A new thing has come into view


Three possibilities come to mind:

1) He's incompetent at filling out forms (possible);

2) He's a really a woman, but Trump is using his "son"-in-law to hide his grandchildren's paternity (it widely known that he's closer to his daughter than his wife);

3) "Jared Kushner" is nothing more than alias, clouded by years of fraudulent activity and record-tampering.

source of anime screen shot?

No idea... wish I knew tho.

its french "anime" dofus or something.


4) he just trolled the system
5) it's some hyccup in the system
6) OP is a faggot

Dofus Book 1: Julith

Bakara is her name

>when Sup Forums never call you back

Not as big a faggot as Kushner!


4) nearly blind registrar lady mistook his
feminine hand for a woman's.
5) Will transition when he is in his 60s
6) He is the Baphomet which is both female/male
7) His is the anti-Christ - See #6

Love how this is the first post.

Behold the Dual Nature of Jarred Kushner.
Pic Related!

Quick run down on JK?
Why are people so afraid of him or making shit up?
Banker or something?

Ivanka is the father.
You know it to be True.
(It's pretty hot desu)

Jared Kushner is John Titor

I'm confused.
What are you all talking about?

Look at Ivanka's body structure in photos
It would make sense that Ivanka Fathered jared's kids.

I think your english is off

Why does the Left care? They should be celebrating his trans identity not setting up the pillory.

No, Rusev.
I'm implying that Ivanka is actually a Man & not a woman.
A tranny, like in Thailand.

We'll seeing how many "Ivanka is a trans" videos there are on yt maybe the elites really are obsessed with trans shit. Michelle Obama was def a man.

Is this some attempt by CTR to salvage Michael(Michelle) Obama's shame and try to ruin Ivanka's reputation?
No way she's a guy.
>small hands
>small feet
>fridge body but I guess almost every white woman has it these days

I wonder what they gain by having all their famous figures be trans

I don't know dude, the arms are very long, shoulders are very wide & the neck is long as fuck
Micheal obama was alot more obvious tho

Let's say if by some miracle you're right my guess is that it's just plain degeneracy.
They're famous right? That means they can act upon their mental illnesses with impunity and protection aka not getting outed and looking good thanks to plastic surgery and so forth.

Or the government is incompetent or some peon thought it would be funny to make him a girl

itt: desert fairytales

Wouldn't surprise me if kike satanists just want to decieve the public in every way possible and do so in many ways, one of which making famous figures be mostly trannies
Jews are weird

I'll believe it if I get to see her genitalia.
Post-op vagene is easily distinguishable if they decided to cut off the weenie.
Oh yea btw about that little girl that got popular about being trans, well "she" can't get SRS because "her" penis never matured due to hormone treatment. So a "tranny" has to grow up as a male to transition. Same goes for the fempenis. If "She" was fed hormones + blockers since let's say being around 3-6 yo then the penis won't be functional least of all grow(stuck with baby dick) so it really negates the sexual purpose and if they were normal trannies they would have give away qualities such as adam's apple, bigger hands,wrists and feet and so forth.
But then again not all women look alike and there're many body types like hourglass,pear and so forth so you can't really point at some of them and call them a man because they could just be appearing manly out of chance/genes than origin.

Jared Kusher is Nikola Tesla.

They don't look alike at the slightest

Why pretend to be a kike of all things?
She has an extremely demonic face too
I don't believe there's anything other than a demon behind those hollow eyes

>why would Trump have tranny son-in-law

OP doesn't know about the Tranny mafia running the US, memeflag confirmed correct for OP. Everyone point and laugh at OP.

That's because you're a shill. Ireland flags popped up out of nowhere and all have the same opinions. Really makes u think.

Netherlands. Another Media Matters VPN hotspot.

>What are IDs
You accuse ME of being a shill?
How fucking long have you been here you retard?

Been here long enough to see trends on the rises and falls in flags and the fact that you retards recite talking points like robots.

lol you think anyone that has ANY negative opinion of the Trump family is a shill?
I've been mostly content with President Trump aside from the DACA debacle & The Wall
But Kushner is clearly fucked up.
He's not a God m8, he's human he makes mistakes.
I agree that there is a fuckton of kike (like soros) paid cuck shills on here, and alot of them DO use Dutch VPNs
Sup Forums is Natsoc btw in case you hadn't noticed yet, so any bending towards centrists/democrats is spat upon here, for good reason.


Steve Bannon is a zionist kikebag. And you just proved to me you're a shill. Congrats retard.

>I agree that there is a fuckton of kike (like soros) paid cuck shills on here, and alot of them DO use Dutch VPNs

There are probably 0 shills here. Just butthurt kids looking to silence anything that goes against their emotions.

And kushner AN ACTUAL JEW isn't just because he's still in the adminstration?
Jesus Christ Man....
Miller is the only self-hating jew there.

4) He's a virtue-signaling New York liberal who did it to show support for transgenderism.

whats this Im hearing about him being a trap?

From the article:
>We reached out to Kris Kobach of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity for comment on Jared's potentially improper voting status. We'll update if and when we hear back.

Nah man. Im not a retard and can differentiate between Judaism and ZIONISM. Fuck yourself. I can't wait to watch Israel crumble.

Reverse Traps are the worst.
IMO there's only been about 10 jews throughout History that HAVEN'T tried to destroy the Countries they're in.

Jared Kushner?


Karen Jushder?

think about it

1 sounds pretty likely, but more importantly what did the French mean by this?

The whole "Michelle is a man" thing got started right around the time the Trumps put themselves into the picture... it would make sense to deflect the camera when it's happening in your own camp.

See possibility #2

Well that's even MORE fucked than Ivanka having a Cock