Would you ever date a single mother?
Would you ever date a single mother?
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Yeah. With the statistics being as they are about children who come from fatherless households, there is no shame in taking one for the team and giving that kid support.
No but I know one that's super hot with three kids from two different dads and her dating prospects are shit because of it. Shes been with this guy for a year and they're discussing having a kid of their own with no marriage or anything. It's not a good look
I've fucked up my life, am pushing 30. If I can afford it, I'll raise another man's kid.
(whites only)
Single mothers are single for a reason. Either they are shit or they have bad judgment with their partners. The tiny percentage that are single due to untimely death of their partners or other statistically low events do not count. Still... no.
Only if
1) kid is white
2)she can still have children
3) she is single because the husband died
>3) she is single because the husband died
What if the husband/boyfriend is a dead beat and she wants to move on with her life?
>Taking care of some guy's spawn
>3) she is single because the husband died
fighting for the vaterland
>kid is white
AND is pretty young, so it will grow with you around.
My grandparents wont rent to them because they are their own worst enemies
I have no interest in protecting someone from themselves .
>What if the husband/boyfriend is a dead beat and she wants to move on with her life?
So she is a bad judge of character and had a kid with the faggot anyways. She fucked up. No thanks.
>Would you ever be a cuck?
No, I would not.
I dated a single mother once. Never again. It was terrible.
She could never sleep over because her bastard needed her at home.
Single mothers make less money than women, who make less money as it is. This lead to:
* She lived with her parents, so I couldn't sleep over her house
* She couldn't afford a babysitter so she could only go out if her parents "let" her by watching the kid
* She could only spend time with me during certain hours because she had to spend time with her kid, feed him, etc
They also tend to be less mature and make poor decisions, which is why they end up single mothers in the first place.
The only way I would make an exception in the future is if I somehow ended up as a single father (my wife dying) and my standards had to lower.
No. You're being cucked.
As a married man with kids let me say that any single mom who finds time to go on dates is a neglectful sack of shit. There is hardly any time for romance when you're taking care of kids, which is probably why she's single in the first place.
Fuck no, unless in extreme circumstances like her husband suffered a brain injury and started beating her or something. What are the positives exactly? She either left a decent guy or had sex with a bad guy, both of which make her retarded.
Massive red flag. She clearly is of poor character and would be a terrible mother.
Do I look like a cuck?
Go watch Lauren Southern or whatever you betas do.
You just killed a thread with your stupid post.
Yes. I'm 47 so she'll be older, as will her child so it won't need the constant attention an infant does.
Will still vet thoroughly to ensure her single status is not due to her own stupidity so the chances are slim.
Damn gotta admit that is a worthy cause if you can pull it off. But its going to take a lot of disipline to to get through that shit storm. Still we need to raise more strong men.
I understand your point. But she works 2 jobs, wants to go back to school and has young 3 year old white daughter. The boyfriend is a worthless unemployed cuck. Plus this chick is submissive, offers to buy me stuff even though she earns more than me and does what I say.
yep i did it a couple of times. They are freaks on the bed and i like it. But is kinda sad for the little guy...
If single moms are so great why are they single
No. That's like taking out somebody else's trash.
This is the only acceptable answer. Widows should be cared for and if they are still fertile should remarry. Totally different from sluts who chose poorly.
i'd fuck a single mom, though with protection so she does not become a turbosingle mom
Fuck I mean this for
>My grandparents wont rent to them
Dont blame them, yrs ago I was looking to rent a house, I really wanted it too, landlord told me there was a single mom who had looked at the house before me and he was gonna give her first shot, Then i reminded him of all the baggage a single mother would bring and how my wife and i had great jobs and trying to start a family. 20 min later he kicked her to the curb and gave it to me.
Absolutely not. I'd only date and sleep around with one if she's hot.
But as some wise man once said "Never engage yourself with a woman whose problems are bigger than yours'.
Not even once. I don't want even want my own kid let alone some other dudes.
why is this a question.
No. I feel the same way about single moms as post-wall roasties in their 30's feel about mature, established divorced men in their late 40's or early 50's with grown kids. Incredible reluctance. Those single moms and older men have already established and built a universe of their own. Why plug myself into that universe instead of finding someone with whom I can build my own universe and exercise some input?
So she's prioritizing sucking your dick instead of focusing on raising her kid and going to school first? She sounds fucked up
almost quads for a shill
Did it once. I'll do it again if I think she's my kind of gal.
>Would you ever date a single mother?
no im not that desperate.
Nah, I'm not a faggy little beta. But as I age pulling young, pristine girls is getting harder and harder. And the options are fatties, uggos and fit single moms.
Too bad I can't kill their kids the same way a lion would when he gets with a female lioness.
because landlords are the measure for which we should all seek to attain.
only if she has a daughter, you're only a cuck if you raise another man's son
Never again.
would you adopt a dog that could play the piano
How so?
She has to be a serious potential mate, smart, capable, strong etc all the good features and has to be able to bare me many children and her child will always take backseat to mine.
Ofc not
That's a very low bar. Getting knocked up from a deadbeat should be all you need to know about her decision making abilities.
This. It's a values and character judgement.
I will gladly pump and dump single mothers but I would never be in a committed relationship with one.
I did it.
It ain't for everyone.
I did, the father was seperated from the mother when she found out she was pregnant, then when he found out he got drunk and died in a car accident.
2 years passed she decided to get on with her life and we ended up together after meeting at a miniature painting competition and going on a few dates.
