Syria General /sg/- Old but Gold Edition



>Newest Interviews with Assad
>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>E Salamiyah Sep25
>DeZ Sep25
>Raqqa Sep25
>N Hama Sep19
>Daraa Aug 20
>Padre Maps Sep27

Developments Sep26
>Iraqi PM gives Kurdish regime 72 hours to give control of airports, border to Baghdad (Roughly 48 hours left as of 9/27)
>Unverified: Jaish Al-Izza claims it has brought down a Russian chopper in Hama
>Israeli Minister states that relatives of "Palestinian terrorists" should be deported to Syria instead of Gaza
>Syrian foreign minister: "We have information and eyewitnesses on transporting of ISIS terrorists aboard American aircraft"
>SAA operation in Hama and Homs liberates 7 more villages from ISIS control
>Syrian minister: Kurdish self management is "negotiable and can be discussed"
>Russian official states that Moscow has obtained evidence that terrorists used sarin in Khan Sheikhoun in April
>RuAf Tu-95 bombers from Engels airfield in Russia target multiple positions of ISIS and Al-Nusra in DeZ and Idlib
>SAA is now operating in sight of SDF positions in Koneko
>SDF claims to have taken control of ISIS stronghold of as-Suwar

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Latest Southfront

We've been duped!

Honoring the fallen.

>SAA securing buildings on the eastern bank of the #Euphrates, traces of #Russian/#Ukrainian(?) #ISIS members found

A plan coming together...

who dat

Lieberman, the leader of Israel's Russian Jew party.

A true ally of greater Russia.

Stop gassing children.

لبيك يا حسين
السلام عليه امير المؤمنين علي ابن ابي طالب
السلام على الحسين ابن علي ابن ابي طالب
يا حسين اشفعلنه يوم القيامه ورحمنا يوم القيامه وانا خدام واليك واقبل اجري دخيلك يا علي
نور اللله قبروكم يوم القيامه ويحضركم الحسين انشالله
ادعو كل الانسان مسكين بريئ ان يشفيه ويعطي الحسين الشفاعه من علي ابن ابي طالب

xth for conquest of Constantinople

putin once stated that tens of thousands of russian (or ex soviet) citizens joined isis, and that one of the reasons russia came to aid syria is to eliminate them there before they are able to return to russia radicalized and battle ready

Give me ONE good reason why any sane person would support the brutal dictator they call Bashar Al-Assad

Gilette tank close by

>I support Assad

Bashar Al-Assad should be president of the U.S not that fat fuck called Trump.

iTs bEeN oUt fOr hOuRs

wHy nOt iN oP?

Why does the Russian armed forces have such a problem with gays and aids? Hopefully it won't rub off on our tiger forces.

Only under al-qaeda's leadership can Syria know true peace

>Tearing through there like only a loot hungry soldier can

wah...I thought you use this to mock what someone said by puting it in capital and lowercase chaos...for stuff which people might say there's

I'll explain: first
>hurr durr

>hurr durr

nice way to waste ammo against a tank, and where is the jihad nasheed?? ffs

>hurr durr

So in a nutshell
>hurr durr

>al qaeda
>lead something
nice try, julian.

Stop supporting a vile and murderous dictator while circlejerking about his warcrimes as "muh gainz".

It's disgusting.

holy shit lol

I'm out
>hurr durr to obsessed burger.

>yOu dIdN't mEmE iT cOrReCtLy

*Record scratch

Yep that's being, you're probably wondering how I got here. Well it all started in 2011.

poor Tu-22M

He is a good goy, but not as good as Trump.

good argument brother
allahu ackbar


>When an old advertisement for a shaver promotes more traditional values than anything produced in current year

We really fucked it lads

I like where this is going.



>so small

>An effort to form a new state out of the most stable and U.S.-friendly region of Iraq has gained an ally in Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

>The New York Democrat called for President Trump to endorse the formation of an independent state out of northern Iraq, which is populated by an ethnic minority known as the Kurds. Such a move would reward the Kurdish militias, who proved the most effective local fighting force in the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. But it would also redraw the lines of the modern Middle East, which would have ramifications for other U.S. allies.

>"The Kurds are one of the largest ethnic groups in the Middle East without a homeland and they have fought long and hard for one," Schumer said Wednesday. "Despite this, the Kurds continue to get a raw deal and are told to wait for tomorrow, which is why it's past due that the world, led by the United States, immediately back a political process to address the aspirations of the Kurds."

It's a Maghrebois original, he wasn't known for quality images, or quantity for that matter.

