Best girl Robin in front with Luffy where she belongs.
Also chapter this week. Discuss
One Piece
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Post theories and reveals you're looking forward to.
SanjixNami is cute
SanjixNami is love
SanjixNami is life
SanjixNami means the world to me
SanjixNami deserves to happen
SanjixNami deserve to be happy with each other
SanjixNami love each other
If SanjixNami does not happen I will laugh
When will we see another Saijo O Wazamono sword?
What's even the point of all the sword grades now that we have haki? Mihawk said it himself
>Master haki and all swords will be like the Black Blade
Fucking haki bullshit man, they could have at least kept armament haki invisible instead of that obnoxious black.
>Best girl Robin
I'd say we'll see two more in the story until it ends; perhaps one on Wano even.
What's better user? Fighting with a stick covered in haki or a sword covered in haki? They're amplified in strength accordingly. If you coat a Saijo IO Wazamono its going to be more powerful than a coated gradeless sword accordingly.
SanjixPudding is cute
SanjixPudding is love
SanjixPudding is life
SanjixPudding means the world to me
SanjixPudding deserves to happen
SanjixPudding deserve to be happy with each other
SanjixPudding love each other
When Sanjixnami does not happen I will laugh
>Fucking haki bullshit man, they could have at least kept armament haki invisible instead of that obnoxious black.
It's still around, it's ok.
>Leave Nefeltari as Nefeltari and change the name being used accordingly
>Change box from Jinbe to Jimbei so they can keep what they've been using
Explain this to me, Viz.
>Finally release the 2D fighter I've been waiting on for a decade
Why is Robin so perfect?
Are we going to see her reaction this week?
Those rock paper scissors and QTE gimmicks look disgusting tho
I hope so, I've been waiting for it. She probably won't show up in the story for another few years, so I'll take anything I can get.
>another few years
I just realized the last time we saw her in the story was in chapter 602 that came out in 2010. It's already been six years.
I don't mind having an RPS clash mechanic but it looks to be implemented at the end of an air combo and that looks gross.
>the timeskip was six years ago
kill me
Yeah,I cant wait
Can I be their son?
I'm here to bitch about how much I miss the old crew dynamics.
I'm here to rebuke that the new crew dynamics are just as good and call you a deluded nostalgiafag in a very passive-aggressive manner.
>whats with you smokey!? You're weaker than usual!
Topkek, Luffy bringing the spicy bantz
Wow. That's fucking depressing. I just want ArkSys to make a fast paced One Piece fighting game. It's not like there's not a market for it. The japs love Blazblue.
Dont bully Smoker
didn't vergo break smoker's jitte with bamboo?
are you reading OP for the first time?
I can't wait to see what Vergo was truly capable of. From what little we saw of him, he appeared to be the Zoro or the Rob Lucci of his organization. I really wanna see him come back and get a fight that doesn't end with him being merely incapacitated. Then again...if he came back that would just throw fuel on the Monet is alive meme dumpsterfire and fuck that.
look, I know Smoker wasn't in top form because Tashigi was in his body, I'm just laughing at the way Luffy phrased his displeasure with him because it makes it seem like he thinks Smoker managed to be even more inferior to him than he already is that day. Calm yo tits Smotards
the issue is more in you discovering his line right now
I'm not allowed to have a sensible chuckle rereading a line of dialogue from 3 years ago? What the fuck is this anyway, this, you're not reading OP right elitist bullshit? Nerd cancer at its finest to be quite candid famalamalambchops
>Nerd cancer
get out of here thx bye
That's Japanese gaming for you, handhelds rule all
Too bad Hancock will marry him near the end (in 14 years aprox.) because of plot convenience.
I like how Zoro has his eye on Usopp.
Fuck that, I was originally just stopping by on my way to Reddit because fuck it, its summer I've got time to burn, but after seeing how easy it is to trigger you autists, I'm staying to be the cancer you fuckers deserve. Eat shit.
wow didn't know I was talking to some kind of master troller
great job mate, really got me!
Daily reminder that Hancock is just a random groupie who will never have a chance to get with Luffy
>LuNafags this scared
Top Kek
if you don't think we'll see Hancock&Luffy's son in the unavoidable flashforward last chapter, you don't know much about manga
we'll also see:
Zoro wandering all around the world, looking for worthy opponents
Robin teaching history
Nami drawing maps...
