The Daily Stormerattempts to save lives by urging people not to go to AntiCom event

>On December 28th, Richard Spencer is scheduled to speak at a “March Against Communism” rally in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Daily Stormer is officially urging readers not to attend this event, and urging Richard Spencer to cancel attendance and urge his own people to do the same.






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nobody on Sup Forums gives a shit about spencer or ever did

where are you from, boy

Dumb nazis

Wow, the Jews really fucked us, huh? It's like we really can't do anything without a faction of us fearing any ostensible ally is actually controlled opposition.

Why not? Nobody ever got anything done without dirtying their hands a bit. "Alt-Right" nazis attend Spencer's rally, they end up getting fucking murdered by rabid dindos and 16s with daddy's shotgun.
Public opinion shifts in favor of alt-right and hardline nazi adherents get wiped out.
We can go back to being what we were ca 2015, instead of just Spencer's brainwashed nazi crew.

Only in America would people set up an anti-communist event. Let the anti-sjw brigade of "classic liberals" and "intellectuals" do their anti-communist anti-sjw crap.

National socialism or white identitarians push their own message, not focus on debunking the opposition. Lets focus on creating our own shit, lets focus on creating our own networks and communities instead.

Lets focus on creating lasting communities rather than march in the streets, marching in the streets gets you 15 minutes of attention, but it doesnt change anything unless you build upon it. You need people to actually join identitarian communities and circles.

>going to a 40% White city with an anti-White power base
>not going to a majority White area

Stop doing this, lads.


Why should anyone care about what CIA operative Andre Anglin says? Stop shilling your shitty website here Andrew.

wheres that armband from?

still up, after all this time.
Well done iceland, stand up for freedom of speech
yes we all hate these larpers, they are faggots, they still have the right to speak like anyone else.
Long live the pirate party!


I wouldn't be surprised
>shows up all out of nowhere
>proclaims to be leader of label that was just made up and put on a bunch of people with somewhat overlapping opinions and a lot of trolls
>always in the focus of the media
>trying to recruit people to this now "movement"
>who could be behind this?

You have to take the fight to the enemy for it to be meaningful. That's why Berkeley is so popular.

>ironlarp and renegays inbound

>spy VS. spy
lol no.


It's not like when people are saying, "oh X is a fed lol don't listen to him."

These people no one has ever heard of are telling people to bring guns to a rally. The guys in Greensboro back in the 80s barely got out of jail time and that was a clear cut case of self defense. And that was nearly 40 years ago with an all white jury. If something goes down at this rally no one will be that lucky.

>do another Charlottesville goy

Why when we can just rally our people up to fucking eventually get strong enough to go to these places. How much of a fucking nigger are you, you toothless hick?

>gard dam we shud go to r def in these nigger places ahhuuk

>its fine to fuck arabs and niggers
>white genocide is just a myth anyway!

>appearing on Israeli TV and having the Prime Minister of Israel as one of your fans despite being a white nationalist, anti-Semitic literal Nazi?
>totally normal!

I dont think spencer is a fed (maybe a faggot thirsty for attention) but this Charlotte shit sounds really really bad.

Stop holding rallies in blue territory

Also Hunter Wallace is in the process of setting things up for Unite the Right 2.0 in deep red territory, shit seems lit as hell.

Spencer pops up out of nowhere and is doing interviews on jew tv with Charles Barkley.


>larping as a nazi and using national socialists imagery and memes but later shitting on national socialism..?
>this is fine too!

this really
focusing on the enemy(like the left only does) is just validating them, instead you promote your own opinion and in situation do counter protests on the other sides events.

However in the us as we've seen here too, they do it all wrong and too much, again just validating their enemy. I have a hard time explaining this in words, is different culture maybe.

But in example all the left did during the election campaign was this and act like idiots on top of it, thus just fueling the popularity of Trump. Had they never even showed up, or at the very least just behaved as grown ups, he wouldn't have gotten so popular as he did.