Fuck off, Buddhashill
We all know who Putin REALLY works for

>tfw Ukrops go to fight for ISIS

Also "Shelom" means "home" in older Russian
Islamofascist BTFO as usual

What a shock, (((Schumer)))


Plenty of Hohols unironically support ISIS
Maybe some Dudayev Chechens went to Syria after their commander got killed

Assad is loved by his people and a righteous ruler.
There is a brutal dictator in the area. His name is Simon Elliot, a jew, Mossad man. Some people call him Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. The emir of the Caliphate, ally to the US.

Aiming to destroy Syria and settle a Rotshild bank there.

Why don the americans just give them a state in the us if they like them so much?

They could give them new york or something


Because Trump needs some sort of foreign policy accomplishment and Erbil looks like a nice place to build one of his gaudy towers.

what the jewish democrat who is 99% of cases on the wrong side is supportive of Kurdistan, what a shocker!
Honestly I'm more shocked US government itself didn't support the referendum, but hey they can't be that retarded all the time

>Why don the americans just give them a state in the us if they like them so much?

Because they wouldn't be able to cause trouble for Syria and Iraq if they were over here.
Useful idiots lad.

Its our genees, I think we can agree on it sorry Russia, we take Lwow

Crimean T*rks?

Good night /sg/

The US and ISIS are Fighting Together


old news

desu, i think it's the KHAN in them that's messing them up the worst

Schumer is the sort of guy who can communicate at Trump's level, him being a New Yorker and all, so it shouldn't come as a surprise if Trump suddenly starts yapping about how great the Kurds are and how it's going to be amazing, beautiful, etc.

still relevant

Lebanese security forces bust large ISIS cell in Tripoli

>BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:20 P.M.) – The Lebanese security forces arrested an entire Islamic State (ISIS) terror cell inside the large city of Tripoli, Tuesday, the National News Agency (NNA) reported.


Nice! Finally a bipartisan agreement Trump and dems can come together and agree on.

they say USZA wtf

>mfw Trump does this and completely alienates everyone north of Israel and switch over to Russia

Yeah but Russians cant do anything about it but bitch.


>#Syria Reported 11 Hours ago @ #Salamiyah #EasternHama #Hama - The high volume sound heard all over the city is for a new weapon used moments ago by a unit from the SAA and the NDF as an enemy site was targeted in eastern Salamiyah CS. - "New Weapon" used.


Thermobaric Sunni genocide confirmed

Easy on the carrots bugs.

W...what is it?
A new Russian wünderwaffe?



It's a metal gear.


finished this game a couple of months ago
If you think about it, it's kinda bad in general, but I really enjoyed it for some reason

The Ruskies gave FOABs to the SAA?


A weapon to surpass....

we just dont know
where is intelligence when you need them

>Photos From the Homeland Shield Forces - While/After clearing Qanbar town in eastern Salamiyah CS east Hama by the SAA and the brave homeland shield forces after they killed and wounded dozens of ISIS militants. #SAA #SyrianArmedForces #SyrianArmy


sous chef l'assad


hayth al'assad alan

Must be that new device the Cubans were testing out recently.

cmon, they can't be that stupid, the foreign policy rammifications are too obvious to blunder it for inner politics and jewish servitude points

Pretty sure i've seen the massive SVBIED, this gain is probably not fresh.

even though i know its basically an /x/ tier topic since /sg/ seems to like mid-east stuff so much i have to ask whats /sg/s opinion on whats happening in Tarsus, Turkey? and all the excavation weirdness going on?
quick rundown for the uninformed
>Undercover policeman who had infiltrated group of treasure hunters killed after he gave a report to his superiors some claim the hunters killed him some claim the gov killed him
>Special forces & intelligence patrol, snipers on rooftops whole area zoned off
>clearance for entrance so high even most parliament members and members of erdogans cabinet can not enter
>goverment excavation begins at a small site apparently the same one the hunters found
>goes on for six months
>building/road collapses begin to be reported around the dig site
now heres where it get fucked up
>an anonymous digger (don't know reliability) gives an account of what has been found
>apparently the gov search is for something like Hamunaptra from the Mummy movie
>multiple other diggers have to be med evacuated from the site in a state of shock
>One digger wrote "if this excavation is done by wrong hands the world will be cursed"
>Another account: the excavation is for the Treasure of Daniel, from the Book of Daniel. His grave was found in Tarsus (legit and confirmed).
>Talks about a statue, from Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Daniel appeared in the dream, told him that the statue had four parts representing four great empires (according to Evangelicals):
>Silver chest and arms the Median
>Golden head the Babylonian
>Bronze hips the Greek
>Iron/clay beneath the Roman
>Nebuchadnezzar had this statue built and started worshipping it.
>One who finds the golden head becomes supreme power and rules the world as One State.

what the fuck is king-turk hiding/searching for?
pic is one of the few of the excavation site released to the public
