They're now kneeling at the tomb of the unknown soldier

They're now kneeling at the tomb of the unknown soldier.

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nobody cares about fucking niggers, stop making these threads.


White people need to understand that no matter how much you "stand up for the black man" they will hate you no matter what.

I wish the marine would just fucking strangle him.

Americans are so completely retarded. We have no hope as a nation in the future

I wonder if they'll start kneeling while taking a shit just cause toilets are usually white and that's racist so gotta kneel while shitting!

Wish that Nigger would try and charge the sentry, or step over that line. Get a taste of what real veterans think of their stupid kneeling

Can’t even tie their fucking shoelaces.

This kills the Civic Nationalist

We need a civil war. Plain and simple.
The left has been completely indoctrinated.
There literally is nothing we can do at this point. It is beyond repair.

It's really just the black ones and the libs

Just say when faggots.

>implying you're /fit/ or skilled enough to combat even the most common nigger or beaner.

The nigger doesn’t even know how to tie his shoes. Or do they only tie them when they decide to rob a store?

Good thing they have guns to level the playing field.

It's Whitey's fault. Whitey never taught them how to tie their shoes.

That would be horrendous. It's exactly what globalists want and part of why they're pushing resist.

Agreed. It's clear this kneeling thing will cascade into bigger, more divisive events.

What do then?
The left is a cancer.
I dont want civil war. I dont want to split apart. I dont want the jews to win.

It's only a matter of time until someone completely snaps and takes matters into their own hands.

It's the latest urban fashion

I see nigger-lovers of all kinds doing it as well, whether they're whites or asians or etc

Thats why we force their hand and ours!

LOL @ whites owning guns they don't use to shoot food.



There will be kneeling cunts here soon. Promise ya. Screen cap this.

First they resented the Confederate flag, then Confederate monuments, now American flags and monuments, they got a little taste or comeuppance and now they won't stop until there's a full blown shooting war.

Niggers aren't food though.

Anyone who thought this was over a flag is an idiot.

those are soldiers bub

So even kneeling for vets at funerals?
This is how a someone gets shot. I'd keep my cool but I know if that were my brother my family wouldn't put up with a person doing that shit.

Its really coming isnt it? Fuck. I want to have a kid and not have them have this nonsense. Might as well get it out of the way

It will never happen for as long as there is food on the shelves

>Go to an American monument to show you don't feel a part of the country.

They sure are asking for a civil war.

The Old Guard are the Army you dumbass.

This shit has been a huge propaganda win for us. There's tweets racking up nearly 300,000 likes condemning the people who are disrespecting the anthem.

Docile niggers could warm anyones heart probably even the dead

They made a movie about that

Why did they have to behave like this? It didn't have to be this way

Niggers are friends! Not food.

Yeah and only 250,000 are bots.


Good. This is what they fought and died for, whether they know it or not. If you don't like it, leave this country

>It's exactly what globalists want
That's fine.

Are you retarded?

Where is the boomer vet saying he fought their right to disrespect the tomb of the unknown soldier? What is next? Kneeling at the holocaust memorial!?

>can't pull up his pants
>can't tie his shoes
>somehow expects to make a difference in the way his race is perceived.

This is why no one takes you seriously niggers.

Nigs have been weaponized by the left into hating the country/flag/patriotism/traditions no matter what.

>Kneeling at the holocaust memorial!?
Can we meme this?


it looks like hes paying his respect.

kneeling during the national anthem is disrespectful, but here the gesture is different

Just add the spics and you have nearly all of the population.

Great, another thread without any context whatsoever.

top kek
what a shitshow that would be

archive sauce on this thread?

Why do I see niggers kneeling all the time now? What's the significance of that?

>wanting niggers to change so they can live with whites not knowing they have their own nigger continent where they can be the monkeys god intended them to be

whats wrong with you americans? why do you care so much about niggers and other non-whites?

It would be too disrespectful. The holocaust is sacred and we must never ever do anything to degrade it!
You better not try to get them to kneel at the holocaust memorial!

Bending down to a dead soldier? Isnt that actually an act of respect?

>all this virtue signalling

God I wish I could go back to a time before social media existed.

Because trump criticized Colin kaepernick for doing it, and negroes everywhere must go against what he criticizes.

pic is related.

Normies need to comprehend this.

