Random anime thread
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Fun fact of the day. Ending seven to Inuyasha is actually a cover, the original is a English version sung by Sophie Monk. Check it out.
What is some essential semi-obscure core? Like Logh.
This is Frenda, she is one of the worst girls in her respective series despite her looks. She will betray her friends at a moments notice as long as she is able to speak at the time.
Worst Sup Forums fan base, I think I got them all except ones like K-On and Naruto because that's just too easy.
How the fuck is the K-On fanbase anywhere near as bad as half the ones you listed? They don't even have a general.
This is probably the best image I've ever created and my sole contribution to Sup Forums. I'll admit it's not very professional but I can't help but feel I really hit the jackpot on this one.
I'd honestly have to say Jojo, since they are normalfag as fuck, have a general, and are a blight to this place.
Cover (amazing)
B-but Jojo is fun !
Is Cowboy Bebop worth watching if you know that cowboy Bebop dies?
Another example of a glorious cover! It sounds like it might be bad at first but it's actually great.
Fun fact #2
Anno hates Eva fans. Not it a figurative sort of way either, he literally hates Evangelion fans.
I remember reading an account of him answering fan question at a convention and sombody asked him what girl from Evangelion was his waifu and he lost his shit.
And that is why Anno is Based
Magic knight Rayearth is amazing.
Nothing personal kid.
So much hype.
You know it's good when the logo can't even be still.
Inuyasha has the most consistent best ending themes of any anime ever even though the show isn't that good itself. I remember suffering through this series just to hear them and even burned them into a cd and listened to them at school when I got my first portible CD player. (I forgot what they're called?)
Walk man?
Kyoko Sakura is the cutest magical and best girl of her series. (She plays dance dance while eating pocky)
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya confirmed best anime movie ever and cirtified frosty.
Why am I still watching Big Order? I just finished episode 7 and this entire show is just a huge sticky mess
The fuck are you doing? Drop it immediately and start watching Kuma Miko!
Anime is logically better than Manga
.Voice acting
.Moving animation
Ehh, I'd rather not. At least Big Order is fun. It's like they took Valvrave or Code Geass and condensed it.
Fun fact Code Geass is unwatchable due to the animation, you can literally cut your eyeballs on all the edges if you aren't careful. It's like they took inspiration from the nightmare before Christmas and used it in anime form.
>Be Anno
>Make female characters who are all complete mental cases who need immediate psychological attention, not to mention entwined with his own anxieties
>The fans just fetishise them and debate which ones they'd rather fuck
I'd be pretty pissed too desu.
Same here, i still think it's weird how popular and "merchandised" all of eva has been when it's so anti-otaku
The hottest Pokemon coming through.
Most terrifying anime theme.
posting best theme
The Railgun Dub is better than the sub. I'm usually the hipster douche who only likes subs but this is where I draw the line. You guys probably can't tell the 90% of the Japanese voice actors in rail gun sound like old ladies and Kuroko souds like a straight up great grandma. On the other side of the spectrum the English voice actors nailed almost every character and even the ones they didn't do that well on still sound leagues better than the Japanese crew. I strongly recommend anybody new to this anime avoid the sub at all costs no matter what anybody tells you.
It's called Believing in Justice fellow Mami fan.
This is Ryou Fujibayashi, she's the est girl of the hit series Clannad. She confirmed makes the most money and isn't handicapped in any way which is a lot more than you can say for the other girls and that's not counting her looks. She has the most soothing voice and best laugh which people fail to take into account most of the time and it would be extremely relaxing to have her read your fortune. She is basically the best all round choice out of all the girls in the series and the only canon virgin.
Madoka Kaname and Kagome Higurashi have the most confirmed kills out of any bow users in anime.
One of the greatest anime facts ever.
This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It’s me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you’d see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say “Yup, that’s me”. I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I’m assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I’ve found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It’s really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it’s almost like we’re identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?
This. I can't understand the people who say that manga is overall better than anime.
You're one twisted son of a bitch and I think I like it.
More to the imagination.
If that helps you sleep at night.
Thread theme.
This is the Pokemon lineup I rape people with.
Americans accurately portrayed in anime. Japan finally got it right.
>I'm been a fool, even though I have such a great body
This is Sakura of the fate series. She is "worst girl" of her series for many reasons such as being extremely self centered and Infected with worms. She literally uses her brother who isn't a good person to make others feel bad for her (confirmed in Carnoval Phantasm) and lacks any real personality. I honestly feel bad for her fans and I can only hope God will have mercy on their souls.
This is an anime Character. You likely have literally have no idea who she is.
These four anime are the greatest comedy anime Japan has to offer.
Soul Eater not is likely the worst anime ever made, especially if you compare it to the first seasons quality. If you think this gif is bad you don't even want to try watching it. This anime literally made me sick and is the only anime I've ever dropped in my lifetime.
99%of Sup Forums wouldn't get in the robot and Evangelion pills make a little over 150k USD a year.
This is Asuka, she is by far the best girl in any anime ever. There's not really much I can say about this character as I'm assuming you already know all about her and you'd likely being a lying hipster faggot if you denied any of that but that's besides the point. Asuka has had a huge influence on the anime industry and has one of the biggest fan bases of any anime character. She's a literal 10/10.
This is the most expensive Monogatori Intro and therefore the best intro.
The only exception would be if the Manga was amazing and the anime was horrible.
Shaft animation studios finest animatiors!
Is Madoka actually a Hindu Deity?
It's been a fun thread.
>Fun fact Code Geass is unwatchable due to the animation, you can literally cut your eyeballs on all the edges if you aren't careful
You're not familiar with CLAMP then. They draw people like that all the time. Nothing new.
More like they ruined it. Even the Big Order manga was better, though it still sucked.