Spenser R. Rapone | Dad Disapoint Edition

Spenser's dad is disappointed in his sons actions.
He has disavowed him.

Other urls found in this thread:

usma.edu/chaplain/SitePages/Cadet Ministries.aspx








I honestly hope somebody kills Spenser


you and me both

I hope it's one of his fellows from West Point too

One can only HOPE

What a fucking disgrace.

>wearing this trash on the 4th of July

Did the mods delete all the Spenser Rapone threads? There was 3 of them an hour ago, suddenly all of them gone before hitting limit.

>see pic of his reddit post

Sorry didn't see you already posted the reddit pic,

here is all the reddit subs he posts to

Yes. 404-d like a mother fucker.

Also this image is better as it gives context as tho why he posted that shit in reddit. He is a Bradly Manning sympathizer and needs to be culled from the herd immediately.

one free helicopter ride for this kid. poor bastard got brainwashed and within one day Sup Forums ruined his life

Why would mods be removing the threads? Normally they don't involve themselves in things like that and they hadn't been involving themselves in it all week.


Michael Rocco Ross is his commie buddy from USMA.

There is also a pajeet fucker with a long ass name.

Don't forget about Dr. Kebab either.

He got indoctrinated around 2015. Why?

Squared circle is most of his content up until 2015 where he then goes full commie.

Dunno. Maybe because there were 3 or 4 of them. Maybe because doxx?


well, there is no active doxxing concerning Spenser - by now it's a current event all over news related to politics.

Rapone, Ross, and Dr. Kebab

who cares if he's a commie?

Quick search on Dr. Kebab and his published works.

quick run down anyone?




By now we're all familiar with Spenser Rapone and his hijinks. Knowing a little bit about the military, I know such things don't happen in a vacuum. So I started digging. Check out the following:
Rapone is a USMA Phi Alpha Theta member. Look at the group photo. Who is that middle-eastern civilian advising the group? That's Dr. Rasheed Hosein. Turns out, he was Rapone's faculty mentor during his time at West Point. So I started looking into Dr. Hosein. Haven't found much yet, except that he is an Islamic scholar who appears to have come to West Point via academia in Canada.
Where does this guy come from? How did he come to be teaching at West Point? I bet the answers will be interesting…

Appears Dr. Hosein literally wrote the book on Islam. Comes with the tag line,
"A better understanding of the history, society, and culture of Islam is needed to help address the negative perception of Muslims in the West."

He's also the "Officer in Charge" of "Muslim Ministries" at USMA. Is he Islamic clergy?
usma.edu/chaplain/SitePages/Cadet Ministries.aspx

Look back to some of Rapone's early Reddit posts. It's mostly Wrestling and video games. Over time, he gets more radicalized. This period is within the same years as his attendance at West Point.

Professor Rasheed Hosein
- Early 90s Canadian connections in Winnipeg / public relations duties.
- 2000 - 2008 The University of Chicago for Middle Eastern Studies
- Obama's Military Purges 2012ish (170+ Officers fired and replaced

- Possible connections to Canada's Prime Minster Justine Trudeau's government following Obama military purges.
- Possible links to Middle East Intelligence Agency

- Winnipeg, Canada
- New York City, USA
- Chicago, USA
- West Point Academy

Self-identified Communist Second Lieutenant Spenser Rapone ("Make the long march through the institutions."
> Religion of Cuck™ization
Dr. Rasheed Hosein
Assistant Professor

“Arab Muslim Garrison Towns – Agents of Arabization and Religion of Cuck™ization,” World History Encyclopedia, vol. VII, New York: ABC-CLIO, 2011, pp. 208-11.
>Dr. Rasheed Hosein
found his linkedIN
>Cadets Advised:
>Bryan K. Houp ’15, I2
>Ruben A. Maldonado ‘15
>Jacob T. Sanborn ’15, D1
>Troy S. Szwaczkowski ’15, H1
>Zachary C. Affrin ’16, I1
>Spenser R. Rapone ’16, H3

>Other Activities:
>USMA Muslim Lay Chaplain
>Emeritus Faculty Advisor, Phi Alpha Theta
>OIC, Muslim Cadet Association
>OR, USMA Women’s Army Rugby


It's fucking stupid the father came out and this faggot openly posted about being a communist .

Not 100% on Dr. Kebab indoctrinating them at this point, but must be looked at to be sure.

It is however proven that Micheal Ross is a comrade.

His father saved future generations of innocent smiling children from the horrors and starvation of communism by sacrificing his son and throwing that commie trash to the dogs where he belongs. A truly noble man that can be an example to us all.



What is this gibberish? Do you understand what Islam is? Where is the connection between Muslim extremism and communism exactly?