She revealed to me she had a son and I wasn't a poltard at that point so I was cool with it, nice little kid but still so very young so whatever.
Weeks turned into months, months into years and we ended up together for 7 years, the child only ever knew me as a father and honestly it was starting to make me gutwrench when he called me daddy, eapecially since the grandparents on hos reap fathers side were still involved, though they were always nice to me.
She became more of a bitch, always reffering to him as our son except when she was in a bad mood, then suddenly I was a stranger and didn't get a say, then suddenly she wanted to get married and havena kid of our own.
Browsed Sup Forums more and more and realised what a pathetic cuck I was so I just up and left, took my savings went to Wales and started again, got a nice little flat now and a girlfriend of a few months, everything is going smooth.
Haven't tried to contact the ex or her kid or even looked them up, I just want to forget all the time I wasted on another mans kid.
Who want to rent to a shit bag whos unruly kids and different babys daddy's use as a flop house and fuck your shit up? Only rent to well off white people who take care of your shit
I'm not that desperate yet, but I don't think it's impossible.
disgusting flag but good answer
What if she's a single mother with a son?
What if she's a single mother with a daughter?
Earns more than you AND buys stuff? Imagine my shock. Father started out just like you, but she made him a cuck. Learn from him.
No, theres a reason she,s single. Either got dumped by a normal guy cuz she,s shit or got abandoned by a retard (cant pick a mate for her self, automaticlly makes you wander how many cocks were in her ass) or a nigger in your case
I'd pump&dump her but I'd only cum inside her ass or mouth.
Nope, and anyone who does is a degenerate.
We used to shun single mothers for a reason.
I married one. She's fuck you money rich, her mother looks mid twenty in her forty, she's only nineteen and we have a good time together. I didn't know she was one when I met her, but she was straight forward about it and didn't try to use any tricks
This except for the third, because a lot of traditional women are fucked up and betrayed by slicky numales
Not if the dad's still in their life with shared custody of the kid or even just as a friend. If he is then it's not just a single mom, having to interact with the father's part of the package
Probably a nigger baby
I would fuck a lot of them, they can still be hot. I am scared of the pussy though. I've never seen what a pussy that has given birth looks like, its usually disgusting and the body is also ruined. Women that give birth also usually lose the "bubble" in their butt, it becomes a wide pancake. At my last job my co workers were calling me gay because I would not fuck this 22 year old that worth with us that already had 2 kids. She had a pretty face but I just thought about 2 whole children and god knows how many cocks coming out of that pussy. I'm like 6.5 inches.
Fuck no
Goy i know married a woman with 2 kids, took on her mortgage (her dad even lives with them too) then he had a kid with his wife
Fuck that
We? How old are you, gramps? They got wifi in the old folks home?
If it was a widow it's not really her fault. Other than that no.
>I'm like 6.5 inches.
Hey, good to know.
sure as long as the baby is white
no. not ever. one of my childhood friends is dating one and he's become cucked beyond repair.
...Probably? As long as he didn't do it all the time
Sounds like you're just making excuses for being a cuck.
Nope. Only desperate suckers choose to be with broken women. Being a single douchebag who fucks random bar sluts is more commendable than someone who commits to a woman and lets her control his destiny like a sap
I agree with EU guy here.
Never again. I was in relationship with a single mother and it was not fun despite that i really loved her and her child. I got attached to the little girl so did she(called me dad). Later we got into a fight and she tells me she's saying someone else. So I broke with her.
Fast forward 4 years later I really miss her daughter. She was like a daughter to me, feels like I lost a child but there's nothing I can do because she wasn't mine. I still hear her cute little voice in my head saying daddy to me.
Its not worth it you will get hurt and so will the child.
She would have to be absolutely perfect and willing to squat out at least 3 more of my own.
I am.
>autistic Girl hmu white 25
>mmo girl from years back is abandoned.
>has a daughter (8yo)
Im going to raise them both to be sluts desu.
Living the dream.
Only if the kid is a non black little girl
Not unless I was a single father.
And even then, I would be leaning towards "no"
It's just cleaning up someone else's mess.
No. My family's had enough of that shit.
Avoid single mothers like a plague.
Biologically, single mothers go into subconscious survival mode to provide for their offspring; they're not even attracted to you in any way!
This is why single mothers will date rapists, criminals or even change religions for the sake of their offspring.
Once a woman feels she's being provided for she will guaranteed sneak back to her original daddy for sex.
No. Not even if she was rich and a 10/10
yeah blame her for the dead beat dad lol god forbid you blame him
I fuck em but I don't date em
every ex is a 'deadbeat loser'. have you ever dated a woman?
>whites only
How will I get my wash done?
You guys think you're above dating a single mother? That tells me you're under the age of 25, you're very naive. Because once you get to about 25, 26, 27 most of your options are gone. Most single women in your age bracket have children and baggage
>but what about younger girls?
The vast majority of 25+ year old men do not even have young 18 year olds in their social circle, let alone date them. You don't even meet girls that young outside of high school and college.
Don't do it. I made that mistake and got married to one. Ended up divorced. worst mistake ever.
is being into 40-50yos degenerate?
Nah... They would probably just see me as a meal ticket.
Plus there's always two sides of every story on why she's single
Kek of course not,im not a fucking cuck
Right up until they report your ass and you end up on the sex offender registry Dumbass
This. ALL women rationalize their bullshit by being the victims and making it so every dude they dated was the asshole. Notice how many men admit to their own shortcomings and mistakes compared to women who always blame other people