Why do the Europeans here hate Americans so much?

Why do the Europeans here hate Americans so much?

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öö, they don't?

americans and fat and stupid, they are laughed at, not hated.

They really don't overall. Compared to some other sites, this is an American's haven.

fake picture

they are absolute subhuman-tier here desu

Absolutely ignorant meanwhile pretend to know everything

Jealousy breeds envy.



>2018. still posting kike shit of commie whores, lel

How's life treating you in jihad central, Ahmed?

And insignificant insult from an insignificant country.

They hate us cause the anus

Jealous of what?

Your demographics are fucked up completely
Your country is cradle of degeneracy

Who cares?

>ahmed joke
very funny, wew

You have NIGGER-majority cities with REAL no-go zones

How does it feel to live there?


I don't mind you, but many, many americans keep saying things without clearly having any knowledge on the matter. Too arrogant

I had no idea there was a big American expat population in Belgium

>muslim jokes
Stop embarrassing us

They hate us because we are so much more successful. All the good Europeans realized long ago how tyranical and backwards their continent is, and they left for other countries, namely America. So now the remaining Eurotards are butthurt that their ancestors were too stupid and docile to make the move.

It's funny that the Euros can't even see how transparent their hate is. They are so desperate to feel superior to America they are even turning their country into an Islamic shithole so they can feel "inclusive"--too bad their nations have no idea how to assimilate other westerners let alone people from different Civilizations. Sad.

Jealousy. Don't pay any attention to it. They'll be licking our boots when the EU falls.

You guys smile and cry too much, it's creepy as fuck, senpai.


Why would anyone like anyone on Sup Forums? We are the dregs.

Hate to break this to you but pretty much the whole world hates the US. Or at least the US government.

Were not bending over for muh peaceful refugees

Since when is being emotive an undesirable trait?

>Your demographics are fucked up completely
Wow the lack of self-awareness is astounding.

It's funny that europeans make fun of americans by saying le 56% but the same thing is happening in europe, london is already around 50% white. We all have the same problem with non white invaders.

Because theyre extremely dumb. not even memeing this is how the anglo iq-sphere goes:

1) Britain
2) Australia
3) Canada
4) Burgerland

Canada are the more potent shitposters overall (just) but Burgers are definitely the dumbest.

No hate, just ridicule

yet somehow we have the best universities

really makes you think

they are asian-french

full of kikes

obvious cuckold account.
probably made by someone that goes to pol

True but what isn't full of kikes these days?

I don´t hate American people, you guys are alright.
All I hate is your globalist culture of political correctness, which are you forcing upon us all.

You know, there was a lot less tension, when we could atleast say the N-word, because we released the steam that way

It is just ingrained in Europeans to hate us now.
Average Europeans are brainwashed by the "ebul far-right Amerikkka" meme, and Sup Forums Euros have still fallen for some of that same brainwashing.

>Why do the Europeans here hate Americans so much?

You have access to free speech, guns and trump in the white house and still cant get your shit together.

Add that you are 56% white and falling hard, are at the front of normalizing every form of degeneracy and still get off on shit talking europe 24/7 its just become sad

I dont feel anger i feel sad because you will be the first ones to go and you dont even realize it

>Wow the lack of self-awareness is astounding.

This sentence perfectly describes an average amerifag
At least we are aware of our problems, meanwhile your 3 biggest states have non-white majority in age group from 0-5

Did you know it faggot?

You have those as well Belgistan

sick meme

Look around, user.

>90% white UK iq: 99
>56% white US iq: 98
Really makes me think

becouse you destroyed European dominance by forcing western euros to release colonies and your culture and influance destroyed european nationalism, you brainwashed germans which is why they are souch a cucks, even here in Latvia your goverment is funding tolorance camps for kids.

I know the girl in the OP. She has a white boyfriend and is a polish girl living in germany

That's all the kikes you class as "white" propping you up. No way average "white" burger IQ is 98.

nah its real. i know her. she wrote it on her twitter

Because Americans love to tell themselves how bad we have it and how we are muslim invested
while they have absolute no highground because they are like 50-60% west/north European, while most of Europe is still >80% NON mixed except France.

>commit warfare suicide twice in 25 years
>have to be bailed out by uncultured, unsophisticated, incredibly resourceful and creative burgers who not only speak the latest jazzy lingo but are taller, more masculine, more handsome, and take all your warbrides home.
>depend on burgers for protection from Vlad
>spend $37 per liter of ''''''''''petrol'''''' even though there is a literal ocean of it just off your coast.
>live in 14 sq '''''''''''''meter''''''''''' apartment
>have system divisible by 10 in all measures, but it's not really useful for anything related to human sizes.
The problem with Americans is they are oversexed, overpaid and over here.
>The problem with Eurocucks is they're undersexed, underpaid, and under Trump.
Feels good man.

Are you kidding me burger?The reson why our youth is accepting niggers and faggs is exacly becouse of your influance.

we have maybe 4-5 no zones in WHOLE Belgium, however our no-go zones are no match to your literal african war-zones in the middle of your urban areas

same as people here brainwashed to still believe the USA #1 meme.

Uh, you know the average American isn't literally 56% percent white right?

>are at the front of normalizing every form of degeneracy
I hate to be that guy but its literally the Jews and mixed women who push that shit.

ok so still a cuckold account. and her white boyfriend is jacking off to their cuck roleplaying

Europeans are jealous of America. They're dismayed that their influence on the world has been reduced to a fraction of what it was a hundred years ago and continues to drop.

kek, you are a fucking idiot. usa isn't even 2% Jewish.

