Humans were the only species of anything to gain intelligence ever after a bajillion years

>Humans were the only species of anything to gain intelligence ever after a bajillion years
>Evolutionists actually believe this
How do they claim to be so smart when a little common sense destroys their claims? Each point of their argument exists in a vacuum and falls apart under the smallest of scrutiny

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Bruh what about Neanderthals?

It is simple. If evolution were true, blacks would have evolved.


Those intelligants probably suppresses them into anything and continue watching.


lots of you retards here today it seems


What are dolphins, what are orangutans, what are bonobos, what are crows, etc?

um well the comprehension of fact is suppsoition of failure

All things that haven't invented electricity

Well tell me. Whays great about having a goverment?

What makes us smart,??



The difference between humans and dolphins is humans can manipulate their environment thanks to their upright walking posture and hands. It is literally the only true thing that makes us "different".

DDDUUUUUURRRR im burger and i dont no how natual selection works and i dont no dat some times intelligence iz not allwavs as impornt as fisical trats.
Honestly kill yourself you metal mental defiant retard the average iq of the US would go up a point or two.

>Each point of their argument exists in a vacuum and falls apart under the smallest of scrutiny
which is exactly the reason they only resort or violence, or shouting over you like children

they know they if they can shout you into submission or create logical gaps and pick apart the seams you'll submit either by walking away, or trying to 'get on their level', but they'll think they have the high ground and act smug, even thought their arguments were nothing but anecdotal or straw man fallacies.
you need to pick apart their logic, lots of therefores and emotional bargaining. once the initial part of the conversation is created, figure out the reasoning behind it, while leading them into their own logical trap

It's isn't time yet.
Don't make another thread like this.


>yfw to inteligent to survive natural selection

If god is real then why would he make most human retards like you why wouldn't make us a 300 iq geniuses.

>you need to pick apart their logic, lots of therefores and emotional bargaining.
i should explain this is usually their logic, not the logic you use against them

>"""common sense"""
Like "out of sight, out of mind"... and "absence makes the heart grow fonder"?

I legitamely have no idea what point you're trying ro make in either of your posts

Don't buy into the affirmative action hype, dolphins suck at math. They can only get non STEM degrees.

>Humans didn't get granted extended lifetimes from their creators.

If you want to qualify traits as good and bad, substantiate why bad traits even exist if not for evolutionary error specific to unique environments.

Green birds didn't suddenly hatch because trees were always green. They were selectively bred by environmental stimuli.

Because they have faith.

Crows know to drop nuts on the zebra path when the lights turned red and retrieve said crushed nuts (by cars) when the light is green again

Checkmate muslimfag

the same ones who say that consciousness is the result of "connections in the brain.."

All is one
Humans are third density and needed the appropriate body for third density experience.

No, what about Indonesia??

>Here, read this book
>Everything in that book is unaltered fact
Every religion ever

>implying the dolphin family doesn't have intelligence.....are you a retard?

What about black people?

It is not much the binary of intelligence, but rather the magnitude.

thats because he created Adam in his image: a 300 iq genius. but he than let it reproduce with a rib.

What about mean with authentic beards?

Do you think they grasp to be unselthic ever weekend screaming and punching... creating arti- FITual testerones for the weekends???? Instead to be aythentic for the conservatives?....

Conservatives dont have to be indoors or be consider them as labeled..

Just saying...

I know this a NATURAL study

What can i ask after this?

Dropping a green light with humans will _____ and bring uo the red light smooth ____

>being Christian
>being intelligent
Pick 1

I don't know what you're trying to have me say but I'm intrigued

No third option? I always feel the need to think over theze two importantly. And you know everyone here knows the goym is both things

> be christian
> be intelligant
> be______

being Christian.


That's patently untrue, though. The mirror test proves that species other than humans, and other than primates in general even, have some form of sapience.

The differences between these animals and humans is the degree of sapience humans have attained, and nothing is preventing a future where creatures descended from humans and creatures descended from elephants are forced to integrate into each others schools by order of a council of creatures descended from magpies infiltrating their judicial and legislative processes.

What the fuck was that autistic babble?

I believe it comes from Joyce.

TFW 8/10 of the most intelligent people in the world are Christian.

Pls provide the answer because I don't know it

Why do hate nigs??? Why did he brought them up? And why do you say white women are so egeared for being a replacement by mexicans for the next year movies?

blacks are smart like a magnet. Attracting the mon existing white colors.....
but why focuse on dark matter when everyone else is the same. Most men accomplishment are the same...

Just because he has more melanin instead of that drunk at the corner?.....

It makes sense when you underedtimite the "vacuum" and blocking the undestrastics.(..meaning...the whiners...)

Also you cant anwsers the problem for any test result....but i do feel that we created the electricity, therfore...we are putying those ecperiments for a snack time.

>only species
that's not true. We killed off all the other intelligent species.

Im just saying.

We created electricity , and led lights.

What can we expect to.manipulate something?

Im just waiting for anwsers. We put those into a lab. They witnessing some behaviors with colors. Do we even know what they ser?...

