>New Sup Forums Banner Contest with a chance to win a Sup Forums Pass! See the contest page for details.[Dismiss]
Any good banners this year Sup Forums? Or are we just recycling the same shit banners as always?
>New Sup Forums Banner Contest with a chance to win a Sup Forums Pass! See the contest page for details.[Dismiss]
Any good banners this year Sup Forums? Or are we just recycling the same shit banners as always?
i hope this is in there
It's only for a selected amount of boards, and you have to add the board name to the banner.
Which boards do you think have the most Sup Forums pass regulars?
the boards with the highest spm
Someone should submit this.
If I'm reading it right, it's for the ad space, not the banners at the top.
>We're going to use Sup Forums's banner ad spaces to link to our own boards, and we want you to design the banners.
>Anyone can submit a banner, but only Sup Forums Pass users will be able to vote.
What the fuck? I don't know which of those sentences makes less sense.
Makes sense, avoids the problems with proxyfags voting for themselves.
Good goy
It's not like anyone would buy a shekelpass just to vote.
Now I'm curious, what percentage of users have bought a Pass? Are there stats for this? It would stink if only 20% of the board was allowed to vote on these.
I remember when this was posted in that Junji storytime thread, it's a great "Sup Forums in a nutshell" pic but too big for a banner.
Hiro's a genius. You use wasted ad space that noone wants to fuel intra-board rage and board patriotism, but you only make pass owners elgible to vote, prompting people to buy more passes to shill for their banners.
All according to keikaku
>inb4 people post their own 300x100 banners without realizing is for the ad banners that everybody has hopefully blocked
I'd be fucking shocked if it were that high.
>have adblocked disabled on Sup Forums
>still don't see ads these days
>not even shit like J list.
It would probably depend on the board's size and quality in terms of on-topic discussion. I bet a lot of the shitposting-centric boards have Pass users.
And Hiro also gets people to turn off their adblock for the autists than want to see the banners.
>using ad space that is likely blocked by the majority of users as an eye catch
>not using it for the slim chance of revenue from the people that have unintentionally left it
>a genius
Surely you have a pass since you're obsessed with getting a trip
>shit like J list
I have Adblock on but didn't really mind J-List while I saw it, at least they're creative with their ads. Though you can tell it was crossboarder-friendly.
Well, there are retards who gave moot money to upload their banners.
As I said, it depends on the spm
Which is still a more profitable venture than this. This is like a worse version of the normal banner contests.
I remember when K_evin put up a banner that just read "Sayaka is my waifu".
>a traffic cop paying money to claim a 2D character as his womyn
I'm sure he has little support from the moderation team, otherwise he had probably come up with something else.
>3, i, po, gd, n, cm, trv, wsr, news
Literally who gives a shit about these, we'll have to wait a few months I guess.
With this amount of posters Hiro would be set for life if that were the case.
I just checked and I think it's a 4chanX thing. I don't see ads even with adblock disabled. Is there a way to undo this, without disabling 4chanX that is?
Isn't /news/ supposed to be an offshoot of Sup Forums or something?
How would you attract posters from specific boards like Sup Forums or /fit/ to Sup Forums?
Inazuma Eleven banners.
They come here anyway.
I'd try to repel them.
Why would we?
Tell me your secrets.
At least try to go through the settings first.
I don't get it.
most Sup Forums desktop users used adblock I'm guessing but reminder that moot said when he left 40% of traffic comes from mobile and it's probably higher now
Less people use adblocking on a phone so these banners are not only going to attract crossboarders to Sup Forums but mobile crossboarders
Old /new/ was basically Sup Forums back in the day. before it got deleted and recreated as Sup Forums
/news/ was supposed to be a place to discuss specific articles, but it's dead.
I've had a pass since day one.
Honestly just pressing tab and enter to post like before feels so fucking good.
We will have to double down on hostility towards outsiders then.
How dare you
I think it depends on how many people on a given board have jobs.
They're attracted to high test things
What, you don't use the Papercraft & Origami board? Origami is the shit.
m8, I've posted for over 4 years without captcha, then suddenly moot uses it to stop spam. When he announced the pass shit was the best thing ever.
I got goypass recently and on 4chanX tab + enter will open up image select, it took me some time to get used to ctrl+enter, but now it's really nice.
Eh, double-tab enter is faster.
Sweet. Guess buying my Pass gives me extra perks.
Not really, I can press them both with one hand.
But if you're used to doing it this way the difference is so small that it probably wouldn't be worth to get used to the other.
I don't use adblock.
I made a banner long ago, but when I went back and looked at it, I realized that the "Sup Forums" was in a bad position. Should I remake it or just accept it as is?
Post it.
What are the dimensions for those ad banners anyways?
I tried
300x100 since the ancient times
banners are trash
even reddit copied it
this is mine
Sauce, pretty please~
No reverse search result.
I got nothing.
>ad banners
728 x 90
Those are just regular banners, I mean for ad banners.
Shut the fuck up retard.
Who was /wsr/-tan again?
Found out that I originally saved it in jpg too.
Feel free to resize and add logo
Signed anonymous.
Are you people legitimately retarded or merely pretending?
AD banners, you retards.
>We're going to use Sup Forums's banner ad spaces to link to our own boards
>to link to our own boards
If this means what I'm thinking it does, it means Hiro is gonna advertise Sup Forums boards.
In other Sup Forums boards.
aka crossboarder heaven.
>3, i, po, gd, n
>cm, trv, wsr, news, p
>no Sup Forums
Am I understanding this correctly? We are making ads that 99% of users will have blocked for boards that no one cares about, and have to pay to vote on them?
What's even the point? It's not like it's hard to go from one board to another.
I think people already know what Sup Forums is
>We're going to accept banner submissions for a few boards each week for the next few months
>You can submit a banner for this week's boards
They're implying there will be more boards in this contest later.
Maybe tempt people to use more boards and increase traffic?
Increased traffic = increased ads = increased revenue.
Even on the off chance some people still didn't use an adblocker.
One that isn't humorous and is attempting to be cool?
>he only posts on 1 board
To advertise them. Without clicking on them, do you know what's posted on 3, i, cm, po, gd, n, p? I sure as fuck don't
>increased ads = increased revenue
This entire contest is counteractive to that since the banners take the place of ads.
Also retarded because if they're already using Sup Forums, ads are on every board anyways.
No one gives a shit about making stuff no one's going to see or care about, in order to attract newfags on top of that. All for a goy pass.
Might as well post something more useful.
Here's one for Sup Forums for whenever it's turn comes up.
Then there people who got banners as a thanks for saving the site.
No, I'm just adding in on the fun, as I'm already working on an actual submission.
They are not accepting regular banners so they are as useless as they get.
That's probably the worst possible idea if you really don't want people coming here. There's not much you could do other than make this place seem incredibly boring.
So a screenshot of a general?
Someone might have a giggle, someone else might save it. They'd still probably be better than anything else posted in this thread, so who gives a shit.
Then if you're going to post garbage at least dump H manga.
That'll just attract memers, I say we just pack it full of lewd lolis.