Boku no Hero Academia

>It has bad TV ratings in Japan
>Barely anyone discusses it outside of Sup Forums
>The manga boost is nothing special either

And people were actually saying this would be the next Naruto. Literally the biggest flop of the year.

Other urls found in this thread:

>It has bad TV ratings in Japan


His ass

世帯 個人 KID TEN   M1  M2  M3   F1  F2  F3
*1.9 *1.6 *2.5 *2.0  *1.3 *1.2 *1.0  *2.8 *1.8 *1.6   01話
*2.4 *1.2 *0.5 *0.7  *1.6 *2.7 *0.6  *2.5 *1.2 *0.8   02話
*2.2 *1.3 *1.5 *3.4  *0.5 *1.2 *0.7  *1.7 *1.3 *1.4   03話
*3.1 *1.8 *2.8 *3.8  *1.8 *1.6 *0.8  *2.5 *3.0 *1.2   04話
*1.0 *0.5 *0.1 *1.3  *0.0 *1.7 *0.5  *0.0 *0.1 *0.5   05話
*2.8 *1.7 *2.5 *2.2  *1.4 *2.8 *1.4  *0.9 *1.1 *1.6   06話
*2.3 *1.3 *1.1 *3.2  *3.9 *1.4 *1.0  *0.8 *1.3 *0.3   07話
*1.7 *0.8 *0.7 *0.8  *2.9 *0.5 *0.7  *2.0 *0.0 *0.6   08話
*2.8 *1.5 *2.3 *1.0  *2.4 *2.8 *0.4  *1.8 *2.1 *1.0   09話

世帯  個人  KID  TEN  M1   M2   M3   F1   F2   F3
*2.24 *1.30 *1.55 *2.04 *1.75 *1.76 *0.78 *1.66 *1.32 *1.00  平均

What else could possibly be the next naruto, bleach, or one piece? Ratings may say otherwise but can you really say any other anime we've seen as of late would actually makes sense as the next contender?

Source on this?

>Barely anyone discusses it outside of Sup Forums
Barely anyone discusses it in Sup Forums, for the normalfags it's the most popular anime of the season alongside kabaneri, it wont become the next naruto because it only has 13 episodes.

>>The manga boost is nothing special either

Nichigo #1 ratings:
Magi - 3.8
2199 - 5.7
Magi 2 - 3
HQ - 3.1
NanaTai - 4.9
Arslan - 4.5
IBO - 2.7
HeroAca - 1.9

These are how all the series performed when their first episodes aired. Barely anyone tuned into BNHA and it hasn't risen.

>Tfw my mango flopped

fuck off normie

>tfw nowdays there are more normies on Sup Forums than anons.
The sekrit club is dead.

>Barely anyone discusses it outside of Sup Forums
>The manga boost is nothing special either

Those are only first episode rankings

>Barely anyone tuned into BNHA and it hasn't risen.
I love how an user already posted the ratings and you're already spouting bullshit

It was beaten by manga without ongoing animes, such as Kingdom etc.

Did you even look at the half year sales? The boost is pathetically weak.

>What else could possibly be the next naruto, bleach, or one piece?
One piece to the end of time.

Who knows, but it's definitely not gonna be BNHA.

>This list covers sales surveyed from November 23, 2015 to May 22, 2016.

Are you actually gonna sit here and argue that BNHA has a strong anime boost?

Big boost would One Punch Man, Nanatsu, Shingeki no Kyojin and Kingdom (not due to an anime, but a big boost regardless).

Look at how those series blew up when the anime aired and how BNHA has done. It's considerably worse.

>being a #10 anime is bad

Are you retarded my man? Wasn't assclass ending too? ERASED is only on their because of the anime.

It's more or less a top 8 manga.

>Are you actually gonna sit here and argue that BNHA has a strong anime boost?
How can you say the boost is bad when it made it into the top 10 after only a month into the anime airing?