>anglin being warned years ago that FEDs and spooks were infiltrating his shit and yet Anglin refuses to listen..?
>totally normal!

>LARPing is cool guys, it's ok to be a total idiot durr

That's pretty dangerous. Mossad could've backtraced his connection and found his compound in Nigeria.

>having Chabad Jews working for Jared Kushner running your white supremacist website..?

Street presence matters you idiot. You shouldn't get comfortable spending the rest of your life being scared about marching through non white cities if you want to build an actual pro white movement.


This is why America needs to die, this is why it needs to be let down the toilet.

Only a GMO fed, manboob larping faggot, high fructose corn syrup slurping idiot didn't pick up on the SCAM called Richard Spencer from DAY ONE.

I really try to stay away from low hanging fruit pleb-level normie-tier stereotypes but it has to be said - you Americans, you Jewmericans, you Burger Goys, really are, dumb as fuck.
Please, I beg of you, go to Cville loaded up on your boomsticks that you proudly larp about and use to fight evil Government (aka shoot empty soup cans)...

Go to Cville loaded up and let's end the CIA psyop called "alt right" so we can move on.

Good tiresome...

why arent you dumb goys Anglin's personal army yet?

The person who is posting this knows this is a joke. Doesn't stop him from using it as evidence. Really makes you think.

Its an Odal rune with the Norwegian flag colours.

who is joking? are you denying anglin went on israeli tv?

I agree but I think the tactic here is "We got them to protest our free speech events and declare themselves against free speech in a big public way. Now lets get them to protest our anti-commie event and declare themselves pro commie in a big public way."

It's not a bad plan really, which is also why it is being held where it is like objects to. They want the biggest, meanest, most radical counter protest they can get. It is getting your enemy to make the propaganda for you. You control how they paint themselves by knowing that they will also choose the opiset of your position. Pro white march, they yell anti white, pro free speech talks, they yell anti free speech, anti commie march, they yell pro commie. It is a pretty smart tactic really, and seems to be working very well thanks to how stupid the left is.

Ignore Moarpheus posts.

>Andre Anglin

>the U.S. government is ready to declare white nationalism illegal along with ANTIFA
>this is a winning strategy tho


who the fuck is this anticom group?

if there is one person i trust in the pro-white movement it's anglin, surprisingly. i would listen to him here.

If you had a rally where they actually let you speak you can just name the Jew a bunch and watch people fail at debunking it.

>oy vey if the kikes declare white nationalism illegal we will all just stop being white nationalists
You're a joke Moarpheus.

you shills fucked up by even being here. if anglin and weev want to pretend theyre no longer associated with Spencer and the Alt-Right, why are you same Spencer shills here defending Anglin and Weev from me?

stay defeated you low IQ jews.

>Good tiresome...

Now imagine being someone that sees through shit from day one, and lives here.

If you go to a Spencer event you've already been jewed. I'm almost positive he's a fed

>oy vey if the kikes declare ANTIFA illegal we will all just stop being communists
the logic works both ways. you prove its a bad strategy. thanks.

>don't go, it will turn into a shitstorm and damage our interests
>go, we must fight the enemy on his territory or we won't achieve anything

Because you're schizophrenic moron, Moarpheus. Take your medications.

I can wear more faces than they can.

I'm not really worried about it.

It doesn't matter if something is illegal you shit for brains.

>p-plz come to our event

Don't try to change his mind. We need to let this happen. America needs to die and it will die the fastest when "normal" (to an extent) layers of society disappear or deteriorate.

And those are - white people.

These Spencer's minions going on a larp in Cville AGAIN, after they fell in one of the most pathetic, obvious, and cheap - yet EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE honeytraps of all time...shows you that there's no helping them.

My hope is that huge, endless droves of people show up there. With guns. Shouting "We are white and we are right".

I really hope that happens. Please let it happen. That will be such a good push towards promoting America into the status it deserves; top notch third world country, world's richest most prosperous third world country.

