What the fuck was her problem?
What the fuck was her problem?
Tired of repeating the same shit over and over to fail in yet another way she didn't think was possible i guess.
Psychotic clingy cunt
Ai yo.
But she's so cute, look at that adorable face!
The broadest-accepted philosophical definition for God would be "an absolute", as in a being, or abstract entity, which is absolute truth, essence and form of all that exists, all-containing and yet contained in all things.
Monotheistic religions have each based themselves on this unquestionable concept of "absolute" to fixate their respective concepts of good, bad, truth, wrong - after all, how could you question "truth by definition"?
Supposedly we do not have access to such an incredibly unquestionable entity, then the only reasonable guarantee of "truth", or "god", would be the most "powerful" existence available. Suppose a being comes that defies such existence, and eventually undermines and defeats it - wouldn't that being deserve the title of "god" more than the previous one?
This is exactly the case of Mahou Shojou Madoka Magica: Rebellion - but to further add to it, the resulting world is all within Homura's conscience, her "witch barrier".
The whole existance is literally contained in the mind of one entity, a definition which brings us ever-so-close to the definition we gave for an "absolute" God.
To claim such a being "did something wrong" or "is wrong" in anything it does or deems appropriate, is preposterous to the least, for this being is the single most highest form of "power" truth may be fixated to.
By the end of the movie, "everything" IS Homura. And what can "truth" be, if not things themselves?
It is absolutely unreasonable to claim Homura did anything wrong- in fact, Homura did nothing wrong. Nothing at all.
>that manjaw
Madoka's pose in your picture reminds me of
>Why is Sayaka so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
Butcher writing
She didn't an homu herself
Your philosophy degree will be worthless once you graduate, I hope you realize that.
Your life is worthless the moment you don a trip, I hope you know that.
She did nothing wrong.
She kept watching her best friend die. Went on about 100 times.
she got hooked on the flavor of Madoka's cunt.
she's basically just a vagina junkie jumping around time to get her fix when her only supplier dies.
Daily reminder that Homura is the Nietzschean Ubermensch and plebs cannot handle it because they are stuck in slave morality.
Her problem was Kyuubey.
>which non-STEM degree you have matters when looking for non-STEM jobs
You have to be at least 18 to post here..
Do people really not understand what Homura did?
But all doctoral science and math degrees are literally "philosophy degree".
How come Tumblr thinks Homura is abusive and gets angry if you suggest she's not?
You answered your own question.
You'd understand if you'd fucking read Nietzsche
I'm very sure Sayaka is still Madoka's best friend.
Maybe they just want to be abused by Homura.
Because they're overly concerned about the health of a fictional character's relationship. If the series concludes with a canon MadoHomu end, Homura wouldn't even qualify as the most obsessive, let alone abusive, partner in anime.
I agree. Homura is Madoka's "special" friend.
The replies in the Notes are all so pissy.
Reality check to Tumblr: I don't think the guy who wrote this gives a fuck if you think his character relationships are healthy or not.
It's probably all true.
Why quote special?
>Madoka Thread
>Tripfags Waifufagging
>Image dumbs
>Talkind about shit that has been talked about a million times already
>Don't even have to scroll down for more than 2 seconds before someone mentions Tumblr
I hope there will be never more than one containment thread for this cancer.
the friend of a "friend" is a "friend"
Oh, looks like !Akemi got bored and now is going to try and start spamming crack again. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you. Why do you devote so much of your life to this. Go watch anime, do read something, go drink bleach. Do anything that's not ruining these threads.
Can someone update this to reflect ?
You're not even ACK, you're just a pretender. It's pretty easy to tell.
Not enough "retard" or "mongoloid".
If anyone needed more proof that !Akemi samefags like a mad mad
Desustorage got nuked because of CP, and !Akemi uses the same names to samefag in really random obscure places that not many people know about.
I love this anime!
There was never an "ACK" to begin with. Which you know, you just refuse to accept because that would mean your ego being shattered and you likely killing yourself for realizing literally everything in your life is a failure.
And just to shove it in your face again. You can't fool anyone with your spamming, because for ten whole years before you showed up on this site no one at all acted like you. People told of shipping shitposters like yourself and no one batted an eye. No shipping shitposters ever spammed because they got told off. That's all you.
Why do you think this is so funny, !Akemi. It's stupid as shit.
Here you go, you can just read all the replies you got last time you posted this.
By the way, you show three symptoms of autism is a single wordless post. Pretty impressive. In a pathetic way.
Mami/Sayaka is the best ship, followed closely by Mado/Saya.
Isn't MadoHomu day this week?
Not a single other person in the world behaves likes you. Not a single one.
And do you really think it's not clear you are avoiding the post timer so you can make it look like you're more than one person?
