Yes Rei, you may have been the first

>Yes Rei, you may have been the first
>You may be the best in your series


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Eureka is cute, CUUUTTTEEE!!!!!!!

She always cares about you

I don't really get the comparisons to this show and Eva.

Eureka and E7 are l i t e r a l l y better than Rei and Evanjellyon.

Go back to Sup Forums

What is this however meme?

But what if I told you Anemone was the better coralian?

People who have never seen or at least paid any attention to UC Gundam think every mecha series that isn't TTGL is Eva

E7 is literally 0079/Zeta/X but with hippies and UNDERSTANDING space coral instead of newtype nonsense

Too bad she JUSTs her hair

> Finished story
> No 3deep5u ending
> Non failure director, never going to get 4.44

Face it Eva is dead

Good taste, I fucking hated Eureka.

>this show is dead because of ao

it still hurts

she's a fake

Good thing it goes back to its former glory a mere 20 episodes later as well as the introduction of objectively the best OP of all time. But it only stays for 10 ;_;.

Eureka Seven ended perfectly. AO didn't need to exist from square one, unless you wanted a spinoff of Eureka and Anemone's kids going to school and saving the world and stuff, which unfortunately is exceeding reality a bit too much.

I love both very much, but if I had to choose only one it would definitely be Anemone.


Those fucking children though

Good lord they're so fucking cute. Great show.

Absolutely brilliant scene

Did Nirgilis break up? They haven't made a new single since Deadman Wonderland.

Manga > Anime > Pocket Full of Rainbows > Ao

I prefer

BEST hair.

You know this is Ao, right?

Which Eureka would you Seven

These girls are too pure for fucking. They can only be made sweet tender love to.

>dominic dies in the manga

I'd still tap that tho

eureka seven good music, shit even ao has good music

I absolutely agree

The manga was much edgier which is unfortunate. It was good up until the end. Also if memory saves which I'm sure it doesn't, doesn't Anemone die in the manga too?

I found the muscinin AO to be pretty mediocre except for the second ED and the areangements from the original series like the one you posted

This makes me curious. Why are they naked? I haven't seen it yet but I've been wanting to for a while.

By "it" I mean the movie.

GOAT scene. Everything about it is perfect. That Dominic entrance, the super-dense dwarf star matter platypus thing joining their hands, super-robo wing man THE END. One of my all time favorite scenes in anything actually.

It's the funniest thing, everytime they changed openings I hated the new one, but they somehow always grew on me until I liked them more than the previous one.

you know it's just a reference to another kawamori work, right?

>everytime they changed openings I hated the new one, but they somehow always grew on me until I liked them more than the previous one
That's how I am, but with any anime.

>Non failure director, never going to get 4.44
because we already have AO

I'm assuming Macross, but which Macross and which scene?

Why is Shou Aikawa such a fucking embarrassment?
>Chaos Dragon
>Concrete Revolutio
>Garo: Guren no Tsuki
How do you go from Twelve Kingdoms to all of this shit?


this fucking ED hit me a bit, the atmosphere in those pictures was amazing and it added to the worldbuilding in a really subtle way if you took time to realize what they were.

sdf, some point in episode 02 i believe, when hikaru rescues minmay. almost every other macross references it, though, including the currently airing delta.

>Implying Eureka and Rei can match Maya

See, they fucked it up.

They started dead inside and became genki.
Meanwhile Maya starts genki and ends up dead inside.

I prefer Tip Taps myself

Eureka was never really dead inside, she epwas pretty talkativen and smiled quite a lot from ep 1

Fuck you man, genki is best and cutest personality trait.

AO's second ED was god tier
it's kinda sad kowing how it all ended when looking back at it

and full

the OST ahd amazing tracks too

She studied human emotions throughout the first half of the series and started expressing them in the second. I really liked that.

I thought the scene with renton and Eureks referenced that more since he actually rescued her from falling and brought her into the nirvash's cockpit

Even still, the direction in that scene was phenomenal as well as Anemone and Dominic's.

Man, what I would give for Kawamori,yoshida and the guys to get together for a sequel or at least a new original series.
That's what AO suffered from the most,even the character designer din't return and Yoshida's designs were a huge part of what gave Eureka seven its feel

huge eureka fag boi just seeing this thread made me wanna watch all the way through for the 4th time

>Eureka seven thread

>no one posts best song

>not available in ur country

fucking kikes i swear

I gotta say Fleur would be pretty adorable with E7's original character design.
>Not available in my country

well I would tell you that you are correct sir.

It always killed me that the mechs in this show seem to have manual transmission and clutches, just because they're cool, and it's a satisfying movement to have the pilot do.

>Not available in your country

kek it goes both ways

It was a nice break from the generic magical 2 levers that control absolutely in every mecha show

>no one likes short hair eureka

Fuck JewTube honestly
I loved her in Morning Glory and liked her in this screenshot. But for the most part it was unappealing.

trips confirm Anemone best coralian



Isn't she technically a human they spliced space coral into?

I like short hair Eureka. It's just that all other hair styles and/or lengths are objectively better.

So which is better

The show

The manga

The movie

or AO

>Isn't she technically a human they spliced space coral into?
So it IS possible. Haha. Suck it realismfags.

I always liked Tip Taps as well

I really like that the characters designs kept changing throughout the series.
Also liked how you can see Just how much Renton changed throughout the it as well.


Show > movie > manga > shit > AO


People are just upset about the ending, but I loved it. Renton actually had a full coming of age and has a goal for the future.

Anemone learned love and loss and became a real girl

In the manga everyone is just completely developed and it's great

>Anemone learned love and loss
Don't make me cry bitch tears

show>movie>manga>shit>below shit>AO

I think one of the things that really sets E7 apart was how much time and room it takes addressing it's characters and their relationships. It really uses it's 52 episode length to let you get a full picture of the arcs the characters go through. This can get a little tedious in some of the middling episodes where things are being set up. On the other hand though it makes the payoff that much more fulfilling when you get to those diabetus inducing moments, and on the same token helps bring the melodrama down to a more relatable level.

I'd say that you're right, buddy.

>nemone learned love and loss
what about Joy and Sorrow?

Does she know things? Knowledge that must never be spoken?

This anime was so fucking corny, and I loved it


Ray and Charles.

is dead

>is dead

are dead

Did this handsome motherfucker fucked the Ageha squad?


I really don't get this meme. I understand it's being forced, but it's not even funny. At least Bane posting was funny because TDKR had legitimately terrible acting. This meme just feels like a couple of Harry Potter fans trying too damn hard and filling out shitpost quotas on every board.

A cute

Didn't all of the Eureka side material decide to go bad end?

I remember hearing the LN was pretty edgy too

I'm the movie

Holy shit does this show look corny as fuck.

I'm vaguely interested in it because I know that the main characters actually end up an item, and that is somehow done well rarely enough in anime to make me want to watch it.

To be frank it is corny but its fucking good and it's a satisfying watch.

I wish I was high so that would feel super mindblowingly weird.

Give it a try then, remember though the middle is kinda slow and has some filler. The ending's great though.



Anemone Eight when?
