What's Spain's relationship with spics like? Daddy talks to its children right?
What's Spain's relationship with spics like? Daddy talks to its children right?
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I kinda wish the spaniards liked us better, but then again I understand why they don't. Still think we are better than muslims tho.
Daddy gave up once he heard them come out of the closet as trannies. He knew there was no turning back time.
What's the average European admixture of Hondurans, mexicans, and the like?
Not bad. We consider them some slower reacting, too much talkative, shorter-thicker version, darker skin of ourselves. Much better than Moors, that is Northern Africans, though, since at least we made them all be Christians.
spain is salty she lost her kids and rather likes their indepenent life
Was'nt there a war about this? Something about a king being a silly boi.
its funny no latin american has cucked spain the way us has cucked daddy england
there is no former spanish colony, including phillippines, having a "special relationship" with spain.
That is true. Not many costums have crossed back the pond, at least in modern times.
Spaniards are taking a nap right now,comeback in 2 hours
Most likely Monroe doctrine and corollaries and until 2000-10s Obama revoking that I think and independentist freemasonry and republicanism in those LatAm countries.
Please, OP. try to input in your thread and post more (1 post by ID until now)
I don't know what else to contribute? It's just something I've been wondering about.
Its just that a lot of parallels can be drawn between the Spanish and Anglo world, with the difference being that it seems that Spain doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about their colonies. Or I might be assuming too much.
>Daddy talks to its children right?
Why are Americans stupid enough to think that the people currently living in one country can be the "daddy" of the people currently living in another country?
In Quebec, we see France as a fellow Francophone nation, like Belgium or Switzerland, and not as "daddy"
I think you're taking it too literal
Portugal with the bants
Not really. Many Spanish companies do business in Latin America, such as Telefonica. Other European ones have their central for Latin America in Spain. Economic ties are high, however, some say that multinational Spanish companies are really owned by the Americans, and we are only acting as middlemen.
Culturally, though, there has been no influence from there into Spain.
And yes, in foreign relations issues we use to handle them as children, especially when a dictator like Chavez or Castro blamed us for the problems of their countries.
Sounds about right, I guess none of the Anglo colonies went full commie like the Latin ones did.
I guess I am wondering about whether your colonies were clamoring for gibs like nogs in America do all of th we time.
Daddy Espania slept around a lot. He had a woman in every port. Ergo he had kids in every port. But daddy Espania don't talk to his children much anymore since they grew up and kicked him out.
I think Spain is the only European country with a significant # of Latin American immigrants.
OTOH, right-wing populism hasn't gained traction in Spain like it has in the rest of Europe -- and when Spaniards do bitch about immigrants, it's about North Africans/Muslims -- so I guess Spain doesn't mind them too much.
Spanish territories in America (which were never colonies but a part of the crown of Castille and then Spain itself) did not have any kind of self-government before independence. They had no tradition or customs on ruling themselves.
> I guess I am wondering about whether your colonies were clamoring for gibs like nogs in America do all of th we time.
Not really. They usually blame America for their problems. Only dictators go so long ago. In fact the per capita GDP of Mexico when it got the independence from Spain was half of the US, today is an eighth. They cannot blame us for that.
Oh, I forgot Sweden has a significant number of Chilean immigrants, but they're well-integrated and don't cause trouble: