

Not gonna lie, it's pretty hot.

What the fuck is wrong with these people. She doesn´t even care for her own child...

China* actually

Well that explains the iq problem


just fucking nuke the entire place, burn it all to the ground.

no, pls, no...

Omfg. Couldn’t make it to the end. Closed tab once someone grabbed the cord.


I thought it was going to be like Bolivia or Peru where people shit on the streets with no qualms but no... holy shit.


Why is so hard for gooks and niggers to respect life?


I thought that she was going to take a shit.

i aint clickin that shit

feel free to describe it for us the brave people who did

I'm so hard... wtf

she drops her pants a child drops out, then she just sits there and then i x'ed out.

She shat kid on the street

>How long does it take for a Gook to take a shit?
Nine months.

how can we get this viral?, push it into the face of normies? force them to see who we are facing up with?

You can't.
Facebook and Twitter will insta-block it.
Also if you post on reddit, it will never get enough upvotes, and you'll get banned as well.

This is the highest form of not pooing in the loo


>just sits and glances at it like it's garbage

nothing stronger than the maternal instinct, eh

Plops our head first onto concrete, wriggles around on the road looking for some quick love before it dies from its injuries. Crowd of people watching and .. uhhhh ... ye ....

fuckyou culo roto

>Level up: Aussie banter shitposting (people wont mind you are a leaf from now on.)

I know. Now I don't know what to do with this boner.

I am not surprised anymore

feminism redpilled me on women's true nature

does this look like someone overwhelmed with motherly instincts?

Probably hoping it would die.

how about killing yourself?

This is in China


How does it just fall out of her snatch like that? Isn't giving birth supposed to be a long and painful process? Aren't some women in labor for over 24 hours? How does this woman just squat down and shit it out like that? Did she fire it out of her ass?

It's big, but it isn't that big.

probably loose from all that BWC

THAT is china, not Indonesia you faggot...

She did.

Taking "Were you dropped on your head as a baby?" to a whole new level!

The way the newborn drops down head first onto the pavement is what kills it for me. As a med student, its painful to imagine whats happening.

The angle between the arms and head - if we dont have internal cranial bleeding or skull damage and didnt die within 30 mins, then the kid can thank its mother for upper brachial palsy due to C5 and C6 nerves being torn right out of place.

I saw myself in her situation: my cheeks were a near 1 foot away from the bowl before my hot chilly doner kebab dropped out like a new born.

After one kid, the rest can usually slide out, especially if they aren't growing well or healthy.

I was in a bad mood before I clicked that, now I'm just sad.

Super cheap full term abortion.

At least China is capitalist and will help us with fighting against those bad, bad communists :^)


People are NOT created equal. Not all human beings are people, and the humans in this video are completely uncivilized animals.


this post is like : i know something and i need to tell you who much im smart!!

>when you laugh and fart at the same time


B-but Sup Forums loves China! WTF?

I guess that would mean the kid will grow as a retard ?

But how the fuck can one woman pop a kid like it was a shit like that ? isn't giving birth supposed to be hours long and painful ?

wtf man....

bitch get a fucking culture of your own and stop stealing our own. para que mierda hablo ingles, consiguete una cultura aburrido de mierda sin vida, deja de robar la peruana, tu y tu pais de cojudos sin cultura

yes please nuke us, Indonesia is shit

Goddamn it you beat me to it.

America is the closest to equality as we humans will ever get. This is why I especially hate people critical of this wonderful country. No one is forcing you to stay. Leave if you must


It's actually interesting for semi-intelligent people you ape.

At least people cared a bit

he will grow up to be a fully functioning member of the communist republic of china. most chinesse are retards

Nice try Poland

it's still going at the end of the video, i dunno if it actually died or not

That's in China you fuck. The title is in Malay because South East Asians like to mock China.

you are so smart op!!

I was talking about Indonesia in case you missed the video and context of this thread. I fully appreciate American women not birthing their fucking bastard children in the middle of the street, like it's an inconvenience.

She stole a Monkey?

ffs no one cares how smart you are you boring cunt get a fucking life or tie a rope around your neck. how sad must you be to try to appeal to the largest group of autists on the world for a self steem boost . fek off

stop trying so hard


I'll take "what the fuck is an ID" for 800, Alex.

there's people in america who have had babies on toilets before you fucking retard. the fact you think this hasn't happened here and worse is why you're a subhuman equal to them

fuck you colgate

Intelligent posts should be encouraged, you sound very insecure and should definitely go back to plebbit.


She did

Just awful. It looked like that thing from The Grudge movie. I didn’t make it to the end. Absolutely awful.

What's it like seeing this when you go outside?


I swear I'm starting to recognize your posts. You're stupid and unhinged, even for an American.

calm your tits cuck, nobody gives a shit about the mongrel states of america. I was talking about the white population of Europe


This is why I hate the idea reincarnation. I need to get the fuck out of this cycle of life bull shit.

>when his height starts with 5'

the ancient germans and aryans tought that one can only reincarnate in his own bloodline

>nothing stronger than maternal instinct
there isn't. It's been waged war upon for God knows how many thousand of years.
So has man's instincts towards God.
The assault come sin waves. It is brutally crushed on so many ways, sometimes conflicting. Then allowed to flourish a little, then crushed again. The effect is concatenated so that eventually all that is good and true will be omitted and a sort of virtue-husk, a forgery w/ made up virtues will be all that remains.
Or, rather, man is destroying or allowing to be destroyed- everything good and then recreating it in some schizo way.

post that one pic you love to post, now, retard


can you imagine that happening in a first world country?
holy shit

Goddamn where is my daily niggerhatethread?!


Thanks bro, i really needed to see something like your webm after all the shit posted in this thread.

I dont understand how people get to be so heartless... Killing babies and dogs... No civilization in there.

Soros 2.0 is born

Praise Moloch

>I hate it when people who are better informed then me about a subject tells me new things

a doger . the only american i would let live in a white world

>there's absolutely no hierarchy of rac- ... huh

I've watched niggers die in the most grusome of ways but that shit made me sick

jungle asians

Get used to it, China will rule the world soon.

WTF she was in labour for like one second wow