>Big boost would One Punch Man, Nanatsu, Shingeki no Kyojin and Kingdom (not due to an anime, but a big boost regardless).
....OPM didn't even make it into the top 10

Kingdom is fucking HUGE even without the anime.

The thing is, people were hyping this up to be Naruto's successor. But Naruto was far more acknowledged in both the West and Japan. Academia will not reach worldwide success and it probably won't even reach success in Japan.

Boku no hero academia is already on the 8th spot

Anyone have the link to the total merchandise sales for May? I'm pretty sure Hero was like 7th was is pretty damn good, same in April.

#1 Girls und Panzer
#2 Arashi
#3 Star Wars
#4 Haikyuu!!
#5 Osomatsu-san
#6 Kuroko no Basuke
#7 Boku no Hero Academia
#8 Ajin
#9 Arslan Senki
#10 Fairy Tail
#11 Kingdom
#12 Kamen Rider
#13 Owari no Seraph
#14 Shokugeki no Soma
#15 Gintama
#16 Terra Formars
#17 Boku dake ga Inai Machi
#18 Bleach
#19 Magi
#20 Gundam

>ERASED is only on their because of the anime.
And so is Hero Academia.

Backlog sales

>No Naruto
>No One Piece
>No Dragon Ball

Why should I believe this shit?

>And people were actually saying this would be the next Naruto.
No they weren't. This is what happened.

>Newfag:"It's better than Naruto"
>*shit poster #1 reads this*
>Shit poster #1:"Aparently it's the next Naruto"
>*shit poster #2 and #3 reads this and repeats #1 attracting more shit posters*

Everyone started falling for all the shit posting over a medcore series. It could of easliy been the next Soul Eater/Blue Exorcist and continued to be ignored but insted shit posters just brought more attention to the series.

>it's another "Sup Forums tries to figure out what Japan thinks of an anime because no one actually lives there" thread

These threads are so pointless and is just a bunch of anons quoting different numbers at each other.

Can someone go to 2chan and start forcing memes? I don't want this anime to die.

Why would you WANT to be the next Naruto/Bleach?

Fake. They didn't even try to make it look believable.


Of course, japs love the warring era.

BnH in 7th despite having an airing animu.
You dug your own graves Capefags.

>It has bad TV ratings in Japan
Merchandise sales are good. Season 2 will happen regardless of what you think. It made money.
>Barely anyone discusses it outside of Sup Forums
Factually wrong.
>The manga boost is nothing special either
Factually wrong.
>And people were actually saying this would be the next Naruto
The only people who said this are Narutotards looking for their fix, falseflaggers, and retards like you.
Everything you say after this post doesn't matter. Better luck next time.

>It was beaten by things such as the fifth-best-selling manga of the year
You're not really making much of a point here

No bd sales, no new volumes, 7th place only with backlog sales and merchandise.

Butthurt nigga mad that his favorite manga flopped.
MHA fans are the Golden State fans of anime/manga.

The manga is literally the next Naruto.

Not sure what went wrong with the anime, perhaps faithfully adapting the source material instead of streching it with useless filler is not the best strategy in Japan....

As in "Next Naruto" I hope you mean a complete rip off.

If you're talking popularity and success, then hell no. Nowhere near Naruto in that area.

>Hahaha it's only 7th place out of the top 20!
>Not including every single other airing show that didn't even make it into the top 20
>Hahaha only 7th place!

How stupid are you people? 7th place is pretty good. I haven't seen a single person claim this is the best selling shounen out there. No, it's not money-printing like SnK, but that's solidly above average ratings and sales. How is that a flop?

It's not going to be remembered forever, but its perfectly good.

I know this is bait, but goddamn it's so poorly done I just feel annoyed reading it. Couldn't you have tried any harder? Thought of anything more creative?

Thank you!

