I'm super excited for Love Live Sunshine!!!!!
>mfw every time I think about it
10 Days 18 Hours
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Predict when Riko will become the most popular Aqours. First episode? Second?
Fans latch on to characters very quickly. I call first episode.
>when every time
But thank you for bumping anyway. :)
Cute style
(You) a best.
I am hype for the best girl
>my favorite girls are 1st and 2nd.
I wub wooby!
Cute post, user
Cute pairing.
I am interested in this ocean dwelling semen demon
You call that a semen demon?
Let me show you a real semen demon.
Can't wait for the µ's mamas to show up.
I would fill up Dia like a gas tank
>literally color swap designs
Why are the creators so lazy? IM@S had at least some variety. I feel like this will flop hard
How the fuck do you pronounce Aqours
Ack whores.
アクア, don't ask why it just do.
Say it with me,
Do I need to watch the previous shits to watch this current shit?
Yes but unfortunately it won't be aired again. So you are out of luck
I'm gonna assume unfunny joke rather than dumb as fuck.
In all honesty I would watch the first series and movie anyway. I don't know how they are going to present the new girls. LLS is supposed to take place a few years after the events of LL so I don't know if they are going to drop references to LL at all.
µ's is in the anime PV but it's stock footage. If any knowledge of the prior generation is required the show will probably explain it for new viewers.
I'd watch it because the first season it's an absolute masterpiece and Honoka is one the best MCs ever.
>first season it's an absolute masterpiece
Lol no. First half was all build up and the second-last episode was shit.
The second season was great too...
The way you pronounce this stupid goddess' name
Whattup? To all sukuuru aidoru, shut up with your shuttin' up and keep a skirt on or at least a button-up zura.
What is Megumi doing in this anime?
I hope, Muse was still a thing when Arisa and Yukiho were leaving so there is a possibility that a new Muse is going to have to compete with Aqours
I'm hoping that Nico's little sister is in Muse if they decide to use the new girls
Wow really? Fuck You.
>Honoka is one the best MCs ever.
She will be the only LL center I ever acknowledge.
I see what You did there.
What about Tsubasa?
I feel bad for the new MC, how can she even compete?
This girl is too perfect.
Get out of here you Honk thief
She's Honk's concubine so it's ok.
We'll never see A-Rise again
Do not sexualise rabu raibus thanks.
>twintail Dia
You are now aware that you want this.
Is Strawberry Trapper still the best Aqours song so far?
I haven't even looked anything into it, I just don't care for this shitty side project.
I mean I'll watch it and see what girls are great while I'm watching but I'm not amazingly hyped.
I doubt it can beat Maki and Kotori, Let's be honest.
Looks more like Ruby with brown hair.
Maybe not maybe so, we'll see over time
Aqours has big shoes to fill, I don't expect them to be anything big
It's not a side project. It's a sequel. You really are a baka, huh?
This isn't very nice at all.
Yeah I should just keep expectations really low for the best experience.
I guess the Hime cut looks cute.
Is she the prostitute of the group?
I hope so, she looks like an older Arisa and that alone makes me hot and bothered
There's more than one whore in Aqours. See
Hey guys what kind of bread does Honoka get at the store? The generic one, because she's a No-Brand Girl.
If there's a Susume Tomorrow type song and she can prove her talent then it should go well. My hype will sink if she doesn't have a more impressive voice than what we've already heard. I think it could be one of the most important moments for selling fans on Sunshine so I hope they made the correct casting choice for Chika.
Honoka had by far the most prominent parts in LL songs overall. That was good though since Emi Nitta is a great singer.
They're all (more or less) pure, so no.
She's rich so wouldn't need to whore herself out. Leave that to poor girls like Nico.
She is probably a bread snob considering her family supplies the school with it
If the sisters do show up they wont use the name.
I thought they made Japanese sweets like dango?
So, I know that these two have more art than any other pair so far, but can someone tell me why? Do they have some cute interaction in the promotional material?
Pony tail looks like a total bro.
Best girl, I can already see that plebs will not care for her.
They make something, I just realized why Honoka kept gaining weight. She has been stealing from her family's supply, thank god she isn't a cocaine dealer
Well, her "sports girl" trait is stolen by You.
I think she's actually dead last in the polls, so far.
There is no such thing as a bad wetsuit girl in this world.
Just looked at pixiv, she has the least amount of art so far with 495 images.
Hey kid wanna /LL/?
I want to fuck ALL the Love Lives.
Six days ago (can't be bothered to update right now)
渡辺曜 787
津島善子 785
桜内梨子 685
高海千歌 670
国木田花丸 661
黒澤ルビィ 652
小原鞠莉 624
黒澤ダイヤ 570
松浦果南 461
I want to spurt a thick, smelly load of semen all over Alisa's cute face!
Cha, yes!
Around 100 more for most, seems like Japan is getting into the mood. A little.
>That gap for the last one
That's no fair.
Why do they hate the third years?
The others are just too good.