Usopp's tombstone
Except she's eyeballing the sexiest member.
But Condoriano left the crew at G8
>Groupiefags are this mad
Sorry, I don't have time for your fan fics.
Absolutely no interest
Read the SBS or does tumblr not do that?
Groupiefags on suicide watch
>D: Hey, Oda. In volume 53, chapter 518, Hancock's "Mero Mero Mellow" had no effect on Luffy at all, but in volume 23, chapter 213, it looked like he had a reaction to Nami's "Happiness Punch". Why did he respond to Nami's naked body but no to Hancock's? Is Nami's body just that amazing? -Kazu
>O: Wow, I got a lot of questions about this. Is this what you guys are paying attention to? Don't just read manga all day, go study some more!! Okay? Well, I say that, but I do nothing but draw manga. I noticed this when we were drawing it, but if Luffy had a nosebleed when he saw Hancock's body, I think you would all be like "Ehh!?". That's not the Luffy we know. I believe that Luffy reacted to Nami's naked body twice, in volumes 18 and 23, and both times it happened, Usopp was with him! He's the suspicious one! In other words, when Luffy is alone, HIS REACTION IS WHAT IT WAS WITH Hancock. He's interested, but he's not entranced by her. But when he's with Usopp, who's the same age, it's like a kid on a school trip: his bad side comes out!! Yeah, both sides of Luffy feel right to me, so the culprit is definitely Usopp!!
How does it feel to be BTFO by Oda? Kek
Notice how in pic related Usopp is there and Luffy does not react? Oda is just given you the middle finger. Get BTFO
usopp confirmed best bro
All shippers are scum desu
God, this artwork is atrocious I don't understand how it's so popular. Robin is boner inducing I'll admit though
Nami x Sanji and Luffy x Hancock will happen
I agree. This will be end game. It's obvious
Nami is a strong independent woman who doesn't need no man. No for real, we won't see her with man.
Why has One Piece become such DBZ bait since the timeskip?
Nami and Kuzan is the only Nami shipping that I will accept.
Name 6 reason why Robin is better then Nami
What does DBZ bait even mean?
>shipping in One Piece at all
Why though? The only romance Oda cares about is the romance of adventure. If you want a shipping war go to those shitty Magi threads. Oda doesn't give a fuck about OTPs.
Luffy x Zoro x Nami x Usopp x Sanji x Chopper x Robin x Fanky x Brook x Jinbe is obviously the superior pairing.
Best friend*
Best Bro status has been filled permanently.
i ship luffys ship with old luffys ship
Let Merry go, man. Ship the Sunny with the Going Luffy-Senpai.
why is her nose so weird?
Daily reminder that moby dick is best and only ship in one piece!! shipperfags BTFO.
Merryfags are like LuNafags. They don't know when to give up on a dead ship.
>mobydickfags still exist
Red Force best and most popular ship! mobydickfags BTFO.
I always wondered this too. Compared to most of the other female characters in the series, her nose is pretty unique.
She's still best girl though.
I like this ship.
fucking kek. everyone knows that the Yonta Maria is objectively the best ship.
>liking all these shitty ships
There's only one true ship and it's this one. Look at that smug Merry face. Look at best boy at the front.
On second thoughts, don't look at my shitty thumbnail.
Out of the way you pirate fucking shits. best ship from best grandpa coming through.
Best ships
Going Luffy is shit-tier
worst ship desu
Pirates? Marines? It doesn't matter to me.
Trying to compensate for something faggots? Going Merry II is objectively best ship.
Mihawk's Coffin Boat is obviously best ship.
Kek, I bet none of you fags even made it to Raftel. Literally east blue tier.
The Oro Jackson is actually pretty badass. Good work, Tom.
but has the oro ever made it to the moon?
>not having your ship be a fucking ISLAND
Step it up desu
What now, assholes?
All you faggots stop being autistic and spamming ships.
Atleast post the ship that Luffy will be IN at the end.Pic related
Can your ship talk? I don't fucking think so.
That's a floating country
Move aside kids, I'm not even gonna give you replies
>yfw even the ships of those filthy human scum are inferior to those of the glorious fishman race
For the love of god sauce
>ITT what happens when you let men be in charge of anything
Feast your eyes on a PROPER pirate ship, maggots.
the invincible captain jack obviously had the best ship
Holy shit i can't find it.
You wanna give me a hint? a good one please?