Well that's definitely a philosophical question.
We will never truly know how others observe the world. Let alone other creatures. We can guess for example how a bat might perceive it but in order to truly understand it we'd have to BE the bat. But then we couldn't say it in human words to convey the meaning of being a bat!

Very curious indeed

Oh okay i get it.

Can speaking another launguage "convey the meaning??? I aint talking about verbose. There has to be.

Im not allowing bringing back jesus jokes...or summoning kahos queen

>Implying we believe this
There could easily have been other intelligent life-forms before us, Perhaps in the cretacious,
maybe the jurassic

Problem is, we won't find evidence of it. How long before a piece of metal, like a can, rusts
away? ~50 years, a bigger piece will be a few 1000 years dependant on conditions

How long before plastics are broken down? a few centuries, even less time.

How long before a flint arrowhead starts to look like just another funny-shaped rock? how long
before a bow and arrow completely rot away? how long before concrete is turned to dust over

The answer, is undoubtedly much less than the million-year scale. A civilization that was
around even hundreds of thousands of years ago will be dust for all intents and purposes.
So that eliminates most possibility of finding Evidence of older non-human civilizations that
have been wiped out

But like others said, Orangutans, bonobos, dolphins, crows. None of them have "Invented
Electricity" because the monkeys are retarded, crows are small (and thus have a smaller
brain, and are stupider unless their neuron density is through the roof) And dolphins lack
the necessary opposable digits to manipulate the word around them - They're build for
swimming, not creating a civilization. There are also Octopi, but they lack the parent-
offspring relationship necesssary for forming a society - the mother works herself to death
caring for her offspring.

Of course, that last point isn't entirely true. There is one place, the only one like it, and the
octopi just live there like a weird little proto-tribe, riding eels and other cray shit. I'd need to
know more to make a judgement on their intelligence, but in a few hundred thousand
years, if everything goes south, fossilised human remains might get dug up by 8-armed

Great arguments

>>Humans were the only species of anything to gain intelligence ever after a bajillion years
There are lots of animals that achieved great intelligence, but it would never be cost-efficient to be that intelligent without putting it to good use.
Brains are very biologically costly, so what the fuck would a dolphin do with a brain capable of doing complex math?

Monkeys are specially dolphins are smart as fuck.
But that's where it ends.

Humans had quite the luck instead. As apes we were already
>kinda able to walk a bit
>social creatures that form communities for defense, food gathering, childcare etc
>ground creatures
There are ALL present in various animals, but except for other apes, not all those at the same time.
Yes, many animals have proto-languages. Not just "go away" grunts, but rather a vocabulary of hundreds of sounds to mean different things.

From there, we started using tools, just like many monkeys use today. Hunting began. In turn, community-building deepened. Slowly but certainly, it started to pay off to walk for longer and longer periods of time in two feets, freeing the hands, until the point where apes walked almost exclusively on two feet. Language capabilities too
At this point, having a large, intelligent brain is a great pay-off, as tool use, hunting, fire-making, etc requires a lot of energy.

etc, etc, here we are.

idk why it strikes you as odd that there aren't much more intelligent creatures around.
REMEMBER: There are intelligent creatures, but only us went through the greatest leap.
Any other animal in that circumstance would have probably evolve that way, it's just rare

Well perhaps but I have no idea what kind of language that might be. Maybe in the future we can evolve beyond words and finally understand it all. Maybe tech can help with that.

I'm completely against black Jezus but not against koalas

hate to tell you this, kike, but dophins are believed to actually be smarter than us. Their neuron density is 1.5x ours, meaning their brain is the equivelant of ours but 1.5x bigger, in the same space. The reason they aren't doing anything with it is because they lack the limbs. they have a language, display emotions and self awareness, and even have sexual intercourse for fun (and in degenerate fashions)

In fact, in india Dolphins are considered Non-Human Persons

>putting this much effort into being a faggot on the internet


Pol/ made a post about ants and its living....

They made so.many replies

>no counter argument
yeah we know we are right.

This fact alone makes me prefer inhuman china to human (retarded, christian ) usa

>literally kent fucking hovind from liberty university
>"biologist" that doesn't know shit about DNA

>Fallacy of authority
Not an argument

>wheres the common ancestor between homo sapiens and monkeys

Look in africa

>Fallacy of authority
Damn, I guess Ill go to a witch doctor for my next medical

As opposed to Charles Darwin, who said the "simple cell" is like a "bag of salt".

>>hate to tell you this, kike, but dophins are believed
>being this aggressive, just to en the phrase in a "maybe"
I never insulted the intelligence of dolphins, chill

Yeah, maybe.
Even if not, I always wondered what the fuck do they do all they long, just swimming.
I know bullying is a thing, so that might be an answer.


Dont forget why most men need to get a twinkle to grow beards......and sustain a pro active anti blacks groups

Just remember that.... bullying isnt really the anwsers

We don't deny microevolution only macroevolution.

T. educação americana

That Pepe has some dirt in his left eye. And no it's not my screen.

>but adding more 1s could never reach a million