Inshallah my fellow nazis!

>haha he caught us!
>better call him crazy
stay defeated

then can you explain the point in trying to make ANTIFA illegal? thaaaaaanks.

If people go the Lügenpresse will flock down there armed with cameras and smear the entire white advocacy movement and not to mention the president. Not worth it

>>don't go, it will turn into a shitstorm and damage our interests
It's just because these guys are telling people to bring guns. If guns weren't involved then I don't think it would really be a big deal at all.

a bit of sling, but this they were really good with here too. They are open about a few persons with names and so, but somethings you just need to understand your self as well.

Regardless during commie times, there were several communist groups here, and these were typically always infiltrated at top level like with spencer here. It forms two purposes you know, it gives the intelligence services the information they need, and more relevant to this situation, it let's them control the narrative and physically stear them.

So a more recent example which is confirmed and made public (see informanten, the informant). Pic related was the leader of antifa of europe for a decade, his name is Christian Höiby, he was picked up for his skills at an early age by the PST, doing some drugs and shit, and made into an agent, his background fit.

fast forward and he becomes the leader of antifa, prominent in Blitz here and basically running that entire shitshow. An concrete example is explained in the mentioned documentary
There is a big antifa event in Germany, where he has contact on his phone with "dad" all the time, now he gets orders that they don't want antifa to take the route they had planned
>instead they want to trap them out on a field
so he did

all with ease, the crowd got sort of dispered there out on field away from the ones they were protectin and the public, quite beautiful
>this is how it actually works IRL
>controlled antifa for 10 fucking years
>controlled where they were going
>trapped them when they wanted
I would have avoided these events if I was you

There is no point at all in making antifa illegal.

hey morphy (morty?) remember when 8ch called you a dumb kike when you wrote that
was invented by Dugin? xD you really screwed the pooch then

national socialism is a shitty form of government and anyone who pretends it isn't does a great disservice to white people everywhere

If only there were a way to make it seem like a bunch of Nazis-wearing-swastika-teeshirts were going to show up and then have them not show up at the last minute...

>America needs to die
t. commie bolshevik kike.

you're wrong. Israel needs to die. Israel is behind the degeneracy in America. Our politicians are either dual citizens of Israel or they're pro-Israel Zionist lobbyists. Before the Great Kiking of America, we were strong and the only nations who had a problem with us were commies and mudslimes. Now we're weak, thanks to Israeli usurping. And now those same kikes have the nerve to blame America and Americans for things we've resisted for decades. Get your head out of Dugin's asshole and have a unique thought for once...

>There is no point at all in making antifa illegal.

how to defeat ANTIFA then?

>implying morphy is white
he often states how he wants national socialism for niggers, really makes you think

A country will never become Nat Soc. If by some miracle it did, it would get nuked back to the stone age. You aren't a serious person. You are larping

Sabotaging the current system. Lemming principle should be your aim.

With bullets.

tbqh, the most effective vector thus far was shutting down their flop houses.

>i dont know what national socialism teaches
stay defeated

America is not the problem. ZOG is the problem. The American government is jewed right up the Oval Office with Donald "Goodest Goy" Trump

nigger detected, seems like your mind is still colonized

You insolent jewmerican dog. Don't you call me a commie you faggot slave.



Go fuck yourself you dumb fuck.

how do you think this can be accomplished with the jewish and human rights lobbyists? are you trolling right now or do you have a legit solution?

this is a good idea

is it hard staying depressed and defeated all the time or have you grown accustomed?

>.is is iceland, not israel
You naughty rusemaster.

So, what the fuck is going on? Hasn't Spencer's connections to the Bush family put enough people off him yet or something?

It's so obvious. Listen to Spencer talking on Red Ice from about three years ago and compare that to him today.

Spencer didn't organise this. He was asked to attend and he said yes.

