I'm sorry I doubted you Sup Forums.
I was pretty skeptical about your racial views about blacks, pardon me, they are NIGGERS now. i thought you were exaggerating, I thought you were brainwashed radicals...
I've spend 6 months working in sub-saharan africa, I could not believe it, the things I witnessed... the horror...
every other white person I've met while working there also shared these thought...
these "people" are not "human".
I'm sorry
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Where abouts lad?
Story time, OP. Let's go.
Just a larping meme flagger nothing to see
I don't even know where to start, it was bad all around. For example, they are very lazy and must be constantly "whipped" to work, you literally have to stay there supervising them - if you just go away for a while they fuck up
It's ok, brother. No ONE REALLY knows until you throw yourself in the maw of their company wherw they are the majority. I found out the hard way, though not as hard as yours, by going attending a historically black college amd working in housing where the spawn of DC, PG county, and Baltimore go after they """""""""""graduate"""""""""""" highschool.
They cpuld NEVER achieve something so great as pic related.
They are not people. They are lesser.
storytime nigger, go!
What field do you work in?
I felt like I was dealing with children, mind you, there were grown ass men in their 20s and 30s, they could not understand simple things - i could explain everything in detail and the guy says "ok boss i'll do it" and when you come to see what he's done its all wrong - and then you explain again, and again they fuck up
even their "elite", it's all show, they are all uncultured and dumb as fuck - some of these people are millionaires but they cannot think
they werent all stupid fucks, some of them were educated abroad and were OK - these ones despise the rest of their people, but this is a very tiny minority - it is not enough to run a country properly
Do you speak Portuguese?
there was this unspoken understanding among white people there, we all know they pretty much savages, we don't talk about it but once in a while you'll see a smirk and some other white guy looks at you in this particular way, you know exactly what they are thinking
What were most white people there for? Overseeing building / natural resource projects?
there is also this mixed mulatto class, they were also racist as fuck towards the full black ones, and the full niggers hate them too
Welcome to enlightenment. Now you must legally arm yourself and prepare for the cleansing
>I could not believe it, the things I witnessed... the horror...
Please OP. Greentext storytime???!!!
man you take your pick,
>saw a van accident
>the van was transporting some metal tubes on the back, no security at all, all loose
>with the accident the tubes went trough the main compartment of the car and impaled the driver and passenger
>2 days later the van was still there on the street with the 2 guys all fucked up hanging from it
I dont think there is ambulances at all or anything like that, if you call an ambulance nothing will come
everywhere you go some police and military dude will stop you and ask you for gibs because you are white, the implicit threat is that they will arrest you if you don't give gibs, mind you, you can give them a 1000 bill of their currency, thats literally worth 2 dollars, you are bribing police and military with 2 dollars
>a police stopped me at a checkpoint
>said "I don't want to see your documents, I only want some beers"
>had to go to the "grocery store" and buy him a 6 pack
>all was ok and told me to continue
If theyre muslim kill them.....if theyre not....brainwash them to kill muslims.
>2 days later the van was still there on the street with the 2 guys all fucked up hanging from it
lol wtf.
And then we wonder how they get all those freaky diseases over there..
So what does a normal white person eat there? I bet its alot worse than the shit you get in local restaurants over here.
story time right fucking now you fucking nigger lover.
you know those mud huts you see in history books? like with the savages all around them? you think that is form the past? you just have to go like 100km from any city in africa to find them, they have the bows and the spears too
Mud-huts for Mud-skins.
Cmon guys.....rejoice with me & lets all drop down to one knee and pay resect to niggers. Sand-apes.
when they see you in the street some will talk to you and try to intimidate you into giving gibs
at first I was inexperienced and fell for it
then I just started being really loud like them and being really expressive, like literally screaming and telling them to fuck off, this worked.
stories. don't bant. take time to write them out in wordpad then copy paste them into the reply box. look forward to reading. thx
it was all-around bad, and you know the usual, they are really superstitious and come up with the most stupid shit, they have "witch doctors" too, when they are sick they dont go to the hospital (not like it would make a difference, I think there is a higher risk of death if you go to the hospital there),
i thought this shit was from videogames and movies but I saw it with my own eyes, like the old dude cooking animal body parts to cure a flu, jesus...
