What does Sup Forums think about Charlotte? I just marathonned all 12 episodes and I thought it was fantastic.
What does Sup Forums think about Charlotte? I just marathonned all 12 episodes and I thought it was fantastic
Great show, great ending. One of the best originals last year.
Do you happen to work for Key?
Worst thing Maeda has ever written.
I can't believe this shit is getting a dub.
4/10 if even that for me. Possibly the top disappointing series of 2015 in my book.
I agree.
What makes you think so, anons?
Because it's a trainwreck with really boring characters.
Alright premise with equally alright execution. Would not rewatch or recommend for anyone that isn't just bored
9/10 people on here just like to hate good shows to get reactions
It is shit. Ex gf name was Charlotte and I hate that bitch
It's shit.
Okay/good story premise, bad execution, mostly due to time restraints. Could've been 8 or 8.5/10 . It stands as a 7-/10 for me.
Most people on Sup Forums seem to hate it. I thought it was okay, definately had some issues but was enjoyable in the end.
Closer to half, but it's irrelevant anyway because Charlotte is legitimately the worst show I even bothered to finish in the last three years. Worse than fucking Black Bullet.
There are a lot of things I like and a lot of things I dislike about Charlotte.
I guess the main thing I don't like was how they never addressed how it could be a bad thing that they are going around forcibly removing people's powers. like who decided their opinion was the be all end all on these powers? By the end they are like X-men villains. and instead of pointing out "hey maybe this is a little on the evil side" he just finishes stealing all the powers and yay happy ending!
Outsold a lot of shit that season, naturally fedora tippers got triggered because their hot negative opinions were not the general consensus outside the hipster bubble that is Sup Forums.
It was... bad
Forgettable, boring, stupid and predictable.
The only thing i remember is pizza sauce, the art, the irrelevant senpai of the lewd pics, everyone calling the time travel and metal gear memes. And 3 of 4 of what i remember are memes
MC was a colossal faggot edgelord. But then again, what Nip shounen brat isn't.
The only time I liked him when was he full edgelord, but most of the time he just Nao's bitchboy.
Watch Gigguk's review on YouTube - I agree with him, total crap of a series
Fuck off.
> The power of courage
Like, really?
Has the worst grieving episode I've ever seen in anime.
nice plot twist w/ the comet.
Scatterbrained realm between magic and harem, otherwise.
It wasn't THAT bad, c'mon. Not black bullet level
It had no idea what it wanted to be. It's like they started with the premise "highschoolers with superpowers", asked everyone in the room for ideas, and instead of picking just one, (traveling around the world, government conspiracies, comfy SoL) they decided to go with all of them.
it's bad... stop trying to put up this veil that makes the things you like impenetrable to criticism
This could have worked over 24 episodes. First half dedicated to SoL, second half dedicated to him travelling the world, slowly seeing his mind dregrade and losing grasp, doing worse and worse things to collect all powers.
As it was it was a rushed clusterfuck.
Holy shit. Get the fuck off this board now, you fucking sperg.
Charlotte was raped in episode 11.
It was trash.
Half the show is power of the week, the other half goes full retard and ends with THE POWER OF COURAGE.
Then there's that guy whose power is knowing your power.
I don't even think making the show longer would have helped. It wasn't too much information and not enough time. I think it was just too many plotlines to juggle period. The band crap, the terrorists showing up out of nowhere, all of that was irrelevent in the grand scheme of things considering the ending we got. It felt like I was watching a different show every week, more episodes would just mean more time for things to still be disjointed as fuck.
I love Maeda; he's honestly one of my favorite authors. But Charlotte's pace was incredibly off (not a lot happened until the end of the series, feels were few and far between, generic story by modern standards), and the characters were bland as fuck, by-and-large.It also didn't leave you with a particular impression or sentiment, which all of his other works did (save Angel Beats, which I'm almost as critical of). AIR's still my favorite, but it has a very different appeal.
It's crap and it's wasted potential: the anime.
Worse version of Angel Beats, which was itself a worse version of Little Busters, and I'm sure even that is a worse version of something else.
That being said,
Little Busters! is better. Go watch that, OP.
>watch Little Busters
I actually never played LB. Is it actually better than the anime, if you've seen both? Because I've head it swings both ways with Key's VNs.
Also, is it worth picking up Wafter even if I'm not willing to sit through the same main-storyline twice? Or is the game different enough that I should?