousands of years ago; Ghaznavids changed that
You faggot, I've seen public executions in Jeddah and Riyadh, you killed your cousin for fucking another family member; incestousous swine, your country is cucked by west
Regardless don't act like you kikes aren't funding radicals to upset the civil order in your neighbors.
The west is waking up to your shit.
Be ready, we're coming back for righteous Rashidun clay.
We're happy the Arabs are busy fighting each other instead of attacking us, buy we're honestly too cheap to spend money on foreign radicals.
You know thats going on in Lebanon too.
Because this is the will of the Rothschilds captain kike. It's not like the Arabs have a say with the (((West))) keeping monarchs and military dictators in rule to subdue the Arab populations for decades. This is besides that they are now stuck in an arms race with the shit Zionist state. Plus Israel gets all the support and investment from the West and the Jew bankers for all these things.
Considering the demographics of the Haredi, I'm not sure for how long Israel will still be a liberal democracy and not a Zionist theocracy.
True, the Haredi have a lot of children. but in recent years many of them are gaining access to the internet, iphones and porn, and many abandon religion completely.
Aren't there some studies that suggest that this exposure and cognitive dissonance makes them even more radicalized and isolated? Kinda similar with the Muslims desu.
best course of action is for you both to genocide eachother, take iraq out of that map you stupid cunt
Iran looks like a cat, Sup Forums loves cats, therefore Sup Forums loves iran.
Arabs, why do you marry your cousins? Don't you know it will make your offspring retarded and keep your hellhole countries shitty for yet another generation?
If you shit skins could offf the persians and the jews we will stop killing you for sport...promise
It does that to some, and it liberates others. Unlike Muslim countries, here they can just get a job and rent an apartment in a secular neighborhood and no one will honor kill them.
says the fucking italian.
How does someone so easily triggered stay on Sup Forums?
>Iran looks like a cat
not for long
>if Kurds get independence then mommy says it's my turn too
>ywn participate in the genocide of the Palestinians with an IDF QT
Didn't Jews interbreed a lot to stay relevant and not vanish as an ethno-religious group? Not an insult, just a genuine question, since that's what I learned.
Kike pretending that Jews don't marry their cousins.
We used to do that way before Adolph wiped out most of us, those genes are long gone.
Iranians aren't Arabs.
6 gorillion innocent jews died in the holocaust
Lol more Jewish lies. I have a bunch that live nearby and they're still inbred and all the women wear wigs.
I wish the U.S. funded and don't destabilize us too.
Gas the kikes.
I kinda wish they would all just nuke eachother and we could rebuild it with dutiful Chinese.
I can only dream.
Gas the white cucks too.
The day the arabs will unit and genocide the jews and the white race is coming soon.
You're going to have to overthrow the monarchy for that to happen. Good luck.
Saudi Arabia has one of the most advanced research universities in the world. It is mainly foreigners but then that's not different than some countries in the world.
Turkey is not doing badly in science. UAE is having a space program that is set to begin a mars mission (sending probe) which you currently don't have.
Too bad you goatfuckers are a bunch of low IQ incompetent savages who can't do anything beyond raping little girls and making empty threats that no one takes seriously.
>jew under pakistan flag
Most Jews are low IQ plebs who piggyback off of the high IQ Jews who represent less than 1% of world Jewry. Jewish Eugenics.
All of you deserve to be atomic vapor, especially the kikes.
the aliens won't even have to crash on the moon, we'll give them whats left of the middle east and they'll do insurmountably more than you fucks ever did with that shitty patch of desert.
Screencap this for the ayyy's when they get here.
Out of curiosity, how did this make you feel?
Nope. even with 20% mudslime population, Israel is towering above all arab countries when it comes to IQ by at least 10-15 points. Stay mad, shitskin.
gtfo of their way. this is the Sup Forums middle east peace process, and if you don't sit the fuck down i'll fly over there and make you sit the fuck down.
loudmouth fucking waps...
How are they "gone?" Do you not understand how genetics work? You cant seriously think all Jewish bloodlines who practiced incest were wiped out holocaust or no holocaust.
We got your back, merchants. Do what you gotta do.
Speak for yourself kike. This isn't the type of conflict in which we pick a side.
The majority of our oil is imported from there. So we might help the Kurds out.
I really like the Kurds(not because the oil), but to go to war we'll a justification.
I'm part persian so part of me thinks you're both shit but at least the Palestinians got the right religious ideas I guess, but I don't believe in god. Just killing jews. If their religion promotes killing jews then it is a good religion despite its flaws.