As the user said, please try putting a little more effort next time...

how do i read this

Inferno Cop wasn't the first idea for an anime that TRIGGER had, it was actually the second
The first was a show they were going to call "Super Person Super," and they were able to work on the production of two episodes...
"It was going to be about superhero world with a boy with no powers who attends a school with very gifted students attending, which sounds a lot like a certain Jump title..." laughter from the audience
"The reason why we didn't go through with it wasn't politics or because of outside influence or someone from the top telling us to stop... no, the reason we didn't finish this or release it is for one very important reason..."
"It was goddamn boring."
"We were shocked by how boring it was."
"Every character besides the main character, we googled it up, found free illustrations, and copy pasted it in."
"It was so bad that no one actually has a copy of the data anymore."
"Here at TRIGGER, we don't get influenced by politics or things outside the company. We don't think animation or sakuga is the most important thing in anime. To TRIGGER, the most important thing is entertainment."

Source? Do you have the ratings for other anime this season?

I haven't seen an anime in the last six years Sup Forums hasn't said the ratings/DVD sales/toy sales/sausage sales were bad for.

Sup Forums loves pretending to be retarded to get their point/agenda across.

>beaten by ERASED

What a cuck.

Google says this came from either reddit or some guy's blogpost titled "recommendation Tuesdays," and either way you should kill yourself.

I think it's WSJ's sixth or so best selling series currently. Just barely below Bleach. I think the second week of volume 9 tops all of Toriko's second weeks. People have been crazier about WSJ's future since the end of Naruto and just want to scrutinize everything. Although WSJ does have a few mediocre series that have been limping on now that they may have axed in the past.

│ 初動. (日)│ 2週計| 3週計| 4週計| 5週計┃  累計 (日数)┃ 発売日.│タイトル
│*71575 (6)│******│101801│137449│157439┃*,621,647 (559)┃2014/11|僕のヒーローアカデミア 1
│167905 (7)│205179│224942│239566│------┃*,607,446 (498)┃2015/01|僕のヒーローアカデミア 2
│132801 (3)│226129│254111│------│------┃*,573,599 (409)┃2015/04|僕のヒーローアカデミア 3
│163233 (4)│230640│259137│274965│------┃*,544,313 (337)┃2015/06|僕のヒーローアカデミア 4
│194805 (6)│255357│279414│294055│------┃*,508,317 (279)┃2015/08|僕のヒーローアカデミア 5
│175287 (5)│238375│267182│286713│------┃*,481,345 (187)┃2015/11|僕のヒーローアカデミア 6
│149444 (4)│223055│251675│272270│------┃*,458,980 (102)┃2016/02|僕のヒーローアカデミア 7 (合計477,636)
│221235 (7)│277672│313251│345582│376940┃*,463,872 (*70)┃2016/04|僕のヒーローアカデミア 8
│197805 (3)│339686│------│------│------┃*,339,686 (*10)┃2016/06|僕のヒーローアカデミア 9
│*18656 (4)│------│------│------│------┃*,*18,656 (**4)┃2016/02|僕のヒーローアカデミア 7 限定版
│*34637 (7)│------│------│------│------┃*,*34,637 (**7)┃2016/05|僕のヒーローアカデミア 公式キャラクターブック Ultra Archive

MHA will be cancelled in under 2 years. No this isn't bait. I'm serious. We're talking about Jump here and MHA hasn't shown any mindblowing success like Naruto, One Piece and Bleach (which Jump still keeps around even now because of it's big role in their magazine).

MHA is at it's peak right now. It has an airing anime and everything.


I'm sad but I'd lose my shit if Black Clover got an anime and it outselled BNHA. No, actually that would be funny to watch.

I thought the show improved once the league of villains showed up. I actually kind of like it now

Then at some point some idiot makes this image. Although it's what got me to read it in the first place

This image still triggers me after seeing it more than a year ago.

Haven't laughed so hard in a while. Thanks.

>Posted on literally every Naruto forum imaginable
No wonder people fell for the "It's the Next Naruto" meme. I want to kill the person who made this.

>tfw being Black cloverfag.

Feels good man

>tfw being a nothingfag and don't have to bother with Sup Forums's insufferable love for failure

As long as you enjoy it, who cares about japan? This is jump, they could even make a S2 if they wanted.