>invite nigger over to eat at your home
>nigger never invites you to eat at their home
>instead nigger invents meme that white people are soulless and have no empathy
>instead nigger invents meme that white people dont season their food

niggers will take advantage of your generosity every step of the way. mike tyson tells the story about how his boxing coach Cus offered to take him out of the ghetto and train him to be a world champion boxer and tyson says his first instinct was to rob the old man once he was invited into the house. now with age and perspective (being taken advantage of by niggers himself once he got rich and famous) tyson cant talk about his boxing coach without getting choked up.

Blacks and spics will be the only ones shooting. Whites are too scared of being labeled a Nazi to defend themselves. I see this shit all the time where I live, people apologizing for literally nothing and cowering away in the face of confrontation.


To be short:

- Colin Kaepernick (national football league / negro felon league player) kneels instead of standing during national anthem because raycism.

- Shitstorm over Kaepernick, Trump calls him out, there are calls for his firing from the team.

- Entire Pittsburgh Steelers team (save one guy, Alejandro Villanueva, who was a 3 time afghanistan vet) hides in locker room during anthem and comes out afterwards to boos.

- Shitstorm about rhaycihsuhm continues.

Now groids everywhere are kneeling and disrespecting patriotic ceremonies to virtue signal themselves and participate in the crowd.

Are you implying blacks hunt? I don't understand your argument...

Fucking hysterical. They're going to kill any meaning this shit had in record time.
This time next week grade school bitch instas will be loaded with lulz kneel pics all over the damn place and poor Cuckernick will be wondering why even his woman won't be taking him seriously anymore.

I'd bet my ass he sees zero difference. I'm surprised the Marine is allowing him to do that. I thought there was a video that shows him yelling t someone for not taking off their hat or something.

because niggers are now addicted to the BWC. They've heard about the heat all of us Chad's are packing and now they are kneeling waiting to violently suck huge aryan cocks

Thanks but does the kneeling have any specific meaning? Is it implying that they're kneeling for a master or something?

>Greatest gesture of respect besides maybe kneeling on two knees with your face to the ground
>use it to protest
So... is this the power of nigger intellect?

there'll be a shooting at some protest, that will be akin to Fort Sumter, or the killing of Franz Ferdinand, maybe even an attempt on the President by a leftist that will spark a 'pushback' movement of fierce patriotism,

It was beautiful. I honestly believe that Social Media was what kicked us far over the edge.


just start calling it a "nigger kneel" whenever someone does it. make it catch it.

a HTG civil war in the this country, if it really managed to get off the ground, would be more destructive and deadly than almost any other modern war, and would inevitably draw in proxy actors from every other nation and power bloc. it would become WW III by proxy.

Outside of almost singlehandedly destroying the world economy, it would lead to a proliferation of criminal cartel and corporate power, backed by foreign actors, that would sink North America into African-tier Feudalism and Balkanization for centuries to come.

We had better hope that it really, really does not come to that. A superpower does not go quietly into the night.

Maybe he's just tired from sun and he pulled a cool pose to not look like he's a weakling.

just spam social media with gay porn of niggers kneeling sucking white dick

Those niggers should quit killing each other and there wouldn't be a problem

Go to
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Search for the post number

Can confirm this



Let them kneel at the Tomb, it's appropriate.

If they try to disrespect it well... there ARE Marines very close by that tend to take that duty very seriously. I would just sit back with popcorn and watch the bayonets do their stuff.

It's the new dab

Niggers live trends

its a damn jew tactic. they got us bitching that they are kneeling and have us demanding they never do that again or so help us there will be hell to pay

I don't know man...Just last week that black Sudan guy shot up that church. killed one, injured 6. The person who stopped him did so by getting him legal firearm out of his car. Media won't talk about that.

So unless one of them goes balls deep and kills dozens & dozens of people, it won't do anything. Unless a white guy kills a few black people, that would cause a lot of riots & non-stop coverage


1 post by this ID.

> kneeling has positive meaning?
No, you're supposed to /stand/ for the National Anthem, and kneeling is one way to not stand when there's no chair behind you.


Blacks hunt people, whites stopped doing this centuries ago.

Its called freedom of expression.
If you don't like it, feel free to move to North Korea.

shut up

Do it faggot. Lets see what you are capable of other than sucking your dads dick.

then some sort of massive hostage situation like that movie theater in Russia, except it's done by black radicalists at like a Mormon theater, like black fundamentalists, hopefully they'll be muslim too for the trifecta

Burgerland, why is kneeling a form of disrespect to you? When we pay respect to the fallen, everyone on the commemoration is asked to drop on a knee for a minute while the anthem of the fallen plays. Is it the other way around in the US?


kneeling is the new planking
what fucking idiots

You sound a bit cranky. Everything alright at home?