So the Mayoiga threads live on for another day then, huh?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this the warm and fuzzy feeling of another user using my original content? I like it.
I'm glad I gave you that feeling user, its a nice one.
I like this anime because in the end everything was perfectly explained in a reasonable manner!
Fits too well
What's the password?
Mitchel Sune
It's ____nanaki____
We need to talk about Toriyasu.
Don't ask.
go fuck yourself
Why is he so lewd? He could've made money being gay4pay.
Only because the site and its members are shitting the bed really hard.
Us members dindu nothing wrong.
Why did Nyanta even take on that sorta cat theme?
She seems like the kind of person who wanted to reinvent her entire personality to make an impression on this new group of people.
She's lucky she's an anime girl or that would have never worked.
She should have took the theme of whatever animal is a bee's natural predator
Such a Japanese giant hornet?
She had the cat gimmick to begin with, look at the fangs and the face she makes after sniping the girls in her flashback.
Can confirm.
Maybe she's born with it.
She's a heavy internet user, of course she likes cats.
Anyone here planning on signing up for the trip?
Seems like it's going to be next summer
She can't do that. The bee character fore this season is already taken.
Admin user, whenever you come back, please lay some ground rules for what's allowed on the site and what isn't.
I remember him saying he didn't want hardcore stuff on there
Less rules the better.
No spamming black dicks obviously, but otherwise we should just let everyone be chill and post what they want. From /tg/ to Sup Forums
>From /tg/ to Sup Forums
Are you the idiot saying we need a Sup Forums thread there because reasons?
I feel bad for website user. He shouldn't have wasted his money.
I'm able to ignore things I don't like, and don't feel the need to dictate what is and isn't allowed based on my very narrow tastes.
You should grow up a bit, user.
Yet you're not able to explain what a specifically Mayoiga-centric site needs a Sup Forums thread for when you could just fucking go to Sup Forums to discuss Sup Forums things. What was that you said about people not being able to argue for shit?
I just spent another 100$ on merch. What's your guys damage report so far? I believe I've spent around 200 or 300 $ by now
He said he wouldn't make any rules as long as we don't exaggerate.
Everyone was civilized up until now, it's just one faggot that decided to be edgy and would've done that even if there were rules.
Haven't actually spent anything just yet because I haven't gotten the invoice for the first volume of the BDs. What'd you buy?
space zong
What site?
Man, I don't even wanna give you a link because all you're going to see is the hundred black dicks some faggot spammed
You haven't given an argument for why it shouldn't be allowed.
Talking about the political views of Mayoiga characters is Mayogia related.
>He said he wouldn't make any rules as long as we don't exaggerate.
Did we learn fucking nothing from this show whatsoever? Rules are necessary where strangers are going to be interacting, no matter how small the group.
I was curious about that too. What exactly is the purpose of the Sup Forums thread? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it, but I honestly fail to see the reasoning behind. So far you have a hijab Naana and a nazi anime girl. No actual, solid discussion. If you made the thread at least maintain it with topics? I doubt many people will join either, since most site members are there only for Mayoiga. Just my two cents, I'm willing to participate if you come up with a good subject.
Reminder the only reason the Sup Forums thread is active is cause of the one guy crying about it. It woulda been out of sight still if not for him
If we actually limit the site to Mayoiga only stuff, it'll be dead within the month.
Even the hardcore fans can only say or post the same things so much.
enjoy the nigger dicks user
>specifically Mayoiga-related site
>hey guys this is a thread for Sup Forums and other unrelated things
The fucking thread is off-topic by its own admission. Why should it be there? Why should anyone have to argue for why an off-topic, pointless fucking thread shouldn't be on a site dedicated to one series when you already have a place you can discuss this stuff with likeminded fucktards?
Are you just fucking underage or something?
I didn't say I don't agree with rules, but this isn't the problem here. We could've started the site with a set of rules already made, if someone wants to spam, they'll do that regardless of your rules.
Or do you honestly believe that a sticky with "no spamming" would suddenly make that user stop, reconsider and leave?
Cause it's really not a big fucking deal and would have flown under the radar if not for this discussion.
This isn't a discussion of the spam, it's a discussion of the Sup Forums shit.
You guys do realize it was the Sup Forums thread that crashed the site the other day, I'm not for nor against it, just stating a fact.
Ever plan on answering my question or are you just going to keep acting like a little bitch about it? Why do you need a Sup Forums thread on a Mayoiga site when Sup Forums exists on its own? Aren't you supposed to be able to argue?
Not really? We have a lot of ongoing projects that will take quite a lot of time.
Plus, let's suppose you're right, we can't hold onto Mayoiga only stuff. Out of all the unrelated topics on a site about an anime, you decide to throw in politics?
Damn. Good luck posting anime nazi pics alone.
Honestly the whole Idea for the site was stupid. If you are going to make a site for a specific show it should at least be popular.
I bet it was Sup Forums user who spammed for not getting attention
>but if we have a Sup Forums thread it'll live
I don't need it, nor did I make the thread or even post in it until the guy started to cry about it. Nor do I plan on posting in it anymore outside of this particular discussion relating it.
It's just not worth crying about, and it'll set a bad president if we start getting all bitchy about every little thing.
I feel bad saying it because website user made it out of genuine love of the series, but it was just a bad idea. It hurt the series' threads on Sup Forums, because now we talk more about the fanbase or site happenings than we do about Mayoiga.
Mayoiga is a comedy
and Kuma Miko is a psychological horror?
What a weird spring-16 season this turned out to be.