What do you live under an American dictatorship?
Don't run your own nation or something?
If you're such a weak fag that you can't stop '''''''american influence''''''''' from corrupting your pristine potatoe-land, you deserve it.
Get a grip on yourself and take charge.

God has left them and come to us

Oh. So she's an absolute degenerate then.

Yet they make up the majority of your elite universities and high achievers

Where are you getting these numbers from?

Holy fack!

Because that's how America works. You do well you get ahead in life. Not surprising the Jews are well akin to being high Achievers.

Stick to your native tongue

Because they're mostly a bunch of tartuffe, getting all riled up at insignifiant shit to make up for their acts/lack of life goals.
Most of the retarded social currents nowaday come from you guys. So get your shit together and stop spreading mind diseases.

And how does that explain your retarded statement that 2% of the population is singlehandedly propping up our entire nation's average iq?

>I hate to be that guy but its literally the Jews and mixed women who push that shit.

and you sit by doing nothing

I lead by example

we don't though

Because they literally are, faggot. This is another reason why Burgers are hated here. They by far are the most sensitive and become so buttblasted about any criticism you give to their degenerate nation. they swarm like wasps when the truth about their based murica is exposed.

she is . shes a rich girl. dresses like a bimbo but i would fuck her desu

I don't think about you at all

Because a lot of us are mixed mongrels making fun of Europe for not being white. Yea Europe has an immigrant problem that needs to be fixed but they are not nearly as bad as us. In 50 years they will be America 2.0 and we will be Brazil 2.0

You would know you fucking slant eyed gook

>aware of problems
>actively voting to increase problems

garsh, what a strategy!

>because they literally are
kek, just stop posting. You "literally are" singlehandedly making every Euro itt look worse every time you post.


Threads like these only exist because of American stupidity.

Kike bait, nothing more. Enjoy cancer.

>At least we are aware of our problems

No you aren't. That's why European nations are overwhelmingly voting to maintain the status quo. France, Netherlands, Germany... all voted for EUcuck backed leaders. Meanwhile in the US we have a large majority of people who are demanding deportations on foreigners and bans on travel from Islamic nations. You can't even talk like that in Europe or even fucking tweet without getting harassed or even arrested.

We have more industry and technology so ya... just a bunch of knuckledraggers over here.

t. american intellectual

Like I said, there's no way average "white" Burger IQ is the same as the average Brit. The regurgitated IQ tables are pretty dubious.

>sketchy article
>A 2009 article in the Daily Princetonian (“Choosing the Chosen People”) cited data from Hillel, a Jewish campus organization, that with the exception of Princeton and Dartmouth, on average Jews made up 24% of Ivy League undergrads.
Yeah.. nice majority dipshit.

Ya but all that nonsense we have over here came from Europe. It's the circle of bullshit.

>You can't even talk like that in Europe or even fucking tweet without getting harassed or even arrested.

Same with you just not as bad and you faggots always excuse it with "muh private company" circlejerking when the people get fired

Still, 24% from 2%. Pretty fucking dominant and highy overrepresented. Stay buttblasted

we're the same stock, cigarette

>I dont feel anger i feel sad because you will be the first ones to go and you dont even realize it

Most likely we will be the last to go and will remain whiter than Europe due to more white people by population (not percentage) and more landmass to use (more white majority states). Europeans live in nations not even half the size of my state. You'll be overrun once the cities overflow. Here in America, not so much.

From what I've seen is that Europeans love the consumer culture and Hollywood culture but hate things like American conservatism and their right to bear arms.

Blacks don't commit the majority of crime
They commit a disproportionate amount.
Same issue.

The US is spreading multicultural ideas, pro-LGBT, pro-degeneracy, etc. We're spearheading the death of all that is good left in the world.

because most euroes live in utter misery compares to americans.

and they've been raised to think that if somebody has more than them, they stole it from them (standard socialist dogma).

They commit a disproportionate amount AND the majority, I'd say.

You have to keep in mind that "no-go zones" have been a thing in the US for a long time now. Police don't go into ghettos anymore. It is a land of lawlessness where negroes are constantly committing crimes, it just never gets reported. There's nothing you can really do to stop it either.

I've given you stat from reputable IQ studies to show my point. You've given me nothing other than
>Jews propping you up (kek, what??)
>nah, there's no way

Even with a huge low IQ subhuman demographic, our IQs are marginally lower or even greater than 90%+ white European countries. How can Europeans explain this?

they are already pushing niggers via section 8 housing into white neighbourhoods/states and import third world "refugee" scum (somalis/afghans) into these states just like in europe (in smaller quantities though)

as an american living overseas (well traveled) europe is a literal shit hole. the major cities are alright. a few places that are good. but once you get outside the tourist areas and capitals everything essentially turns to complete shit. the standard of living is literally shit tier.

Because Americans tea bagged them in Halo

Howabout Northern Italy? I heard it was really nice there.

>the standard of living is literally shit tier
which is still leagues above americans especially when you get sick

they want the BBC and there is a shortage in Europe, a lot of brown men, but definitely no gifted black men :(

I just told you youre regurgitated IQ charts are dubious, yet you go and post me another IQ chart to try and back up your point. See what I mean about Burger retardation?

>How can Europeans explain this?
Your IQ scores don't correlate with what we see, simple.

Because American Evangelicals are retarded. Thank you for wrecking nations and flooding Europe with "refugees" because Israel ordered you to, dear 'murricans.

Eat shit.

>leagues above americans