>be Trump
>Republican Alabama Senate Seat up for grabs
>two frontrunners
>first is a self-described "moderate" Republican
>the other is an anti-muslim, anti-gay southerner who loves guns, bibles and hollowed-out bibles with guns in them
>go to Twatter
>"I'm supporting the moderate Republican"
>autistic screeching lefties start supporting the other guy
>bible thumper wins race
>Media and SJWs: "Yeah, we really stuck it to Drumpf!"
Be Trump
He is truly playing 4000d chess
Why is Steve Bannon so butthurt about everything?
(((They))) can't keep getting away with it!
Be Amnesty Don and support the candidate that supports amnesty and get btfo by 007 Royger Moore.
>being this retarded
media and SJWs hated Moore from the jump.
Sage this reddit bullshit
>if you lose you win
right wing retards have lost their fucking minds
>unironically celebrating a homophobic islamaphobic senator winning a race
I'm shocked, leaf. What would Trudeau think of you if he knew you posted that?
>cabinet full of jews and Goldman sex vultures
it's fine he knows what he is doing
>loyalists and globalists are kick out one after another
it's fine he is playing 8D chess you will see
>No real wall, pushing for more Wars for Israhell
he is tricking the jews by doing their bidding!
>don't end DACA and even defend it
why kick out those poor working people?
>no Killary investigation
shut up shill
>Endorses GOP candidate instead of the one that supports his agenda or what it used to be, one backed with 30m and he still get squashed
SHUT UP SHILLS it's 9000D chess you won't get it
the delusion of chesscucks swine like you is not even funny anymore it's just downright pathetic like those "conservatives for Israel", i support the ideals and ideas not man, until he makes good on his promises he is nothing but another jew slave.
OP is working for Steve Bannon. He's really butthurt that the ZOG is crumbling.
come on now vote for jeb
It's comical how anyone actually thought that Trump was in support of Strange. Any "support" was done in exchange to get favors for Trump's work, and now the GOP wasted $30 mil on a failed candidate while we get someone ultra-right. And Trump wins again, but liberal retards still think this is a loss. Holy shit, the left is full-on delusional these days.
>until he makes good on his promises
Maybe be upset about a turncoat congress, but then again, you're a shilltard, because anyone who isn't mentally handicapped knows that Trump WOULD pass everything he ran on IF he weren't being blocked by his own party.
See, here's the problem - you mistakenly assume that those of us on the right are as emotionally-driven and low-information as those on the left, to where you think we're dumb enough to not understand basic government workings and that you can rile us with retarded b8. Not gonna happen, so go boil a monkey or whatever you coconutniggers do in your favelas.
The Virgin Shill:
>Congress is literally saying they are working against Trump's interests
"Why isn't Trump getting anything done, huh?"
>Trump uses Executive Orders
"WTF! Thank g*d a judge in Hawaii stopped him... fascist...."
>Trump compromises to get something passed
The Chad Sup Forumsack:
>Congress is literally saying they are working against Trump's interests
"We'll vote those traitors out."
>Trump uses Executive Orders
"Why does a judge in Hawaii have the ability to block an execute order?"
>Trump compromises to get something passed
"Literally the Art of the Deal."
Trump is the swamp now.
>Muh muh Amnesty D..
No, hes not, Shillfaggot.
The Anti-Establishment Canditate Won, and meanwhile all those lefties like you saying "DRUMC BTFO"
Truly Mental Gymnastics here,
Luthor was one of the first politicans to support trump so trump had to stand by him
He didn't tell his staff too because it's their own decision on who to support. He is tied between loyalty and Idealism - and he picked Idealism with a smidge of loyalty to let the medicine down easy
No, hes not, Get Out ahmed and throw some acid to a poor Britbong please.
Again sauce