The asshole actually fell for the reddit commie meme.


Blatant contempt against AG, POTUS, SECDEF, and the Super of USMA.

>I, _____, having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."

Both are jewish scheme to enslave the nations.
As soon as russians started rejecting christianity they were force-fed with communism.
No wonder Sweden is affected with islamization the most, considering it used to be the most atheist country (and the most successful which is not a coincidence)

This thing just keeps getting better and better

There is no connection between Islam and Communism. At all.

That is the most autistic thing I've ever read.

Yes, communists and cultural marxism teaches us to accept more Islamic rapefugees. Sure, I will accept that premise because it's true. But it doesn't work the other way around, there is nothing within Islam that tells people to go towards Communism. The entire "connection" is gibberish.

>publicly disavowing your own son, even if he's a commie

Disgusting, no wonder he turned into a commie

Copypasta. It is an idea and some loose details. Prove it wrong, or prove it right. Spenser changed dramatically at a certain point in time. Why?

I hope this faggots court marshal outs his commie butt buddies that he made in West point hung them all.

This kid looks like he swallows massive loads of jizz for real.

Ina Ranger battalion, no tab. What a faggot. Surprised he didn't get kicked out of battalion for not having it. That's the way it goes in batt.

Wait isn't america a fucking free country?

Why can't this guy be a communist and serve in the US Armed Forces? Freedom of speech and pluralism anyone?

Jesus you fat fuckers have fallen so low the founding fathers would just kill themselves again if resurrected

I wonder if Jim Field is another one of those brainwashed commies

Another sympathizer.

Because It's a different form of government than the Republic we have you stupid faggot.


>The U.S. needs military officers who are skilled and intellectually curious and predisposed to challenging groupthink.

This is a photo of Spenser wear an RAF shirt. The RAF was a communist terrorist group in Germany funded by the Soviet Union that killed multiple Army officers in poison attacks and bombing attacks, along with dozens of innocent people. Literally killed officers that he is about to join, and he is wearing an RAF shirt.
There are also numoerous posts about Rapone wanting to overthrow the government, and how the constitution is evil.

When people say they are the lying press, the lugenpresse, this is what we mean. We are supposed to just take these lies and go on with our day.


It has no connection at all with communism though. The two things don't click. Especially the fact that Islam itself is not only a religion but a political ideology in itself, this is why Islamic countries have Islamic laws as the rule of law.

I would say if it came from anywhere, it would have been when he was in school (1 in 5 professors are self identifying marxists).

It violates a 1954 act that was meant to control commies. Or some shit like that

Because communists are exactly subversive faggots like this asshole.

He has shown to have moved beyond "speech" to intentionally trying to subvert the military (long march through institutions.) That's treason. He very well may hang.

We realized that Communists have taken over our institutions and free speech is only ever defended for Commies and the causes Commies sympathize with.

Gotta respond in kind if you want to make any progress.

1) There is no freedom of speech in the military.
2) The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and communism is a direct threat to it.
3) He's a commie, he has no rights.

Yeah, this just backs up what I just said. It's because of marxists, not because of an Islamic preacher. The Islamic theory people have come up with makes zero logical sense.

Of course its a fucking pog

why are you faggots giving this goy publicity? everything's already under control desu


Because he is only the tip of the iceberg. Why are you trying to convince us to stop digging for more commies?


>I hope Rapone's commanding officer applies an Article 15 non-judicial punishment. This approach, short of a court martial, would not seriously affect Rapone's Army career but would discipline him. Such a punishment might involve an oral reprimand or extra duties for 14 days. Hopefully, Rapone would get the message and learn not to repeat his mistake.

>Ultimately, it is utterly irrelevant that Rapone is a communist. Like all his fellow officers, 2nd Lt. Rapone has chosen to train, serve, and defend the nation and its Constitution; privately-held viewpoints do not affect that solemn responsibility.

>So yes, while the Army must punish Rapone, his lapse of judgment does not justify a ruined career.

Fuck is that shit.

normies in the press and libtards on kikebook are pretending this is a free speech issue after doing 5 seconds of skimming. That's the problem.

click bait my friend

>combat camera

they see more fight than your average american grunt and if needed fight themselves

they were highly respected in vietnam

Both are antiwhite and hence if you are a white man then you must destroy them

Replace communist with national socialist/fascist and watch them sperg out.

Keep it up, diversity activists.

This photo was instrumental in radicalizing me as a ethno-fascist.

His dad is a lying piece of shit trying to defuse the situation before people start looking into why the county treasurer is breeding a pack of commies and getting one of them placed at West Point.

Kill the father and this guy's entire family.

