ITT : Rules every self-respecting white would abide by

For one, getting rid of any anime that isnt manly as fuck so badically any anime that isnt Broly : The Legendary Super Saiyan.

Other urls found in this thread:


wew lad

>le manliest anime
nice try buddy but your fucking wrong

Broly is literally the worst DBZ character

le madara and le zabuza and le kisame hoshikgaki and ze might guy

best naruto anime character that are like men theres about 5 other ones but am too lazy to post them

It's funny, because Broly isn't even canon.


these guys are at peak performance

also beerus is a man / cat

the omni king is that autist on 4 chan screeching about niggers 24/7


he is now

>liking Broly
The absolute state of Sup Forumstards




I don't watch anime, but I did enjoy Welcome to the NHK.


>not posting Bastard!!

But that Is it says Kale kinda looks like Broly and becomes enraged like him. Broly doesn't appear in any canon as far as I can tell.

>Posting Shirtless Brolly instead of blood soaked bandana Bardock

le shitpost

be broly

>be aussie
>ook life those muscular surfers on the beach
>get triggered
>destroys big ass island owned by the illuinati
>turns in to slimeball

gets defeated by the Ocean xD

heheheheeh oy vey

As soon as I saw Vegeta starting to recover I knew to fast forward 90 seconds to get back to the action.

yup but all the kale fan boys love schreeching that hes canon but really kales just a reference

Please post homosexual threads in /hm/ or /lgbt/.

All true white men need to watch oldschool, manly anime like Akazukin Chacha

>Actually looking up to this lanky faggot
This is why your race is going extinct

>Being this much of a pleb

That's okay. I prefer not being so insecure in my sexuality that I think chinese cartoons could change it.

>ITT : Rules every self-respecting white would abide
Rule 34

*blocks your path*

Wrong, it's 'Firsts of the North Star' faggot.

>Dragon Ball

Sure, user. It's just prove you are mental if you enjoy that shit unironically. There's too many migger shit that parrots how great DBZ is

I stopped watching that shit when i got blueballed from Frieza's fight

>autistically mad about another baby crying when you yourself were a baby
>completely bulked, buff and ready to fight
>need a special device that keeps you sane
>instantly revert to autism as soon as that other baby shows his face

That's extremely childish and not manly at all.

Broly is a tranny, Cell is where it's at.

To be a man you must have honor.
Honor, and a penis.

All dub consumers belong in the ovens

>Dragon Ball Super
You're not welcome here

Fuck off with this gay DB shit and watch something good for a change.

Wouldn't Beserk be the manliest anime? Or perhaps Evangelion as its about a boy going to war and basically becoming a man?

>this fag watched Gakkou no Kaidan in Japanese

>Or perhaps Evangelion as its about a boy going to war and basically becoming a man?
JO'ing over best girls in the hospital is not manly.

excellent taste slav-bro

wow, this thread is awful

>anime will never be this manly again

>JO'ing over best girls in the hospital is not manly.
I entirely disagree. His only flaw was not jacking it into one of her nostrils to give her his scent for her entire coma, then returning to fuck her when she awoke.

Bitch please

kpop drama is where its at

I unironically agree. Only anime I've ever watched was DBZ, Berserk, and basically not shows that involve beta males and women fighting.

Shows like Naruto, One Piece, SAO promote the idea that men and women are equal and that "we can all succeed if we believe!!1!!!" When that's false as fuck.

>Not ending every evening by randomly telling "OF THIS LIFE...I HAVE NOT A SINGLE REGRET" and punching your way into heaven

then again the believe it stuff only worked when u have an assad tier leader behind u who is a frikin woman and other seaky ass saddam type advisors

the girls in naruto where always useless except the angela merkel type ones which there was about 3 from what i remember they where in the sandnigger village and rock kingdom and some snake dude called orochmaru culturally enriched 2 of the villages

>watching any anime that isn't Fist of the North Star

GTFO my board, faggot

and one piece is the childish disney tier crap

>kale fanboys
These exist?