When you intimidate the nigger and treat them like shit they will do what you want.
I use this tactic in my company.
Just sucks i'm not allowed to hit them.
But most of them shit their pants for me.
Niggers are beyond saving, the only option remaining is to exterminate them all.
I figured out niggers were awful primitives when I was 5. How are there adults who can't get this?
The right answer.
All those lefty nigger lovers come from rich neigbourhoods. There are barely niggers there and the ones that are there are mostly well educated and developed.
They dont come from the urban areas where they have to deal with nigger culture on a daily basis.
So most of them have a twisted view. They will all learn the truth sooner or later, niggers themselves will make sure of that because they wil nig nog one day and then they will see what we see.
It works in nature. Why do you think silverbacks get white hair?
they had every tool available for them to start their own economies and their own countries, why did they do?
Where did those Mullatos come from?
Primitivism would be better for them, actually. There's no way they would uprise against whites, and they could actually learn to be useful in their own communities.
Instead, they kept the barbarity, with all the ammenities and tools of destruction of the civilized world.
Euros on safari looking for some strange likely.
wtf I love Africa now
>mfw africans rape babies because they think the baby's virginity will somehow get rid of their aids but then they spread aids even more
Nig nogs.
Niggers need to be lynched. AfricN um bongo....street shitters.
Niggers are just "aid carriers".
well... many are, yes. Statistically you're better off looking for virtuous traits in other people, but if you happen to meet one, give 'em a chance until they start expecting free stuff from you.
Occassionally I browse the videos on bestgore.com
There You can find loads of evidence for the savage primitivity of brown and black people, like lynch mob ravaging the streets, beating and clubbing and stoning other people to death for mostly minor reasons.
They are so superstitious, there is also a video where niggers burn a group of other niggers for the accusation of witchery!
They are literally still BURNING WITCHES.
yes, the more negroids an area has the Average IQ, Living conditions, Quality of education,Food supply,technological advancement all decrease, while the crime rate and world level (First world, second word, third world) all increase
>going to an aids-infested shithole
are you literally retarded?
Not really. You should be killing the kikes, and the rest of the problems will almost solve themselves... Just kill the head. Muslims are stupid, a united europe could smash them in seconds. You just need to unite your people against the real enemy of all time.
I'm moved by these posts
So why are you wearing this flag of retarded criminal organization, user?
>I felt like I was dealing with children
This is exactly what my brothers thought when they returned from visiting Africa.
>she aint did nuffin!
My hero. Forgot about that shit lol. Definitely /ourguy/.
They don't call it the Dark Continent for nothing.
>everywhere you go some police and military dude will stop you and ask you for gibs because you are white, the implicit threat is that they will arrest you if you don't give gibs, mind you, you can give them a 1000 bill of their currency, thats literally worth 2 dollars, you are bribing police and military with 2 dollars
It's not really a bribe, it's a gift economy. That's why they don't feel guilty about it. Feature of low IQ people
I always mention this. everyone who hypes niggers are always rich and away from them minus the rich normal ones. after living in hood area. your thoughts change very quickly
How can I get a job in Africa for year? I really want to spend some time over there.
Join MSF or volunteer at your local catholic church...
They always have some "positions" for what ever. The best part is even the catholic church has basically given up on africa, the credo was:
>we build a better africa with gods help
todays credo is:
>we hold the line but this place is god forsaken and nothing will change it
It's okay. A few months living in Saint Louis un-pozzed me fiercely.
Now that you're aware of The Negro Effect, what will you do?
That's actually pretty funny lol
Are there more stories like this?