Go Israel \o/
>clap hands and cheering
hi come on, don't talk like that.
they have the very useful talent of having their grandfather camel taking a dump on an oil rich land.
lucky for us that's about where their talent ends.
Isreal is a racist apartheid state
Open borders for isreal.
I will always take the side of God's chosen people.
That's because they don't factor the Orthodox into the IQ average, if they did if would show the real sub-parity of the Jewish IQ; tt would probably be African tier.
Iranian here, we're not subhuman arabs.
Speaking of which, congrats to the Saudis for advancing into the stone age and letting women be humans.
What's going on in Lebanon? Beheadings? I don't see any of them.
Can we just fucking co exist and watch anime together like the retarded weebs we are? FFS I don't want to fight my fellow semites, even if your religion isn't compatible with mine. Let's just leave each other alone, and export all the Palestinians around Arab countries slowly, like less than 20 Arabs per week so they can integrate into better, more understanding societies.
Not really comparable to Israel.
>implying Palestinians are human
In all seriousness, Since the West Bank was never annexed, they're not Israeli citizens. It's really a niggerish thing to demand equal rights when you're not even a citizen of that country.
Why, because the Rotschild bankers bought the land on your map from the Arabs legally?
No one I ever met had an opinion about kurds. They're never talked about in public in general.
>FFS I don't want to fight my fellow semites, even if your religion isn't compatible with mine. Let's just leave each other alone, and export all the Palestinians around Arab countries slowly
So subversive. Gas all kikes.
You are still just a bunch of subhuman, lower than shit sandniggers
Shut the fuck up stupid saudi. We hope that your entire country gets disintegrated into the sand it was built on. You are a shame to the holy cities that you occupy and I bet the reason your king has never gone there is because he is forbidden to go there (if you are real muslim you understand)
You and your people dress in fucking trashbags or transparent trashbags, doesn't make you appreciated in any way by your slavemaster Jew Shekelstein. Go die worhtless Saudis, too apathetic to even let in your own arab akhis into your country.
All arabs shall die you are the wuhoosh. It is shame to think that you are the carriers of the Ummah. pbuh, as in fuck you you dog I spit on you dark-skin jew.
>tfw bust that nut
>in control
you know what to do, just one, faggot
Kill all kurds, have done nothing good for society.
Anime is degenerate. No one in the Arab world actually wants the Palestinians.
Tribes are cancer.
Kifak wle?
are you retarded?
nigger please , I know that some people have mixed with shitskins but dont lump us in with you. For your peoples endless betrayals and dualities we hate you with a passion and kurds can go suck a fat one.
Talas and 751 were a mistake we should have oblitarated muslims after we were strong enough.
Mne7 kifak enta desu senpai?
No they bought the land off of rich merchants who took advantage of the Ottoman land code of 1858 and who fraudulently registered large pieces of land under their own names that never belonged to them and had never even visited.
Who do we know that perfectly fits the description of rich merchants within the Ottoman Empire?
7amdellah hbb.
Lek, shu 5ire hayda?
This. Arabs are wealthy and decadent enough to build indoor ski slopes and underwater hotels in the Persian Gulf but they can't create Aliyah-like programs for Palestinians to re settle in Arab countries.
Israelis may have some hierarchies with regards to other Jew flavors but they held their nose and let the Ethiopians become citizens all the same. Jordan wouldn't even let the Palestinian's become citizens, and they are literally next door to each other.
saudis and israelis are buddies against Iran.
why is Iran even included in the pic if you're talking about arabs? same with turkey
I've never met one, but you're right, the military is busy doing it's usual shit so it'll probably take a good reason to go to war for the kurds, especially since they have commie leaders and parties, and you know how Mr. U S of A feels about dem dirty commies my dude.
>le Turks are not sandnigger
>le Iranians are Persians and not sandniggers
You are all the same dune coon
In two decades we will fly all nuclear warheads from Casablanca to Islamabad
It was a joke leaf, calm your tits.
But in all honesty, Palestine is a conundrum without an answer.
Give them independence: terrorist state like Afghanistan, only it happens naturally.
Annex: Israel change in demographic, defeating the while purpose of Israel and Humanitarian faggots going reee.
Give it to Jordan: never happening with Israel promising to never give Jerusalem to anyone ever, and Jordan not wanting more people added to the country, though they are technically citizens reunited with their country.
Autonomy: everyone will become salty and start lashing out even harder against Arabs because the whole region will be administered by their taxes without getting anything back.
Oh no, da ebil Jews found a loophole and exploited it. Better have checked your rules first. Now stop looking at Jews exclusively and pretending whites, chinks and people in African governments don't do the same.
What is the go to dialect for speaking (not writing) Arabic?
Any dialect from the Levant