Again, you can't change ten years of history on this site with spamming for a few months. Because everyone can see the drastic change that would never actually happen.
How's your crusade against the mods going, friend?
Shits not stupid because it doesn't even have a brain!
Is ACK just a seriously devout MadoHomu fan trying to ruin these threads?
He's a huge KyouSayafag.
>implying only one person thinks there is something wrong with My Little Pony, online dating, reddit, and Asperger's
Good one. Next I bet you're going to say people blindly believe others when they refuse to give proof for anything they say.
>lol durrr if i keep spamming ack that will make it look like many people think it's true
Hm, answer this, !Akemi. If so many people think "ACK" is real, why does "every" person who brings "him" up also refuse to out right every single time to give proof he is real? Not only that, why does every single person also ignore how there is proof showing they are wrong?
Why do all these people have the exact same behavior?
The Shaft animation studio finest animators!
Still obvious who you are even when you are posting canon pairs to try and false flag.
>da durrr i called it sayakyo so that make me look lik som1 new, i so smurt
I don't remember one of these happening.
Holy shit, it's true.
It's alright, user, you're already famous on Sup Forums. Your name will go down in history. You don't have to keep fighting this war anymore. You've won.
She is a broken human being
>Sup Forums
He's everywhere if you pay close enough attention.
Madoka fans will never fully recover.
That funny part is that ED and LM, two long standing sites about Sup Forums meta both mention you and Troid, while oddly enough no one mentions anything about "ACK". Sure is strange, huh.
And do you know another thing that makes it clear who you are? That you refuse to answer anything that people say to you. You stand out so much.
>What am I to you, Homura?
>You're my very best friend.
>go to art college for illustration
>graduate as a really shitty illustrator
>local factory that supplies machineries for global market is looking for system engineers and interns for said position.
>take the internship.
>after 2 years and some hard work become one of the lead system engineer at the company.
Making 110k a year and living life how i want. Learned everything on the job and studied a lot durring the night just to catch up with my peers. It was well worth it . Just remmeber guys you have to go to college with STEM in mind or you wont find a job ever.... o wait nevermind.
Oh I get it, you're upset because you don't have any internet wiki articles written about you yet. Couldn't you just write them yourself? You can fill them with all the propaganda you want, like how you're fighting the good fight against the mods of all these communities.
Why are they so perfect?
She'd been raped the evening before the morning she wakes up everytime, so everytime she wakes up back at the start again she has a large ice pack stuck between her buttocks.
>badly photoshopping text on this thumbnail will legitimize it
do people actually fall for this
This is strangely a cute paring.
If there's one thing you don't get !Akemi, it's everything. You are that stupid.
You made the claim "lol da durr every1 knows u, u famus =)))". And tried to use that as "proof" that "ACK" is real, and that you are not the only person who spams it. Then you were given explicit proof that you are wrong about that assertion because no one at all in the world actually thinks it's strange to tell off subhuman shippers. Something that existed on this site long before you got here. You just game from your tumblr hug box and here if baffled your mind that you got told off for your personal taste and how bad it was. So you assumed everyone telling you off was one person.
>>Madoka Thread
>>Tripfags Waifufagging
>>Image dumbs
>>Talkind about shit that has been talked about a million times already
Talkind? And there are other threads that do tbis. Look at Evangelion.
>>Don't even have to scroll down for more than 2 seconds before someone mentions Tumblr
Just did so. More than 2 seconds.
Tfw you can literally just find the image on Google. Look closely at the poster behind them.
Is Madoka actually a Hindu deity?
(This is gold)
I think Madoka is Allah
Reminder that the relationship between Madoka and Homura is distain and hatred from both parties and Madoka never loved Homura. Homura is in fact abusive of Madoka's kindness and her obsession has been responsible for every single bad thing that happened. Madoka will enjoy killing Homura.
That's because Homura loves Mami and Hundu Deities aren't allowed to be gay.
>What the fuck was her problem?
-She dont have boyfriends or never talked with a male human in her entire existence.
-She wear full stockings when elementary students dont should use sexual clothes
They think they hate each other, but in reality their hate is their desire to pleasure each others bodies. Hormones are weird at that age.
Just because you ignore and don't reply to it doesn't mean it doesn't prove you wrong about everything you said.
By the way, I hope you realize that you constantly get more and more obvious every time try to imply "lol da durr xd all the crack shitposters showed up at the same time to ruin the thread"
She's a middle schooler and almost a high schooler
Homura is a school shooter
Homura a shit.
Madoka a cute.
>lifting the plot from a children's sunday morning superhero show
Butcher didn't write shit.
>Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.
>waaaah my shitposting thread is dying i need to spam crack to keep it alive
Is there anything that will make you stop ruining threads? It's clear being rational and reasonable with you will not work, so seriously, what will it take to make you stop.