Anytime someone tries to push this shit regarding communism just ask them if they were willing to apply the same standard towards national socialism

>After he returned from Afghanistan his political views changed

No, after he returned from the CIA telling him that he could be a plant for $$$

I will never understand the fascination these idiots have with Che Guevara. He was a white racist, coming from a time in Argentina when they were killing indigenous and blacks and the government was not only ok with that but they encouraged it. Whatever you feel about the man or about this, he embodies everything these people hate about "whites" and "colonization".

its absurdly ridiculous because you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, they would not have this braindead (((tolerance))) to an officer that was perhaps a fascist.
How can anyone in this world not become far-right when we deal with press and libshits like this?

Is what they did allowed?

Are any of them identifiable? I pulled it from Spensy's twitter.

Checked brainlet. Watch Mystery Babylon with William Cooper and you will understand.

Islam isn't anti-white. Islam just cares about Islam. You need to do more reading about muslims.

I mean sure, yes. Islam is anti-white in the sense they are breeding out the west, but Islam doesn't care if you are black, white, brown or yellow. They just care that you are a Muslim or not. It has nothing to do with communism and pretending it does is just going down the wrong path and wasting your fucking time with conspiracy theory nonsense. The issue stems from marxists and communists directly. Stop being retarded.

He is in a position to spread his faggot propaganda around.

nigger che vs chef boyardee on race

You're ruining this entire thing.

We could easily get to the root of the problem; marxism. Then use this evidence to cleanse the military and possibly academia of marxists, but instead you want to have a little fantasy that an Islamist taught him communism?

You're legitimately retarded. Almost sounds like a PsyOp to throw us off the scent.

Mystery FUCKING Babylon you little tard.
Hashassins + Templars into Freemasons (subverted, idk if they were once decent but doubt it) into Skull & Bones and all that jazz. All of these use Communism / Islamism / various subversion for one reason - to promote their plans. Being currently, in order:

Mass immigration into Albert Pikes Third world war.
Before, during and after this they forcemix everyone who isnt already mixed (Kalergi plan completion)
And finally when everyone is broken, history-less, perfect balance of IQ/Agression to be ruled - the NWO is finalized with perhaps some RFID chips, depopulation (if further is needed), Greater Israel (most likely done during WW3) and all the good stuff.


I always wonder how you get one of those James Fields jobs. How do you get approached? What the fuck do you say after you are approached?

It doesn't have to be the same, all that matters is that the leaders are who they need them to be.

Poor commucuck is having a bad day.

what fucking senator signed off on him going to west point. what literal sack of shit didn't know any of this about him and allowed our government to spend 400k+ on him at the most prestigious military school in America? Fuck, if you count all his enlisted gibmedats he's probably in the hole 1M+ to the government

Seriously, is there anything more gay and faggotty?

He talks about cultural marxism as well. I am not trying to derail the facts (a certain tribe creating and using marxism / feminism / womenslib / lgbtq rights / all the shit and using it to destroy the West for their own needs.

I am merely saying it goes a little bit deeper than that and it´s old as fuck. Next step is the global war between Christianity + Far Right + some plebs I guess VS Islam + Far Left + plebs.

bro this guy could be given death penalty and I'd show up for the hanging with popcorn

He's more alt-right than that idiot Spencer.

Also yes, the islamist preacher obviously taught him communism. Because the preacher is part of the mystery babylon cult, you are an idiot if you think jesuits, islamic mystics and jewish zionists are not co-operating on this destruction.

You probably don´t understand why feminism support islam immigration / rights / benefits either?

nigga please.


oh look, its another ex-commie thinking he understands 1% of US law because he watches at jewlywood shows

Take your fucking conspiracy theories and shove them up your fucking ass because I'm trying to help solve a real problem of marxists while you go on your little pizzagate fantasy, go deal with your schizophrenia faggot.

Communists and Marxists teach people to be accepting of Islam to divide western countries.
Islam doesn't teach people to become communists. Yet you call me a brainlet?

Islam cares about converting everyone to Islam, killing all unbelievers who won't convert and breeding out everyone else so there is a world wide caliphate established.

Communism wants the same goals for themselves essentially, so in the end the two fucking ideas are directly in competition with each other.

You have NO CLUE what you are talking about. Take your fantasy, and fuck off. Your stupidity is about to give me an aneurysm.


his smugness and moral superiority; gone

There is grand communist conspiracy and Sup Forums is moments from unraveling the house of cards. From Generals, and Admirals down to junior officers.

The World is Sup Forums, Sup Forums is The World

WTF I love Che now?!

>pic related
>Fucking dad said to go to the Corps. WHY DIDN'T I LISTEN!?