She's right you know

You can't be for the second amendment and against antifa. It makes you a hypocrite.

ANTIFA doesn’t defend, they generate violence.

Are americans SERIOUSLY that retarded?
Is it just bait?

Sadly about 65 million of them are

Antifa defends humanity from fascism.

No they dont. They try to turn their environment into communist shit holes.

someone on twitter posted that twitter is what made them communist and it got like 250,000 retweets

these people are morons whos entire world view is through the lens of 250 characters or less and a bit of the mainstream media

she's vastly ahead of the average.

It's bait nigger

If Antifa wants to turn towards principled self-defense, they're welcome to change their ways.

We need guns to defend against antifa.

the US isn't a Communist nation; yet. he whom shall not be mentioned killed an awful lot of Communists for the same reason that the US will see a Civil war to regain territories, uproot the subversives and establish peace and stability for Whites for the next 1000 years. AntiFa are Globalist Communist foot soldiers

Basically this

So, antifa is a violent group after all? Noice. Finally some honesty from the left, even if it's unintentional.

*punches an actual veteran and burns the American flag he was carrying*

But they are the fascists. Even literal neonazis aren't showing up to other people's rallys just to riot.

Violence; to violate another's rights.

Self defense is not violence.



Self defense is violence you idiot. Violence is an action that can inflict harm which is the ENTIRE CONCEPT OF SELF DEFENSE.

This is why I don't feel bad when you nazis get sucker punched because you're hypocrites who act like you're only defending yourself when in reality you're the ones causing the aggression.

Violence can even be a non-physical action. Anything can literally be violence and it is the one who reciprocates the violence is the one who can judge that.

Owning a gun for defense is not the same as acting like a savage, beating people for having a different opinion than you, and setting shit on fire. What a dumb cunt.

You really are beyond help, leaf. Damn you're stupid.

>But they are the fascists.
Let's not get carried away.

Wouldn't this make more sense as a First admendment bait?

Saying words you think is mean is not an act of aggression. Starting riots scream fuck white people, shooting senators, and basing your whole movement on beating the shit out of people you call Nazis is aggression.

>all violence is bad

Nobody says that

>2 posts by this ID
They're learning

Thanks Murdoch Murdoch, and yes, they are fascists. And racist/sexist etc.

I am too, but my ideology doesn't leave me wishing death for my own people.

Violence in self-defense is obviously neceasary.
Violence because someone has a different opinion is wrong.
Funny how they even spelled this out in their own post yet totally missed the mark on how retarded they are.

What America needs to do is put all the fascists and commies in one place like an arena and have them fight each other to death. Then we'll have it on every television nation wide. True American entertainment and capitalism. We'll sell t-shirts and mugs. Bumper stickers and hats. We'll advertise it like pay per view. Oh wait. We already have that. It's called Charlottesville.

Fuck off, Canadian. We see through your shit.

Ah yes.
>Another generalize an entire political affiliation in 40 characters thread.
>She has a point
OP is a fag.

>that flag

does that also mean you cant be for antifa and against the second amendment?

Don't feed this faggot leaf any (you)'s. Zer's been pushing this same shit bait for at least two days. It doesn't matter how badly it gets its shit pushed in it just keeps shitposting.

i fully support Antfia's right to commit revolutionary suicide.

kill yourself. Guns =/= violence. Guns = protection from violence. But then you're just a JIDF shill so I'm really wasting my time here. Bye.

"dey say dis
buh dey also say dis"

top tier nigger memes


Nice strawman, cunt.

The right argues violence is only really appropriate in response to violence inflicted upon yourself. Speech is not violence. It will never be and has never been violence. Hitting, stabbing, punching, grabbing, shoving, throwing at, shooting, bombing or any act that threatens to or causes bodily arm can be considered violence you insufferable, dumb bitch.

Great tweet from the autist cunt cumdupster. Instead of talking about how violence is a problem, she does this.

the 2nd is for defense of self and property from those who wish to take or destroy it (aka an actually corrupt and violent government). ANTIFA is a bunch of fools rioting against a democratically elected government because they didn't get their way and brainwashing themselves into believing they are actually oppressed despite being allowed to continue their idiotic assaults on others rights and property. The only fascists are ironically the ANTIFA.

>Violence can even be a non-physical action.
*ahem* Violence- "behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something."
Try again.

Came here to post that women aren't both with penis

That is the kind of name a pornstar would have.

weak braindead subverted zombies, attacking women, children and old people in packs, has nothing to do with free speech

OP is the stupidest thing on the internet right now I hope you get banned.

What point is she making? That violence is good? Or Antifa is bad?

>Antifa only use violence for self defense
>A Leaf

What part of "well regulated" don't you understand? The second amendment is meant for active duty members of regulated militias, not gun toting rural and suburban retards.