We'll see whose laughing when your favorite manga is cancelled.

Black Clover actually has a chance of being more successful than MHA in Japan. That's scary.

Not a bad edit, but hell I still question who made this crap...

>it's even in the wrong reading order

Nigga Clover would be good if Yami was the MC. Asta is a piece of shit and literally every shonen MC that ever existed. Loud, dumb, nakama power, getsuga tensho, kage bunshin no jutsu, he's got all of them and more. I'm waiting for him to get a 3rd sword to copy Zoro's fighting style and to get his Hollow Mask.

Why does it trigger you?

Not him, but it shows that it was made by some delusional Narutard hoping for the next big thing and gives an entirely wrong impression of what people should expect coming into this manga.

Adding to this, Horikoshi had 2 cancelled manga before this, both relatively short. There was no sign or impression that this would have been in the top 5 rankings for nearly 2 years when it was only 10 chapters in with no push from Jump.

It would have caught on more in America if it wasn't just on Funimation. Casualfags are the ones that drive sales and they only use crunchyroll.

I mean, the anime adaptation was pretty shit. It made the manga seem like mediocre shounen shit. The show had average art, nothing really impressive, the main character wasn't anything anyone hasn't seen before, and there was way too much fucking filler for a god-damn 12 episode series.

I wasn't part of the fanbase back then, but did it bring a lot of Narutards to this series? If so, then I can definitely see the problem with the picture.

The animation in the show is so fucking inconsistent I dropped it.

That word, I don't think it means what you think it means.

>capeshit manga has a shit adaptation
Who could've seen that one coming


More like HeroCaca

I'm sorry. Let me rephrase. The show has many minutes where the plot did not progress, nothing important was happening on screen and nothing on screen was catching the audience's attention.

>the guy who drops every anime he picks up at episode 3

But casualfags are literally everywhere in the anime community. It's the reason why so much shit gets popular.

The pacing killed it for most people. It was just way too slow. Bones did a poor job. Making this 13 episodes was a mistake, since MHA can't grab an audience in with only that amount of episodes. The nail in the coffin was the slug pacing. This entire anime was just a slower version of the mediocre arcs of the manga.

Fuck off.

Honestly it's not as bad as Kabaneri. It's seems geared to young kids, and young kids aren't watching it.

I agree with you. While the character introductions and the SoL parts were important for us to care about the characters, especially given how many there are, the manga might have benefitted from introducing the villain league earlier and build character introduction only from that. I think Horikoshi did a good job, it works fine in the manga, but sadly the 12 episodes format of the anime makes these falws glaring.

The real reason Academia will never be popular is because it aired like right after One Punch Man, which was a huge hit.

There can only be one Capeshit show at a time.

Tips fedora

My point is the casuals don't have access to it. The ones too young and dumb to know how to download shit. Their moms aren't going to let them get another sub beside crunchyroll.

I didn't like One Punch Man, that might be the reason why I'm one of the few who enjoy Academia.

That show has a fucking Final Fantasy villain as the main bad guy and I want every character to die. Fuck Kabaneri

>tips fedora
How ironic for a hipster garbage pretend steampunk anime where people use FUCKING RIVETTING GUNS for their rivets.


>it sells better than you're favorite anime
>who buys bad BDs
Explain yourself.

Biba is a god tier the villian, he is exactly what Kabaneri needed.

Kid stop trying to bait, leave this to your elders who know their shit.

I never said BnHA was my favorite anime. I don't even like i that much. I'm just saying Attack on shitty zombie titans with trains is worse.

I thought this was going to be the next One Punch Man? I mean everyone was saying that if you loved One Punch Man you'll love Boku no Hero Academia.

>subjective opinion
>doesn't explain how a supposed shitty anime still sells BDs
>inb4 s-sales /= quality!! cop out

>doesn't explain how a supposed shitty anime still sells BDs
Twilight sold well do you like that user?

It sold well because it's on Amazon Prime and kids told mommy to buy the disc so they could watch the super cool new AoT.

>book vs BD price