I'm sorry

I'm sorry I doubted you Sup Forums.
I was pretty skeptical about your racial views about blacks, pardon me, they are NIGGERS now. i thought you were exaggerating, I thought you were brainwashed radicals...
I've spend 6 months working in sub-saharan africa, I could not believe it, the things I witnessed... the horror...
every other white person I've met while working there also shared these thought...
these "people" are not "human".

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Where abouts lad?

Story time, OP. Let's go.

Just a larping meme flagger nothing to see

I don't even know where to start, it was bad all around. For example, they are very lazy and must be constantly "whipped" to work, you literally have to stay there supervising them - if you just go away for a while they fuck up

It's ok, brother. No ONE REALLY knows until you throw yourself in the maw of their company wherw they are the majority. I found out the hard way, though not as hard as yours, by going attending a historically black college amd working in housing where the spawn of DC, PG county, and Baltimore go after they """""""""""graduate"""""""""""" highschool.
They cpuld NEVER achieve something so great as pic related.

They are not people. They are lesser.

storytime nigger, go!

What field do you work in?

I felt like I was dealing with children, mind you, there were grown ass men in their 20s and 30s, they could not understand simple things - i could explain everything in detail and the guy says "ok boss i'll do it" and when you come to see what he's done its all wrong - and then you explain again, and again they fuck up