So if I wanted to get into Evangelion, where should I start? I know that there are a lot of versions right? Which one would be best to start with?
And also, how come it's not on places like Crunchyroll or Animania?
So if I wanted to get into Evangelion, where should I start? I know that there are a lot of versions right? Which one would be best to start with?
And also, how come it's not on places like Crunchyroll or Animania?
Kek, I had a good chuckle
The objective best order is:
>Tv series episodes 1-26
>End of Evangelion
That's it.
Or if you want to watch it as fast as possible:
>Rebuild 1.0
>Tv series episodes 7-24
>End of Evangelion
How do I get in to this can guys? I know there are lots of version of cans right? Do I need a can opener?
The objective best order is:
>finger placed on top middle of can
>slide under ringpull
Or if you want to get into it as fast as possible
>use a pickaxe
Dont waste your time with this anime. It's not that great.
Reminder that Neon Genesis Evangelion is just an autistic worse version of Mobile Suit Gundam and Space Runaway Ideon. Anyone who says it is a "deconstruction" has only seen less than 10 other animes, all of which were made after 2000. Everything that Evangelion is known for was done better 15 years earlier by the master Tomino. The only reason Eva became popular is because it pandered more to pervert pedophiles (most anime fans, especially Sup Forums.) Evangelion is the go-to anime for newfag plebs. They say it has "deep" characters but they really only like it because the 14 year olds show a lot of skin. A big difference between Gundam and Eva is that 0079 has one of the best endings in anime history and Evangelion has not one, but two of the worst.
No, the objective best order is:
>Grip can with one hand
>Put thumb under ringpull, index on the opposite side of the top
weeaboos always try to pretend evangelion is some beautiful work of cinema because they have invested so much time in a genre meant for children and pedophiles.
Hey I really liked There Will Be Blood. Good stuff.
True classic
Are you saying it's bad that there are cute 14 year old girls?
It's pasta
i just wanted to post that
You can watch everything Eva in under a week easily. You'd likely invest more time in your average novel series. It's just 26 episodes and a film brah.
If you want to argue stockholm syndrome then go to a Naruto or One Piece thread.
Start with TV series, 1 - 24 is optimal.
Then EoE, then 25 and 26 TV are up to you if you want to see what you missed (not much).
Might as well watch the Rebuilds too after that, although they don't really matter.
Why would you watch EoE before watching 25 and 26?
I've seen the show btw I just wanna know why you're suggesting that.
I dunno man, opening cans is hard. Especially even you haven't handled one in ages.
Because he's a fucking idiot
Because it ties in better with EoE. You don't actually need to watch 25 and 26 at all.
>You don't actually need to watch 25 and 26 at all.
Dammit. Evangelion is wasted potential. Understatement of the millennium, I know. So much has changed throughout the years that all the innovative things Eva introduced have become stale and cliche now.
Example: Moody teenagers who don't want to pilot and save the world are forced to do so and shallow symbolism.
My, my, how the mighty has fallen. Anno has become a hack who has to depend on his past creations to make a buck. Cuck that he is, he can't even make an original anime of worth any longer. His greatest creation has done him in. I wasn't really all that surprised that Gainax died. Now, even Anno's current studio doesn't have anything of note. Anime truly is dead.
Rebuild was a mistake. The same goes to Mari, Asuka's random name change and random The Beast mode.
You just eat it like that, what are you a savage?
This is the chronological and best order usually recommended for beginners :
1/Neon Genesis Evangelion : Death & Rebirth
2/Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone
3/ TV series : episodes 01-07 (south pole arc)
4/ Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
5/ TV series : episodes 08-15 (Lilim arc)
6/ Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
7/ TV series : episodes 16-26 (complementarity arc)
8/ The End of Evangelion
9/ Evangelion: 4.44
Optional : Puchi Eva. It's best to watch it right after the TV.
Eva is basically the Giant Rob OVA (young coming of age story; tragic event in the past) mixed with Bergman mixed with Ideon.
This. i watched 25 and 26 before watching EoE because I didnt know what was ahead of me. but OP, this guy is not joking. When you watch EoE you will see that those 1:30 hours are actually labelled as Episode 25 and 26.
dont do this
No.. just no. Dont watch anything other than the show + The end of evangelion. The 1.0/2.0/3.0 rebuilds are fucking shit and just repeat what the show already did.
also 4.44 isnt even out
Are you baiting?
Puchi eva has all the important bits in it, just watch it.
1. Original series ep. 1-26
2. End of Evangelion (2-part film, intended to replace ep. 25 and 26)
3. Rebuild of Evangelion 1.11, 2.22, 3.33 (feature-length film remakes of the series with plot changes)
4. Wait for 4 (a.k.a. 3+1) to come out
there you go, I'm not sure why this was so hard for the thread
I haven't watched anime since I had satellite cable. And I don't have any video streaming subscriptions. So I looked up what places are suitable for watching anime and Crunchyroll came up.
>And also, how come it's not on places like Crunchyroll or Animania?+ 0 post omitted.
download it here
Torrenting is a thing, you know.. The quality is better, too.
If you stream your anime, you're missing out on a lot of anime series, especially older ones. I'm not gonna shit on you for streaming like most people, but please realize that torrenting is better for you.
the rebuilds are just not necessary
This And eventually this
Alrighty then. I won't stream it then, rather torrent it. I think the last series I watched was Yu Yu Hakusho.
Start with rebuild 1.11 (or watch the boring first six episodes in full if you want w.e. up to you).
Then watch original series ep. 7-24 inclusive
Then the film EoE
Then watch Daicon IV (just because)
Then go back and watch original 25-26
Then watch Gunbuster and Diebuster (again, just because)
Then finally re-watch EoE.
Then don't touch the other re-builds unless you're really bored and want some generic mecha whatever.