>we can all succeed if we believe!!1!!!
you literally can't be shit unless you're part of a ninja jew family

Lol, not posting Piccolo

Sorry, wrong picture

yep go down through the dragon ball super 103 and 104 reviews and look in the comments section there was other vids about the fanboys but cant find them

Plebs please go.
Fighting anime is for kids, cute girls are for men.

might guy wasnt part of the ((jews)) and did this shit he was like fack them and did his own thing and is a savage

AYOOOOOOOOOOO HOL UP! I have been meaning to remember the name of this fucking show for years. I remember loving it even though I don't remember much other than that fag's cool arm thingy. What's it called again?

((cute girls))

((vs sauske uchiha who is a beta tier Sup Forums approved fighter who surpassed conor mcgregor in every aspect and would flick mayweather of that 100k golden wrestling ring in 2 seconds and he fought kinshiki and momoshiki and rekts a op ass albino male in peak performance

k am out niow

Goddamn you sound like such a tool. Go watch some Steins:Gate or BNHA you jacked kike

A good chunk of cute girl anime is objectively written better than shonenshit

>that fag's
Fucking apologize right now, cunt.
The show is s-CRY-ed

Kale is pretty good. I don't see why the couldn't reconize Brody as canon since they did shitty Garlic Jr. having broly on their team rather than Frieza would of been interesting

Broly isn't canon. They call kale super saiyan berserk, and when goku and vegeta watch her transform they say nothing of broly or legendary super saiyan

Welcome to nu-Sup Forums
Exhibit A

Kale is bitch-tier feminist Broly. Broly could fit her entire body in his delts. The only reason Kale/LSSJ form is even relevant is because the DBS writers have decided to spend the entire series shitting on any shred of consistency in power levels. If Krillin and 17 can stand up against SSB Goku, why shouldn't a form that got BTFO by SSJ2 even when used by a stronger, more experienced fighter be able to?

there is absolutely nothing wrong with Jojo. In fact, the world doesnt talk enough about Jojo.

JoJo is fine, but it's not the "manliest anime" nor is it as good as everyone hypes it up to be. It's good, just not perfect.
My vote for the manliest anime is pic related though. Being a man isn't just about punching stuff, it's about ambition and your bros.

Most shonen is shit, loli/waifu anime remind me that most men should be cleansed.

Like honestly, most people who watch anime are literal basement dwellers who do nothing with their lives. I swear this used to not be the case. DBZ is literally the reason why I started lifting.


What about Fist of the North Star?

Is this real? What happened to DBZ?


>I swear this used to not be the case.
The 80s is literally infamous for the birth of moe, the take-over of waifu-pandering, the rise of sexualization in anime, and the boom in otaku/neckbeards.

No littering.
Niggers fucking litter.

Are saiyans like nephilim?

>Sup Forums talking about manly anime
>no pic related in the thread

Its like you people are newfags that have been using Sup Forums post 2007.

DBS started out alright but has gradually turned to shit. The current arc is nothing but Goku&co fighting an endless parade of nameless literally-who-cares bad guys to fill time until Goku fights the final boss bad guy (probably some time in 2019 at the current pace). As it stands the final boss has literally no back story or personality, has done absolutely nothing besides stand around looking mean for 20 episodes and btfoing one or two nobodies, and has spoken I think less than 5 words total.

The only remotely interesting bad guys were also the first ones killed off in the arc.

DBZ became a generic anime, with egalitarian values shoehorned in, and even lesbian love with the magical girls.

Disavow Super, GT timeline is the superior timeline.

*Dragonball Super.

DBZ is still god tier manly lifting motivation.

You want to talk about lifting motivation? Check out the original anime adaption of Hajime no Ippo.

how does it differ from the manga? are both canon or no? from what I've seen there are no characters like in the manga

The only good Dragon Ball was the first one. Z ruined everything that made Dragon Ball charming. GT and Super were irredeemable.

Also I'll never forgive how they ruined Chichi.

Isnt that the DB series Ma jr though?

Oh yeah. I loved that shit. Sorry, that's just my 4chins tongue talking. I liked that guy. I hope I can find a good download somewhere.

>niggers obessed with dbz

White anime confirmed


not watching fist of the north star is fucking ILLEGAL!

>For one, getting rid of any anime that isnt manly as fuck so badically any anime that isnt Broly : The Legendary Super Saiyan.
That's the first thing you came up with?

Amen. These beta fucks cant handle the Broly.

I'm sorry, clearly you're not a Chad. A Yamchad, that is.

Kale aka the DYKE BROLLY is in fact canon and stronger than the original Brolly too