The NFL football players were being disrespe

>The NFL football players were being disrespe...

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What is up with sub85 iq people larping as scientists like this negroe?

>Dumb Nigger XD

He's an astrophysicist you Nazi. Explain that?

>muh pop culture
what in the FUCK does that have to do with anything

Nah he's another bill nye.

Affirmative action.

DUDE it's just like Harry Potter!!

>Dumb Nigger XD

Excuse me sir, I shall have to remind you about Sup Forums global rule 3.

>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

Please take your racism to Sup Forums where it belongs, Sup Forums is a place for constructive dialogue about politics,

You've read his dissertation right

only and academic asshole with two last names would... could make such a brain dead statement.

Yes but if they were bending the knee when they were supposed to be standing, and if they said their kneeling was in protest to the king, they would all be tortured to death. Maybe not a good analogy.

Also in the western world.
Where the fuck does he think GoT got it from?

>a TV show
>equal to real life

america pls

bending the knee means you are now someones bitch you stupid fucking nigger

I'm Santa Claus.

>a form of respect and loyalty
dis niqqa high af

it's almost like lowering oneself and standing at attention are different signs of respect for different occasions

Liberals Are Incapable of Distinguishing Fantasy and Reality: Episode 290657378

does this fucking chimp actually think hes special?

Hes dumb nigger with a degree. Just because someone is educated doesnt mean they are inherently smart. Smart people dont go posting stupid shit like this and expect to be taken seriously. Hes a dumb nigger.

hai guise, r8 my photoshop

Bending the knee is to submit, though, to accept someone else as lord.

wow, an astrophysicist! what has he contributed to the field exactly?

Biggest attempt to spin than ever; BLM should be pissed at him for saying that they're taking a knee for respect of the country instead of ((police brutality)).

youre from england. You should know what kneeling symbolizes.

Nothing, in fact all his shit is science in layman's terms, because that's what he is.

whats the shoop on the chink

nah it represents being a little twat ass bitch niglet, which is why the king beyond the wall didnt kneel to the (((stannis baratheon)))

Too bad life isn't a book written by a fat hack with a fetish for swampy pussy, brown nipples, ginger pubes, and young girls.

((( astrophysicist )))

WOW! i'm impressed..... I bet he accomplishes alot doing that unimportant bullshit

the shirt

Pretty sure you're the honorary white user I gave quads to. Good shops.

ohhhhhhh i get it haha

The one with Heather Heyer and her pepe shirt? Yeah, that's me.


...ctful. Tell Dindu Science Man that this is America. Americans don't kneel.

>in the game of thrones universe
Tell me what you know of physics in the game of thrones universe oh wise one, so it can help me in my daily life.
Said no one ever.


>every Sup Forums user calls donald trump the ultimate troll for getting nfl players to bend the knee
>every Sup Forums user now calls hey nigger, want some grass? ty son a moron for pointing out the same thing Sup Forums users point out
reverse standardsism much, Sup Forums?

Well this ain't GOT dumbfucky.


> In the GOT universe
Um, we live in reality sweetie

In the game of thrones universe niggers were slaves or non existent.

See I can draw parallel space time revisionist history too.

>First thing that comes to mind when someone kneels is Game of Thrones

Good ol' "In GoT they" Neil de"knee"gro Tyson.



Bending the knee is submission not a sign of respect. You motherfucking showfaggots.

Straw man science man.

You could say the same for raising your right arm

it's nonsense.
Look at the context.

We need to start a hunters bend a knee cause they are being oppressed.


Yes. you bend the knee to show loyalty and someone you are serving. That is how that gesture works.

Colin and the other NFL players were not showing "loyalty and respect" by kneeling during the National Anthem. It was to protest police brutality and excessive force against black people. What a ridiculous spin.

Also Stannis, the bemd the knee guy, is pretty much what Sup Forums would support as a leader. Too bad jew&jew felt his toxic masculinity was taking more screen time to dragon bitch and Gary Stu.

Literally every word that comes out of this niggers mouth is reallymakesmethink.png

if you submit you obey. i dont see what the problem is

>Bowing to the monarch
>implying Trump is a god emperor

Thats a terrible argument


Gee, it's almost as though different cultures had different ways of showing disrespect. Like a middle finger v two fingers v the soles of your shoes.

his album was fire!!!!!!!

maybe this??????

and finally

Affirmative Blacktion.

Did he mean to throw his NFL brothas under da bus?

Last time I checked in GoT "bending a knee" meant submission, not a show of "respect and loyalty".

so much of an astrophysicist that he thinks the game of thrones universe is real. Really galvanized my hippocampus there

In case you hadn't noticed, we don't live in the GOT universe. So far there have been no bare breasted bitches riding dragons for me to bend a knee to.

Well they WUZ

In case you've never noticed paintings of subjects paying obeisance, enjoy!

You windowlicking idiot.

Folks trying to explain ideas to normies through tv shows and cartoons are FUCKING STUPID.