> It hurt the series' threads on Sup Forums, because now we talk more about the fanbase or site happenings than we do about Mayoiga.
Didn't really hurt it.
If that site wasn't around this thread wouldn't exist anyway.
Website user had his heart in the right place, but he has to be disgusted with how it turned out. He should just pull the plug before Illegal shit gets posted.
It begins.
Why? Is there an OVA or BD extra or what?
That's what I think too. I know I'd have nuked it already if I were him.
Fuck off spammer.
You're so obvious it's not even funny.
Domain will come back, put some safety locks in place and all will be well.
Hm isn't that funny, just as people here start to say the site should be deleted, the spam picks back up.
>That obvious fucking samefagging
Holy shit, some guy pulls a middle school joke and you all act like it's the worst thing that can happen.
It was obvious from the beginning that the site can get spammed, it happens anywhere and it's solved with a simple ban.
Plus, a lot of website discussions were Mayoiga related. We asked for people interested in joining the VN project. A collage idea has been posted several times.
This is just exaggerated whining.
You're retarded, Sup Forums-kun. People called the site going to shit before a domain had even been purchased.
If you weren't spamming the site then we wouldn't be here talking about it you cunt
Personally, I thought the site was dumb from the moment it was decided it'd be an user bbs because we don't need two places to discuss Mayoiga anonymously. Either repurpose the site or kill it altogether, because this format is stupid as-is.
Before anyone starts with the fandub shit or the VN shit, you people can contact each other in other ways. Don't act like this extraneous site is the only way to get things done because it isn't. Email each other, make a chat, there you go.
You seem to think I care enough to have spammed the site user
I don't I just posted the site and password on reddit and 9gag
So you did it!
There were anons bringing up using Skype or email to talk about the dub but someone threw a bitch fit about it.
What even implies that I did it?
I'm not going to spam a site for a series I like and have put tons of time into. Stop being retarded.
It isn't about VN or fandub and if you had been in the previous threads you would've known this has been discussed plenty of times.
It's the majority that voted for an anonymous board, because Sup Forums threads are obviously dying. The only reason this one is active is because the website anons are complaining on it. The purpose of the site was to consist of the loyal fans that want to continue discussing Mayoiga without spamming Sup Forums with threads that barely get replies, anyway.
The other projects that you've mentioned came after the site was made. We don't need to find it another purpose either, because that's what we aimed for from the start.
I think I remember seeing that. They should've been ignored, they were behaving like a total diva.
>Spamming starting up again.
You know what, I've put up with so much shit in my life, I have been through so much, Mayoiga really brought me out of a depression, and this site meant a lot to me, and now there's some fuckhead 10 year old leet haxor spamming babys first troll level attempt of porn. You're really THAT butthurt that people actually like Mayoiga and you're that assblasted that people have a fansite for it, you really are a piece of flaming hot shit, and I really hope you aren't religious, because I really want you to burn for this, spammer user. I really do
>Being this rustled over a spammer
Yes, I truly am this mad over it. So I guess you did what you set out to do, boil my fucking blood pressure. And I don't even have a fucking reaction image suitable for this.
The only thing that makes me feel better is that even though you're winning in the short term, you're not going to win in the long term, we're still going to have a site, still do fan dub, VN, and etc. And at the end of it, you will be the one who's still bootyblasted about us unironically enjoying this anime. So fuck you, you piece of watery shit.
I'm going to go have a angry sleep now.
Yes yes, well done you've made a site for this series and everything.
However, did it really deserve it? It feels like say, 10-15 people at best are putting more thought and effort into this stuff than the creators themselves ever did.
>It's the majority that voted for an anonymous board, because Sup Forums threads are obviously dying.
Holy shit that is not even remotely what fucking happened. The poll that decided it would be an anonymous site happened long before the threads started slowing down.
Point of anime is everyone is different and we need to get along
fanbase attacking each other and throwing blame all over the place
Nigger dicks everywhere
P.S. It was me I spammed the nigger dicks
>losing your shit and giving spammer-kun what he wants
I just want to discuss the actual series, yet Sup Forums only ever wants to talk about the site/fanbase/VN/fandub/etc. Suffering.
You guys are hilarious. You do realize that you are encouraging the spammer big time, right?
Under the premise that the threads would slow down, Sherlock.
That was the idea from the start. After Mayoiga ends, where will we go? We make a website so we can continue our discussions there. Fucking simple.
I have like 3 things in life I care about. This is one of them.
But that literally didn't happen. The website user didn't even know if it'd be a site specifically for series discussion or if it'd be for archiving Mayoiga-related stuff.
Me too user
The site and password are posted on Sup Forums
Let's talk about Mayoiga.
What kind of conclusion did your favorite character get? Are you satisfied?
Aw, thanks for checking that out user. It's nice to know where it's coming from.
Everybody ignore spammer user and let's just discuss anime as per-normal.
Which Mayoiga do you think got the best fan art?
>stop coming to these threads 3 or 4 weeks ago since it was pointless discussion/fanfics/homoshit except right after the episode aired
>a password protected site was created
>vn, fandub and so on in the works
>dick spamming on the secret site
Ok. But why don't you just discuss the anime here, and contact each other via emailfor the projects? There's plenty of threads about older series all the time on Sup Forums.
I don't know about that about I will always treasure this Naana artpiece
I've tried asking this very thing so many times and nobody has a legitimate answer.
>There's plenty of threads about older series all the time on Sup Forums.
I know. That's why this is all so ridiculous.
Because some user didn't have better things to waste his money on so here we are.