Watch it like any show. Original then remakes
this is completely disgusting and confusing
It matches the show then
Anno has changed a lot since the EVA days. He was depressed and nihilistic back then, he's rich, married and happy now. I think inspiration is gone for good.
That's why the rebuild sucks as well.
I love this copy pasta.
he can also skip the series if he gets it the first time with Death and Rebirth.
I don't know about everyone, but I was able to appreciate eps. 25-26 after EoE.
I feel like I wouldn't be able to if I had watched it the other way around.
But having the cute 14yo chicks and pandering to pedophiles PLUS having giant robot fights and symbolism was the very combination that made the show so popular.
You can get either of those separately in hundreds of other shows, but the two combined? It made the series complete, with both the action and the SoL.
this is the most idiotic comment ive read all month
This is bait, right?
>Ctrl-F "lurk"
Jesus, Sup Forums is dead.
Unfortunately, Ctrl-F doesn't work with sarcastic posts yet.
For sure, Anno is a hack now. I can't remember a work of his nowadays aside from Eva. Neon Genesis Evangelion made him a victim of his success. Dude should've quite while he was ahead. Shit sucks, man.
Watch the 1995 show and
> replace 01-07 with 1.0 (not the modified version 1.11)
> replace 21-24 with the director's cut "Renewal of Evangelion" from the the original LD release or DVD Platinium release
> Replace 25-26 with End of Eva (basically 25' and 26')
Anyone who recommends skipping episode 25 and 26, never really understood the series. They were just in for the giant robots going pow-pow and the teenage girls in body-hugging plugsuits.
Internet is dead.
A compelling argument, for sure. However, if you deign trying to elaborate maybe we can have a real discourse here.
Tafazzi as Shinji
Teocoli as Gendo
I Bulgari as the Magi
Simona Ventura as Misato
Mosca as PenPen
>A compelling argument
KEK says the guy claiming that people who suggest to skip 25 26 didnt understand the show. Holy fuck. is this guy for real
Perché esiste ancora questa cosa?
No, no, ad hominem is still not a good argument to support your position. C'mon user, I know you can do better.
dont even bother trying to put yourself into a position in which you can look down on me pretending that you are the one who did right and im the one who did wrong. and dont even pretend to come off as smart just because you memorized one of the shitty elements of that shitty argument pyramid. Yeah thats right. I know where you get that "ad hominem" shit from. what you did right there was repeating what someone else said before, without thinking about it even once.
youre pretty much this guy for me at this point
A post full of sarcasm isn't much of an argument either. Boy, you better step up. Falls and failure are in your future if you think a sarcastic reply will be able to address your nonexistent point. In turn, what's your explanation to justifying a skip of the last two episodes? Love to hear what logical gymnastics you'll use to justify them.
you posted the wrong pyramid
Alright, so let's recap. I made a clear statement. You answered with the word "wrong". I proposed that you could elaborate your argument. You mocked me. Who did right and who did wrong again?
>I made a clear statement.
Yeah we can all make statements but what good does it do when you dont give any facts. look up "burden of proof" before you blab some shit out
Sorry to say, but I asked first. Besides, there's really little point to do so when you just made clear that you are hostile in a prejudicial way to whatever my argument is.
You may not believe this, but I was being honest when I invited discourse. Had you answered with at least a little elaboration of why you believed I was wrong, I'd gladly have exposed my cause and go back and forth.
Actually, none of you posted an argument. This is an explanatory passage.
>Anyone who recommends skipping episode 25 and 26, never really understood the series.
This is an explanandum.
>They were just in for the giant robots going pow-pow and the teenage girls in body-hugging plugsuits.
This is an explanans.
This is a proposition.
An argument is a group of statements, one or more of which is intended to provide support for one of the others.
>Sorry to say, but I asked first.
Baloney.Of course you won't establish your reasons. You have none. Failure of a post. A true logical fallacy right there. "Lulzy" troll posts from you are circa 2008 lame. Lop off your ear and eat it. Summon the courage to come up with an actual answer before replying to this post.
And a collection of ad hominem is any better while you yourself avoid to answer? How am I supposed to respond? "oh no, meanie guy is implying that I don't actually possess an argument! I better show him that I do!"?
You keep attacking me for some reason. Do you usually feel threatened whenever someone spouses a position that you disagree with? Do you hate those episodes with such vehemence that it allows you to cast prejudice and hatred over people that praise them?
Haha you got me there. Good one.
Firstly, you're confusing me for another user. I merely asked for your justifications. None were given. Done and over with. So long, credibility.
user, unless you actually give your justification, this is my win. Whine more about ad hominem that I never even posted,and I win. Arguments are what I'm after. You're not providing any.
Watch the Rebuilds up to 3.33 then read the manga to get the conclusion. That's all you need.
Can someone legitimately tell me the point of Episodes 25 and 26
They are clearly thrown together.
So now you are a separate person? How am I supposed to know one for another? If you are not the person I was originally arguing with, why are you /demanding/ things from me, especially with such hostility? If you are not the original arguer then you have dragged me into your own fight and I'm not interested, feel free to "win" or whatever you need.
They are definitely "thrown together" as result of heavy budget cuts. That doesn't mean that there is not point or purpose for them. I argue that forced to drop the conceit of the apocalyptic half-human robots, the writers boarded directly the psychological and metaphysical themes that are both underlying to the story and the whole point of it being told.
For shame, user. I see your samefag detector is broken. No arguments to back up your original point too. Done and over with. So as to say, I win this argument. Again, try to stick to the topic. Whining about an imaginary samefag will get you nowhere. Argue now or forever hold your peace. You have my pity otherwise.
They're just too deep for you.
as fast as possible would be death/rebirth+EoE
Or simply the manga if he's a fast reader