>Left-wing activist Yvonne Felarca was arrested for battery and resisting arrest, police said. Three men were arrested on charges including possession of body armor, carrying a banned weapon and participating in a riot.
Why do they keep letting this fucking violent bitch out?
You hear stories of male teachers grabbing disruptive female students by the wrist and getting fired for physical contact
Isaiah Roberts
Dead niggers makes my cock erect
Charles Roberts
>Will shit get actual jail time now?
No, Antifa is well connected leftist lawyers and institutions just as the Weather Underground was. Money will be back channeled and she will be released.
Angel Diaz
>why is this illegal California. Ironic. The commie state government banned body armor and made it illegal to own without being a servant of the state, yet, these servants of the state are going to jail for it top kek.
Sebastian Young
>empathy tent
that either didn't work or worked exactly as intended.
Michael Ward
Gabriel Watson
I think the body armor was our guy. The body armor guy isn't pictured here
Daniel Foster
said it a thousand times. these retards will just consume themselves and or get themselves arrested in due time if left to their own devices.
let them incite riots and shoulder check people at rallies all they want, eventually they'll goof and the cops will take notice and start charging them. they'll cry fascism but there will most likely be footage proving their inciting violence. no reason to escalate things any further.
Daniel Rodriguez
Purchase/possession of body armor is legal in CA unless you are a convicted felon.
Kayden Jones
Felarca is a fed
this message will self destruct in 10 seconds
Angel Hill
would love to have sex with her would be so fucking nasty.
when u come just shout heil hitler she would probs love it.
Matthew Barnes
>Why do they keep letting this fucking violent bitch out? >You hear stories of male teachers grabbing disruptive female students by the wrist and getting fired for physical contact
She works for the state as an antifa coordinator. The state will drop charges for her, seeing as she is a poor little asian womam middle school teacher activist organizer. The white guy mutants she used as goons are going to get fucked over every way imaginable.
Basically the police and givernment cant come out and just say "hey america, we are now a communist police state". No first they have to get rid of trump, but they have to use a proxy group to achieve this goal.
Despite all the bitching and moaning ny the blue line under obama, they know they had it good as long as they dont hurt a black. They can have absolute power so long as it was directed at the white population and the white population has all the money. They want it. The cops need it. The government has to take it to remain in operation. Its much safer to extort money from working class whites, net more cash, can dump a 19 round glock magazine into your back, can violate those rights that were stripped away under obama, can make up new laws on the spot to warrant an arrest, can confiscate your property even if they know you were not sellong drugs or committing any crimes, can put you in jail or better yet probation and force you to pay an ever rising monthly probation fee, $400 now, $500 next month, $800 the month after. That's not counting towards your fines or restitution costs. The court has a 98% conviction rating beyond even that of the gulag period of Stalin.
And you think police are not going to be communists?
Christian Lewis
>Will shit get actual jail time now?
Likely not. Judging from video evidence this is (yet another) smaller infraction. They'll be lenient because >lefty, >minority, >womyn. She's unironically privileged in the judicial system to leniency.
The guys on the other hand might be fucked. As per usual. Don't worry, she'll rouse up some more disposable cucks for the next round.