AntiCom is a terrible organisation btw. So much infighting and discord drama v

Pic related

>ZOG is the problem.

True - but riddle me this - who is the World's No. 1 enabler of ZOG? Which country feeds the ZOG the most?

Let me guess...Nepal?

>stay defeated
what did he mean by this?

Israel only dies if America dies you fuck

That was sooo sweet.

i told you: Jews and Zionists in our government. Pic related. Israel is a mafia-state. They take "aid" from our politicians only to charge us, the tax payers, interest on that money! The world's problems are rooted with Israel, not America.

>implying Russia isn't Jewish
>implying USSR wasn't also Jewish
>implying anywhere in the world isn't infected

The Chinese are soulless Jews themselves, a billion asian Jews just waiting to flee their borders.

That's the real problem.

No, it's the US government. We are slaves of the Jews. Israel gets 3 fucking billion dollars from the government in military aid each year. We are but shabbos goyim under them. Gov't needs purged of traitors

>stay defeated
seriously what did he mean by this?

>jewish bolsheviks raped german mothers and their children
>this was a victory

you're defeated. stay that way.

It was the only thing that made them legit scared, and go cold for a while.


>world's problems are rooted with Israel
>Jews and Zionists in our government


Let me try to explain it to you in a popular larp-chant of the Trump-era.

> who's government
our government!
> who's government
our government!
> who's government
our government!
> who's government
our government!

Get it?????

>if you lose the war you win
t. adolf hitler

YOure an autistic retard. I found out about Spencer in 2011-12 from seeing AmRen speeches linked here.

He's been around since 2008.

Where did that fag Spencer come from anyway, looked like the MSM just made him up so they could use his antics to attack everygoy who did not fall in (((thier))) line.

this was long and I was a bit tired, point
>intelligence agencies will always infiltrate
>when they do they will always try to get their guy at the top
>using whatever means possible (like promoting the agent through media, see spencer)
why the top?
>ersten, more access to information
>zweisten, able to call the shots as in controlling the narrative and control events, movements you name it
they are good at what they do anons, they do this for a living at got wast experience on the matter, they are not newfags
>but (here) they will pretend to be, until the day you stand in court, they will just play retarded all the way

>Andre Anglin
renegades are so retarded
reddit retard detected

If all you watch is MSM I could see why the MSM would form your opinions about Spencer.

are you pretending America's situation is unique? are you larping that Israel hasn't taken control of most other world governments as well? they're all kiked, user. so why are you pretending if you just destroy America the problem will go away?? This is how you fix the problem:

>de-arm israel
>send all jews to israel, governed by arabs
>remove and kill all zionists in governments

no more problems.

he came from nowhere, he was a plant

go back to your Fed controlled containment board /leftypol/ I recognize you

>are you pretending if you just destroy America the problem will go away

In large yes. You are giving them colossal gibs. And not only gibs. And not only 3 billion that's normie-tier knowledge that's in public, best believe it's way more than that.

So, you're giving out gibs and American lives when you set out to fight their wars. And you gonna sit there and pretend other countries are in the SAME position like you fucks are?


You're a faggot. Look at that flag haha what an idiot, flaglet faggot. I couldn't give less fucks on your underground knowledge and digging up Richard Spencer when he was the secret hidden exclusive club only right-wing pundit. If you "found out" about him in 2011 and didn't deleted him from your internet during that same year, you're a confirmed retarded idiot.

He didnt said that.
He wrote it was not clever to larp as a german ss with swatiskas flags coz it will frighten normies.
Also that german natsoc of the 30-40ies is dead and thats, while its cool and stuff, we cannot resurrect it because times changed, and we need new natsoc movements in relation to our different current countries.

>You are giving them colossal gibs.
No, I am not. Zionist politicians and actual Jews in our government are giving them massive gibs. Can you then explain why we shouldnt simply get rid of the Jews/Zionists in our Government and destroy Israel as the root problem?

>implying that andrew and weev are not controlled op
